Confessions and Slughorn's Party

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If Draco had been bothered by what he or you smelled in the Amortenia, he only made it known to you at that moment after class. As the next day, you were back to breakfast with him and his posse as usual. He was starting to act normal, well, normal for this year, which was still odd. Honestly, thinking about it too much hurt your head. Your only real respite was Hermione. Harry, of course, had apologized and made up with you; not only was it November and quidditch was taking up plenty of his time, but Harry was ripe with theories that Draco was a Death Eater. While you knew the possibility was there, it wasn't something you were willing to think about right now. As for quidditch practice, neither you nor Hermione minded much, you even often attended practices for the opportunity at getting some fresh air. But even with everything going on the year moved forward, and you were being pulled along.

The morning of the Gryffindor/Slytherin quidditch game, you elected to eat breakfast with your friends, which was proving to be a rare occurrence this year. Of course, this choice, as well as the gold and red jumper and makeup you had donned in brazen support of your house, earned you nasty looks from Blaise and Pansy, along with the loud boos and chants from the Slytherin table when you walked, but you elected to ignore them, your excitement for today's match outweighing any jeers your rival house could throw your way.

The Gryffindor table, a solid mass of red and gold, cheered as Harry, Ron, and Ginny approached. Harry and Ginny grinned and waved while Ron grimaced weakly and shook his head. You and Hermione followed shortly behind.

"Cheer up, Ron!" you heard Lavender call. "I know you'll be brilliant!"

Hermione rolled your eyes, and you giggled at Brown's idiotic flirting, but Ron just ignored her, instead, wallowing in self-pity.

"Tea?" Harry asked Ron. "Coffee? Pumpkin juice?"

"Anything," said Ron.

"How are you both feeling?" Hermione asked, trying to break through the awkward air.

"Fine," said Harry, who was nearly ignoring Hermione and concentrating on handing Ron a glass of pumpkin juice. "There you go, Ron. Drink up."

As Ron began to drink, Hermione interrupted, "Don't drink that, Ron!"

"Why not?" asked Ron.

Hermione was now staring at Harry, "You just put something in that drink."

"Excuse me?" said Harry.

"You heard me. I saw you. You just tipped something into Ron's drink. You've got the bottle in your hand right now!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Harry, stowing the little bottle hastily in his pocket, it clearly being the bottle of Felix Felicis he had won in potions class earlier in the term.

"Ron, I warn you, don't drink it!"

Ron picked up the glass, drained it in one gulp, and said, "Stop bossing me around, Hermione."

You scoffed at his attitude, and Hermione cut you off before you could say anything.

"You should be expelled for that. I'd never have believed it of you, Harry!" She said, her tone lower so only you five could hear her.

"Look who's talking," he whispered back. "Confunded anyone lately?"

You all watched as she stormed up the table away from them.

"I should probably go after her," you said. "Good luck today guys, and just in case you didn't already know Harry, Malfoy isn't playing today, something about being sick which is bogus," you said, your voice dropping into the same hushed tone as Hermione's had been.

"See you after the game?" Harry asked, and you nodded.

"Of course," you responded. "You'd better win." With that, you left, following the route Hermione had taken.

It didn't take you long to find her as she hadn't gone very far. She was near the courtyard, hiding underneath a large stone staircase.

"Hermione," you said, pleading with her to forget the events that had just transpired and accompany you to the match. "Please."

"Fine, but for you and Ginny, not the boys," the two of you knew each other probably a little too well at this point.

"I love you, you know that?" You asked, a smile breaking onto your face.

"You'd better," she said grumpily as she took your arm and began the walk to the quidditch pitch.

You and Hermione sat next to Luna, who had thankfully saved you fantastic seats despite neither of you asking, and luckily you had arrived just as both teams were rising into the air. You adored the sport of quidditch, but you loved cheering on your friends even more. The matches were one of your favourite things about school, and it was a relief to finally take your mind off everything else and simply enjoy something.

"Well, there they go, and I think we're all surprised to see the team that Potter's put together this year. Many thought, given Ronald Weasley's patchy performance as Keeper last year, that he might be off the team, but of course, close personal friendship with the Captain does help," you heard Zacharias Smith, who played for Hufflepuff, cut through the roar Luna's lion hat and you rolled your eyes.

