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Hastinapur, Nishad Settlement

Arjun's POV

Gurudev was pacing faster than a storm with his fingers clasped around the dried stick which had flame flickering above it. He had not spoken a word since then, ceaselessly following me wherever he was being taken to. With my heart caught in my throat, I was unable to figure out what to expect from such bizarre occurring, but a tiny part of my conscious spoke that Gurudev could not do anything unrighteous. He never can, I had that much faith upon him.

Whatever he must be doing, would surely be out of his consciousness—indeed. I could only wait patiently, nothing more, nothing less.

Flickering lights became visible from far, indicating we had arrived at their settlement. Night had fallen with the twinkling celestials being the source of our vision along with the torch, and suddenly the familiar noises of the twang of bow reached my ears. I passed a glance at Gurudev and gave a nod, indicating him that it was Eklavya's twang of bow—I recognized it as soon I heard it for the second time. 

My throat dried up as Gurudev clutched the torch in his grip firmly, an unreadable expression marring on his face as he strode towards the settlement without a further ado; making me rush up to pace with him. 

The familiar shed was now lit up by flaming torches, and the weapons fell upon my eyes again. And so did the peculiar sound of the bowstring, which only intensified as we moved in further. 

Eklavya was facing his back towards us, the bowstring pulled up accurately towards his ear as he released a shot right into the bull's eye with firm determination and focus. As if unaware of us presence; I was about to address him when Gurudev's eyes fell upon something which halted me from doing so.

At a little distance away, there was a clay idol—that of a Brahmin who had a palm lifted up to bless, and a serene smile on his lips. 

It took me no time to recognize that it was Acharya's idol, a breath released my lips. By now Gurudev's features had softened to some extent witnessing the idol, he stood there for sometime assessing the youth and the idol at his distance. Eklavya was repeatedly glancing at it fondly, and again lifted another arrow to continue what he was doing.

"HiranyadhanuSut?" Gurudev spoke up all of a sudden, making me steal a glance at him. His silence was feared by me at times, it indicated that he was either upset or enraged. And even though it had do to nothing regarding it, I could only breath a sigh of relief that atleast he spoke out something.

Eklavya froze in his tracks, and perhaps—so did I.

He instantly spun around, and took a moment to rake his eyes all over us in disbelief. My palms drastically went cold, with my heart caught in my throat. It was the moment of truth, and I could do nothing but anticipate their stances.

Eklavya's lips partially fell upon in bewilderment and amusement, as if unable to recognize the fact that Guru Dron was standing in front of him in entire flesh and blood. The bow slipped from his palm as he strode forward with wonder painted on his features, his lips moving as if he wanted to speak yet could not. His gaze instantly fell upon his clothes which were smeared with dirt, he hastily smothered it with his palms and rushed towards us.

"Gurudev!" He exhaled wildly, his eyes beaming with extreme joy as he folded his palms in front of him, "You, you are here?"

Gurudev stood there assessing him with a stoic expression, while Eklavya spun towards me and grabbed my hand out of nowhere. A gasp left my lips in an awkward manner, as he repeatedly shook it, "Arjun! I, I shall forever be grateful to you!"


My forehead scrunched up in confusion, "You, Arjun, you had only told him about me didn't you?" 

"If you hadn't then, then he shall never have met me!"

I informed Gurudev about him? What? I opened my mouth to speak something but shut it back, shaking me head as I was completely taken aback. 

Didn't Gurudev knew about him previously? But he told that he was—he was his student! With such confidence he spoke about his valor as if he knew everything and that he was under his guidance from when!

What kind of trap is this? 

That means, they—they haven't met each other? Or—my head was spinning theorizing everything because nothing was aligning up as I had expected. I stared up at Gurudev, who still did not show any signs of perplexity or bewilderment. He was standing calmly with his brows raised, as if he knew everything from the beginning.

"Indeed, you shall be thanking Anagha later Eklavya," He spoke hoarsely, turning towards Eklavya whose lips were quivering out of joyousness, he instantly released my arm and fell at his feet, "Gurudev, you did not know how much—how much I yearned for you! I"

"Always! I always used to look up at your idol and wonder that you were my Guru! I always used to listen to your words secretly and then implement it, you're my Guru!" He almost began to weep at his make, but all his words were piercing my heart like arrows of shock. What?

What? What on earth was happening, was becoming beyond my wonder-Gurudev and his idol-

He used to secretly learn our lessons? What?

Nothing, nothing was making sense to me at all!

"I have always, always considered you as my only Guru, Guru Dron!"

My fingers curled around the material of my angavastra, trying to figure out whatever that was happening with a stance of confusion. As much as I wanted to know everything, I knew it was not the correct moment for me to ask so; I held my breath with my eyes lingering upon Guru Dron, who threw away the torch on the floor after a while and lowered down in order to lift him up. 

Eklavya cupped his mouth, with tears streaming down his eyes. 

"You consider me as your Guru, don't you boy?" He breathed in, his beady eyes turning curious with amusement as he held his shoulders firmly. Eklavya's face was warm by now, or rather glowing with utter joy as he nodded vigorously at him.

"Very well, tell me Eklavya—to what lengths can you go for being my student?" My eyes widened at the question that was directed towards him, the similar question was flashed upon me the day I had stepped into his ashram. My eyes traversed towards Eklavya, who had a similar confusion etched on his face with that question—

Just like me.

"To any lengths Acharya, I do not care about anything—lest it hampers my learnings." Eklavya spoke after a gap of silence, his tone laden with a sense of confidence and determination.

"Really? You do not care about anything?" Gurudev's tone suddenly turned more amused as he raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nothing, and why should I? What is there to care for in learning? All I need to do is learn, why think before learning Gurudev?" Eklavya continued explaining, with folded palms while I anticipated Gurudev's further move, "There should not be any sort of barrier in learning Acharya, if there is let that barrier be broken."

"I am ready to get rid of anything that would obstruct my learning."


"Anything Gurudev."

"Very well then," There was a peculiar smile on Gurudev's lips that amused me, while there was a tinge of dissatisfaction in me, hearing Eklavya's words. Anything? And not caring while learning? But isn't righteousness shall be the source of every single task that is to be done? For learning, how can one give up moral conduct?

Getting rid of anything that would obstruct his learning? Does that mean he can—

"Since you have considered me as your Gurudev, are you prepared to give me Gurudakshina, son?"



Raaz ke baad raaz, bechara Arjun 🤣🤣🤣

Btw, did you guys notice, the stark difference of answers of Arjun and Eklavya? 🌝🌝

Signing off for today~

Kiritija Nushkie

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