"What an arse," you said, and Hermione chuckled, her mood lightening.

With half an hour of the game past, Gryffindor was leading sixty points to zero, Ron and Ginny's performance had gotten Zacharias off their case, instead, picking on Peakes and Coote instead.

"Of course, Coote isn't really the usual build for a Beater," said Zacharias loftily, "they've generally got a bit more muscle —"

"Hit a Bludger at him!" you heard Harry call to Coote as he zoomed past.

But Coote, grinning broadly, chose to aim the next Bludger at Harper instead, who was just passing Harry in the opposite direction. You cheered when the bludger found its target, and you saw Smith's face go white with fear. You continued to watch as Harry and Harper chased down the snitch. They were far enough away from where you were sitting that you had a hard time seeing what was going on. It wasn't until Harry started flying back down to the ground with his hand high above his head and his fist clenched that you and the rest of your house realize that he had caught the snitch, and Gryffindor had won. You, Luna, and Hermione shouted so loudly that you didn't even hear the whistle that indicated the end of the game.

Hermione tugged on your sweater to get your attention, "C'mon, I want to go talk to the boys."

"Luna! We're gonna go find Harry and Ron, see you later!" You shouted so your friend could hear you, and she nodded and smiled in response.

Once you and Hermione made it to the changing rooms, the rest of the team had gone. It looked like both of the boys were just getting ready to leave themselves. It had taken you a while to fight through the crowds of angry Slytherins and elated Gryffindors to get there.

"I want a word with you, Harry." Hermione took a deep breath. "You shouldn't have done it. You heard Slughorn, it's illegal."

"What are you going to do, turn us in?" Ron asked, immediately taking the offence.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Harry, he had turned his back on all of you as he hung up his robes.

"Harry we saw you put the Felix Felicis in Ron's drink this morning," you said.

"No, I didn't," said Harry turning back around, a sly smile on his face, and you started to catch on while Ron and Hermione still hadn't gotten it.

"Yes you did, Harry, and that's why everything went right, Slytherin players were missing, and Ron saved everything!" Hermione said, her volume low in fear someone was listening in to what she was saying.

"I didn't put it in!" Harry, as he pulled out the tiny sealed bottle full of golden liquid. "I wanted Ron to think I'd done it, so I faked it when I knew you were all looking." He turned to Ron. "You saved everything because you felt lucky. You did it all yourself."

Ron and Hermione's reactions caused Harry to chuckle, and you to smile.

"There really wasn't anything in my pumpkin juice?" Ron asked, and Harry shook his head. After wrapping his head around it all, he turned on Hermione, his voice raised in an attempt to mimic her voice. "You added Felix Felicis to Ron's juice this morning, that's why he saved everything!' See! I can save goals without help, Hermione!"

"I never said you couldn't — Ron, you thought you'd been given it too!" said Hermione, clearly offended by Ron's rude imitation.

"Ron, really, she was just looking out," you said, taking Hermione's side as you so often did.

But Ron just picked up his things and pushed his way through both and shoved open the door, rudely rushing out.

You turned around sharply, angry at his sudden attitude. "There's no reason to be a prick to your friends Ronald," you shouted through the open door, but he continued to walk away, prompting you to roll your eyes.

"Er. Shall, shall we go up to the party, then?" Harry asked, unsure of what else he could say as he realized that his plan had backfired in a way he hadn't expected.

"Yeah, it'll be a perfect excused for me to knock some sense into that prick."

"You go! I'm sick of Ron at the moment. I don't know what I'm supposed to have done," you and Hermione spoke at the same time.

However, Hermione caught on faster than you could, "You two go."

You gave her a questionable look.

"Seriously, go. It'll feel good to know someone's telling him off," she said, her tone even but her eyes starting to well up, but before either of you could say anything, she swiftly exited the changing room choosing a different route than the one Ron had taken.

"Well congrats on a good game Harry," you said and sighed, causing Harry to chuckle awkwardly in an attempt to release some of the tension that had built in the last couple of minutes.

"She doesn't realize Ron is miffed at her because she went to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, does she?" He asked.

"And he doesn't realize she's pissed at him because he won't stop being a prick and just ask her out, does he?"

"Touché," Harry said, and you smiled.

"I've missed you, Potter," and with that, you both slowly walked back up to the castle, many congratulating him as you walked by, and some Slytherin's giving you questioning or nasty looks, some a combination of both, and you weren't sure if it was because you were with Potter or because Gryffindor had beaten Slytherin, or if because you were with the Captain of the quidditch team who had just beaten their own team. You didn't even consider the fact that it could be because you were with the guy your 'boyfriend' hated the most.

The Gryffindor celebration party was in full swing when you arrived causing the Common Room to be packed to the brim, not allowing you or Harry to see if Hermione had ended up here. It didn't help that the second you entered, Harry was swamped by an assortment of girls as well as the Creevy brothers. Despite having to split up, you found Harry again along with Ginny at the drink table, and just as you arrived, you saw Hermione run out of the common room.

"Harry!" You said, just loud enough for him and Ginny to hear. "I think you should go after her. She may be sick of Ginny and my's advice at this point."

He nodded in agreement and rushed off after her.

"Yeah, which is to forget the prick," Ginny said, and both of you giggled.

"So Ginny, how are things going between you and Luna?"

After that night, things were tense. You had quickly taken Hermione's side and was ignoring Ron. On the other hand, Harry was determined to split his time between the two, so you were still seeing very little of him.

Not a week later you were visited by your family owl for the second time this year. This time the owl dropped the letter between you and Draco. You were again thankful to notice that the envelope shined silver and not red.

"Shit," you said when it dropped, clearly disturbed by the presence of the letter.

"Well that looks exciting," Draco said, pushing the letter towards you, and you rolled your eyes.

"You can't make me read it," you whined, and Draco cracked a small smile.

"It can't be that bad love," he said.

You gave him a look, no letter from your parents could ever be less than bad. Nevertheless, you delicately peeled open the envelope and extracted the heavy parchment that awaited you.


I have been informed that you have started spending time with Draco since my last letter, and I am glad to hear that after six years at that school, you have finally found some suitable company and are no longer choosing to poison your time by spending it with mudbloods.

Now, as you know, I have arranged plans with Narcissa for your Winter Holiday. You and Draco shall be travelling from Hogwarts directly to Malfoy Manor. Since you will be meeting his parents before you see your father and I, I demand that you look presentable, and remember the manners I've taught you. Your father and I will meet you at Malfoy Manor the night you return from school for dinner. As you will be staying with the Malfoy's for the entirety of the holiday and not be returning home, I will pack and send the clothing I find suitable for you to wear throughout this visit. I do not find it necessary for myself to be involved in the wedding planning; therefore, I am leaving it up to Narcissa, who has said that she will take the time with you to plan. Your father and I will occasionally be visiting, but I expect for you to be on your best behaviour while we are not there.

You know the consequences should you decide to not take this seriously.


Beatrice Blackwood.'

When you finished reading all you could do was sigh. Not that you didn't expect it, but seeing the words on paper in your mothers script felt like a knife to the gut. You handed Draco the letter for him to read, you couldn't not bring yourself to speak, and you were unaware whether he had been made known of these plans or not.

He read the letter rather quickly then tucked it back into its silver envelope and handed it back to you. "Well then," he said.

"Aren't they just so much fun?" You asked as you tucked the letter into your bag, fake enthusiasm and sarcasm lacing your voice.

Your joke caused another small smile to rise to Draco's lips. "I am very excited to meet them again," his statement reeking of sarcasm.

"I promise it will be the time of your life," you said and he shook his head, ridding himself of the laugh that was rising in his chest.

"Meet me at the library this evening after class?" His tone made the sentence sound like a question, but you knew it was a statement, although you didn't mind much, so you nodded in response. You appreciated the somewhat friendly banter that had finally blossomed between you.

You walked to your first class with Draco and Blaise, only changing ways once you had Divination. You were the only sixth year in the class, which didn't surprise you, your peers all hated the course and had been excited to drop it this year, but you were a natural and found the class to be quite peaceful. Your classes went on naturally, which was pleasant as you had plenty on your mind with your mother's letter. You were out of class and in the library by 5:15. You found Draco in the large leather armchairs he had chosen to use during your first study session, and that had become a bit of a tradition at this point.

"Evening, Draco," you said civilly as you sat in the chair across from him and began pulling some books out of your bag.

"I'm just curious when you were planning on asking your boyfriend to Slughorn's Christmas party?" Draco asked, not even looking up from his book.

You looked up. The event had honestly barely even cross your mind since you had received your invitation. "Oh, yes, Draco, would you mind accompanying-"

"Yes," he said, curtly cutting you off.

"Draco, there is no need to be an arse about it, alright? I'm sorry for not asking sooner," you bit back at him.

"I just don't know why he doesn't bloody invite me to those dinners. I'm a Malfoy for Salazar's sake," you weren't sure that was the real reason, but you knew that he wouldn't tell you either way.

You shook your head. "Well, I'm not the person to take your frustration out on," you said. "I'm sorry for not asking you, but it wasn't intentional."

"Surprised you didn't ask Potter," he said under his breath.

"I'm sorry?" You asked, the volume of your voice rising. You had heard what he said but you wanted to give him the chance to redeem himself.

"I said I'll pick you up at eight," he hissed, his nose wrinkled in disgust.

"What got your knickers in a twist?" you muttered.

"Pardon me?" he questioned.

"Nothing, darling," you said, giving him a sickly sweet smile before opening up your book. What is it with this boy and his bloody mood swings? The study session went on in the same hostile tone, and every time you spoke to each other, it was in an attempt to piss off the other. You made snide remarks about him and he would bite back with rude remarks about your choice in company. Draco walked you to the Great Hall, keeping your hand in a tight grip the entire time, but when you arrived, standing in the doorway, you ripped your hand out of his and left him to go sit with Harry, and Hermione, keeping eye contact with him until you sat down. A scowl resting on your face once you broke the eye contact to turn to your friends who were absolutely silent having observed you since your grand entrance.

"What was that about?" Harry asked. Not only did he witness your little stint with Malfoy, but he could feel your icy demeanour from the second you stepped into the Hall.

"Do I need a reason?" your attitude was still sour. "It's Malfoy."

"What did he do this time?" Hermione asked.

"What didn't the fucker do?" you asked as you violently added food to your plate.

"Hello everyone," it was Draco behind you, his tone starkly sweet compared to how it had been in the library. "Mind if I sit?"

You refused to turn around and give him the time of day, but the entirety of your house had dropped their forks, forgotten about their food, and were staring at the platinum blonde as he squeezed onto the bench in-between you and Hermione.

"Yes," you said, keeping your eyes on Harry who was across from you. "We do mind. Anyways, why aren't you sitting at your table with your minions?"

"I thought it'd be pleasant for me to get to know your friends, love," he said. It was a load of bullshit, of course, you just didn't know why he wanted to fuck with you so badly tonight.

"Malfoy-" Harry started.

"Hey, everyone! Woah-" Ginny said as she approached the four of you. "Is that Malfoy?" she asked Harry as if the boy before her was a fake.

"Yes, he's really here," you said. "You know what Gin? Go ahead and pinch him just to be sure."

Draco started picking food off of your plate, food that you had elected to ignore. "I don't think that's how that works darling," he said nonchalantly prompting you to scoff.

"What is this about?" Hermione asked him.

"Can't I eat dinner with my girlfriend and her friends?" He asked, smiling at her, which you thought was the first time you had ever seen that.

Nearly every student at Hogwarts was staring at you now, no one could believe the events that were transpiring right before their eyes. Even some of the professors were staring, although mainly Slughorn and Dumbledore were engaged in the drama transpiring.

You, Hermione, Ginny, and Harry all exchanged looks, eventually silently figuring out that he would not be leaving anytime soon. And, the silence that filled the Hall as you deliberated was deafening.

"So what are your plans for the holiday?" Hermione finally asked, her words seeming to echo around the near quiet room, but she was sick of the silence.

"I'm surprised she hasn't told you yet," Draco responded as he started eating grapes off of Ginny's plate.

Ginny pulled her plate out of Draco's reach. "It's not like you give her much time to talk to us."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that we've just got lots of planning to do," he said as he put his hand over your left.

Harry scoffed and shook his head at the ridiculous nature of Draco's tone.

"What's the matter, Potter?" He asked. "Mad that I ended up with the girl you like to snog at parties?"

You almost choked when the words came out of his mouth, while Hermione and Ginny both turned to look at you, eyes wide as they processed the information Draco threw out onto the table

"I'm sorry Malfoy," Harry said through clenched teeth. "I think you were just drunk and seeing things."

"To my recollection, you two were the drunk ones. Very, very drunk. Anyways I'm sure you've done it both drunk and sober, what with the way she wears your sweaters and cheers you on at Quidditch games."

"Quidditch games you're to chicken to play at because you know I'll beat you?"

"Gentlemen!" when you heard McGonagall's voice, you sighed in relief. "Mr Malfoy, Professor Snape is requesting your presence, he'd like to speak with you regarding your prefect duty tonight."

Draco released his tight grip on your hand and gave everyone the fakest smile you'd ever seen. "It was a pleasure eating dinner with you all, really it was quite amusing. We should do this again some time," he said, then swung his legs back over the bench, and swiftly departed.

"Everyone, go back to your dinners, gawking is rude," said McGonagall loudly, then returned to her seat at the top of the hall.

"I'm going to bed," you said and rose departing the hall, not having touched your food.

You exited the Hall quickly, viciously aware of all of the eyes following you out. You couldn't help but imagine the rumours that would be flying around the school tomorrow, but you did your best to push them out of your head. You tore into your common room, halfway between your exit from the Great Hall and your walk to your dorm you had started crying, and the last thing you wanted was for someone to see you cry. Clearly, sometime between breakfast and 5:15pm, someone had told Draco Malfoy that you and Harry had been sneaking around behind his back which just wasn't true. And what was even more clear that Draco was livid about it, and you weren't sure if he would listen to your excuses this time. You weren't sure how long but at some point after you found your bed Hermione and Ginny entered your dorm.

"Y/n?" Hermione asked softly when she saw you lying on your bed, your face buried in a pillow.

"I'm sorry-"

"For what? Not telling us that you occasionally snog Harry?" Ginny asked. "Who cares, I mean it's in the past, and I think we're both more curious how that came about, we're not pissed at you."

"Still," you said as you dragged yourself up into a sitting position, your face streaked in mascara and tears. "I should've told you I don't know why I didn't

"Sure you should have but the thing is, we're your friends, and we're here for you through everything. We aren't going to judge you for something like that," Hermione said and, she and Ginny took seats on opposite sides of you.

"I'm just more curious what it was like," Ginny teased and nudged you with her shoulder.

"Now tell us why Draco was acting so weird because I have a feeling that you know," Hermione said.

"He thinks Harry and I are sneaking around behind his back," you said. "Which we aren't."

"Anything else?" Hermione asked, why did she have to be so smart?

"And in potions when we were brewing Amortentia he smelled me, I think, and I started to smell him I think but the scent disappeared while I was trying to smell it. Slughorn explained that happens when you're unsure of your feelings."

Ginny ran a hand through your hair comfortingly. "Malfoy is so bloody dramatic," she muttered.

"I don't know what to do," you said, your voice had started getting hoarse from the crying.

"Maybe you should tell him?" Hermione said. "He's had his reasonable moments in the past with you. And Y/n?" you looked up at her. "It's a pretty big deal if he smelled you in the Amortentia."

"He said that he smelled 'Vanilla, old books, peonies, and firewhiskey'" You recounted.

"Shit that son of a bitch is astute," Ginny said.

"Yeah, that's pretty exact," Hermione whispered regarding the potion, considering the possibility that Malfoy was indeed in love with you. "Y/n why don't you take a shower, go to bed, and talk to Draco in the morning?"

You nodded, "That's probably a good idea."

Hermione woke you up the next morning from a restless sleep. The entire night you were riddled with nightmares in anticipation of the coming weeks, of your father and mother, and the darkness your world was about to be enveloped in. After you both got ready, she walked you down to the Great Hall, where you split once you arrived. You approached the head of Slytherin's table, where Draco was perched, slowly, anxiety boiling angrily in your stomach.

"Good morning," you said to everyone there once you arrived. "Draco do you mind if we step outside and talk?"

He shared a look with Blaise that lasted a long moment before turning to you and giving you a single nod. He rose and followed you out of the hall, and out of the castle into the now empty courtyard.

"What is it?" He asked impatiently, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm sorry," you started. "Draco I haven't been spending much time with Harry, even as a friend. But I haven't been sneaking around behind your back with him."

"Really because that's not what I've heard," he snarled.

"After the quidditch match Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I got into an argument in the changing rooms. Hermione and Ron stormed off, and Harry and I just walked back up to our common room together, that's all," you explained. "And the sweater is mine, I just like them larger cause I like tucking them into my jeans."

As you were talking, Draco started pacing around the courtyard and running a hand through his hair. "You have to understand how it looked, you and Harry leaving a changing room together, alone."

You nodded. "Of course, I just sometimes need you to not assume the worst of me."

As you finished, he stopped his pacing and looked at you. "Alright, is that it?"

"No," you said, as you started to become a bit more confident. "I, well I smelled you- in the Amortentia in Slughorn's class but," you paused, afraid of what you were about to admit. "But, Draco I'm- scared." you finally caught his eyes and made eye contact, and you paused for a moment to try and drag your thoughts into comprehensible sentences. "I'm scared of my parents, I'm scared of the war that's coming, I'm scared of my feelings for you because how am I supposed to know how you feel about me when one moment you're yelling at me and hurting me then the next you're buying me books and joking with me?" You wiped your eyes, angry at the tears that were forming, you hated crying in front of him, you hated looking weak in front of him. "Draco what happens if I fall in love with you just for you to do something awful? You- you can't trust me! And fuck Draco that hurts. Merlin, Draco I've been trying to not fancy you since our fifth bloody year, but you've always just made it so hard."

He stared at you in disbelief, of course, he didn't know this you didn't once make it obvious which he was aware was intentional. He didn't know how to respond, what to say. He had loved you for so long and he couldn't believe that you reciprocated his feelings in the slightest. He could tell you that you held his heart in your hand and that if you wanted to crush it, you could. That he would never be able to love anyone else. But, he was still Voldemort's errand boy tasked with something terrible he couldn't rope you into. He loved you, and he would rather be the source of your pain than the cause of your death.

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way," he said, unable to meet your eyes.

"Look me in the eyes and say that Draco," you said, entirely shocked by his words.

But he didn't. Instead, he turned and left you in the middle of the courtyard, utterly alone.


You weren't sure whether or not Draco was still planning on picking you up for Slughorn's Christmas Party, but you decided to get ready and go anyways, everything about your relationship had been unpredictable this far, and you didn't expect that to change now. The two of you hadn't spoken since that morning in the courtyard, and you had stopped eating meals with him and the rest of the Slytherins entirely. Of course, plenty of drama was circulating, rumours about your relationship on everyone's lips but you had gotten good at blocking it out. You donned a cherry red dress along with gold accessories, hoping that if Draco did accompany you, he would despise your chosen colour pallet, you had to admit that sometimes you found joy in pissing him off. You weren't ready to go until 8:27pm at which time you descended down into the common room and out of the Fat Lady's portrait into the Hall where you found Draco dressed in a slick black suit.

"You showed up," you observed coldly.

"I never miss appointments," He said as he offered you his arm.

Still livid with him you refused it, walking away towards the dungeons where Slughorn's office resided. Your pace was quick but not rushed, easily defined as elegant, and it took Draco a moment to catch up to you.

"Keep up Malfoy," you said, keeping your gaze ahead of you.

The two of you did not exchange another word for the entirety of the walk, Draco simply confused by your behaviour as he had only seen you act like this at society events. The cold demeanour you donned not unlike that of many purebloods he knew. When you did arrive at the party, you took his arm and plastered a fake but convincing smile on your face before entering.

"Ah! Miss Blackwood," Slughorn exclaimed excitedly when you entered. "And Mr Malfoy, well don't the two of you just make the most handsome couple! You know I paired up Lucius and Narcissa in a couple of projects their sixth year before they started dating?" He said, more to Draco than to you.

"Well, then I owe you, my life Professor!" Draco said with a charming smile.

He bellowed in laughter at the half-hearted joke. "You could certainly say that young boy! Now I hope you two enjoy tonight, and Miss. Blackwood, please come speak to me when you have a moment. Now- ah have you seen where Mr Potter has disappeared to?"

You shook your head. "Professor we've just gotten here, you're the first person we've seen!"

"Ah my dear tell me how you didn't end up sorted into Ravenclaw," Slughorn chuckled again before disappearing.

"I'm going to get a drink would you like anything?" You asked Draco, walking away before he could respond.

When you arrived at the elaborate bar, a red drink in a coupe glass caught your eye. You picked that up for yourself, and a silverly drink in a whiskey glass for Draco. You turned to return to your date when you saw Ginny and Luna arm in arm.

"Good evening! You both look lovely, Luna I adore your earrings," you said and smiled, excited to finally see them together, Ginny had confessed her crush on the Ravenclaw to you last year.

"I was so excited when she said yes I can't believe I forgot to tell you," Ginny said shamelessly, and you caught Luna blush.

"Oh Merlin don't worry, I'm just happy for you. Have you told-" you trailed off, Ginny well aware of the nature of your question.

"I told Ron and Harry last week, I plan on telling mum and dad when I get home," she said, absolutely beaming.

"Gin! I'm so happy for you, you have to tell me everything when we get back, alright?" You said she had told you and Hermione back in her third year, and you were so happy she was ready to come out to her parents and family.

Ginny dropped Luna's hand for a moment to hug you around the glasses you were carrying. "Thank you for everything, Y/n," she whispered.

"I'm here for you through everything Gin," you promised. "Now you two have fun tonight!"

"It is a perfect night," Luna said thoughtfully. "Tell Draco hello for me, Y/n." She said, and with that, she and Ginny disappeared into the crowd, Draco appearing in the spot behind them.

You reached out the drink you had picked up for him, and he accepted it. "They're together?"

"They are here as a date, yes," you said, anticipating nothing but judgement from him.

"Then Blaise owes me five galleons," he said, and you looked at him questionably. "He always thought she'd end up with Hannah Abbott, I was sure Weasley would end up with Lovegood, and it looks like I was right."

You were surprised Draco hadn't had a more offensive bet with his friend, but you decided to not challenge him on it. "Yeah she's fancied Luna for over a year now, it's all she talks about." As you were taking a sip of your drink, you noticed Harry across the room getting cornered by Slughorn and Snape. "Draco I'd like to go ask Harry if he's seen Hermione if you don't mind." You expected a fight, but Draco just shook his head and indicated for you to lead the way.

"Y/n! I was just thanking Professor Snape for providing me with such well prepared students," Slughorn exclaimed as you and Draco approached him.

Snape nodded, "Mr Malfoy and Y/l/n, have been quite talented in potions since their first year."

"Thank you, Professor," you thanked both your teachers, although you were acutely aware of some tension between Draco and Snape.

"I'd like a word with you, Draco," Snape said suddenly, seemingly coming up with this out of thin air. "Follow me, Draco."

They left, Snape leading the way, Malfoy suddenly looking resentful at his Head of House pulling him away, and you and Harry exchanged looks.

"I'll be back in a bit, Y/n — er — bathroom," he said, and turned to leave.

"Wait! Harry have you seen Hermione?" You asked quickly.

"She's avoiding McLaggen!" He called, not bothering to look back, intent on his mission to follow Malfoy.

"Oh to be young and to have a date to run from," Slughorn hiccuped. "What are your plans for the holiday dear?"

"Well, my family has arranged for me to stay with the Malfoy's as they'll be travelling and they don't trust me to be home alone," you lied through your teeth with a smile on your face.

"Do enjoy yourself dear," he said and smiled.

You nodded as you prepared your next lie, "Of course I will sir, thank you. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go look for Hermione."

"Go! Go! Don't let me keep you enjoy the party!" he said, ushering you away and turning to two of the Weird Sisters who had appeared.

It took you a few minutes, but you eventually found your friend hiding behind some fabrics. You had seen her silhouette outlined through the material and instantly recognized her. You quickly slipped behind the decorative curtain, which spooked her.

"Woah! Y/n, how'd you find me," she sighed, relieved it was you and not McLaggen.

"I'm just a good friend," you said and smiled. "Is he really that bad?"

"I don't know if it was even worth it," she admitted.

"Well when Snape found Draco and me, he decided he had to have a word with him, and Harry followed them out," you said.

"No, he did not," said Hermione as she rolled her eyes, fully aware that Harry had followed the two.

"Yes, so I'm sure this means we'll be getting more Death Eater conspiracies," you scoffed.

"At least you're here now to save me from my nasty date."

"Does his breath smell as bad as I said it would?" You asked.

Hermione nodded slowly, and you giggled, "I knew it!"

You and Hermione flitted around the party for a while longer although when you got tired of dodging McLaggen and realized that neither Harry nor Draco would be returning, you both decided to head back to your dormitory. Hermione still had to pack, and you just wanted to get a good nights sleep considering your next two weeks would be spent at Malfoy Manor. But, of course, neither of you went to bed until around two in the morning, electing instead to stay up and talk, about everything ahead of you, and her about Ron and Harry's idiocy. You knew that once you fell asleep, you wouldn't have your best friend again for two weeks, no letters, not a word.

You awoke to a grey sky and rain, the weather reflecting exactly how you felt. You had been dreading this day since September and here it was. It didn't take you long to get dressed and to get your things together, but once you did, you had wished it had taken you longer. Once you had your things together, you and Hermione walked to the Great Hall where you assumed you would be meeting Draco.

"I'm going to miss you," said Hermione as you approached the entrance to the Hall.

"I'm going to miss you more," you said, and dropped your bags, hugging her tightly.

"I would tell you to write," she said, chuckling sadly.

"Not if my parents have any say in the matter," you said as you released each other from the hug. You gave her a smile, and forced a positive attitude. "We'll see each other soon! Two weeks is nothing."

Hermione was well aware that you were trying to convince yourself of this fact, but she let you fake a smile for your own sake. "Exactly," she said.

"See you soon," you said again before finally leaving her, and heading to the Slytherin table.

It was only Draco and Blaise sitting there, which perplexed you although you chose to not remark on the fact, instead, revelling in the lack of Pansy's cold glare as well as Crabbe and Goyle's incessant remarks for one morning.

"Morning, Blacwood," Blaise said when you approached the table as he was the first to notice you.

"Good Morning Blaise."

"Morning, darling," Draco piped as if last night had simply not happened.

"Blaise and I missed you when you disappeared last night," you remarked, beside the fact that you and Blaise had not spoken last night, despite this Blaise seemed amused by your antics. "You didn't even come to say goodnight."

"Yeah mate, where did you disappear to? I was hoping you'd tuck me into bed," He asked.

"Snape dragged me off to have me do a couple of things and by the time we were done I figured you'd both be asleep," Draco explained, although the fist he was making around his fork was telling you otherwise.

"Well then Zabini and I will have to have a word with Professor Snape," you teased, and Blaise chuckled, that was a first.

Draco rolled his eyes at both of you, "Let's just get to the train, we wouldn't want to miss it."

"No, but Y/l/n has to challenge Professor Snape to a duel for stealing her boyfriend!" Blaise said a little too loud, attracting a glare from Professor McGonagall, and a series of giggles from you.

You playfully kicked Blaise from under the table, "Shut up, Zabini! You're gonna manage to get me detention over the break."

"Which is exactly why we should be going," Draco said, giving both of you dirty looks.

"Fine, but for the record, you're a buzzkill," said Blaise, rising from his seat and pointing an accusing finger at his friend.

As the three of you exited the Hall, you looked over to the Gryffindor table to see your friends still seated, and you were sure that you were not going to have the chance to say goodbye to Harry, Ron, or Ginny, which you had to find peace with for the time being. Once you boarded the train, you continued to follow them into their usual compartment, which was on the opposite side of the train from the one you frequented. When you sat next to Draco and across from Blaise, all humour fell away, and the reality of your situation set in, and you were suddenly sick to your stomach.

"Y/n, are you alright? You've turned green." Draco noticed after a moment.

"I just get a bit sick sometimes on the train," you said quietly.

"We haven't started moving-" said Blaise, and Draco shot him a glare, silently telling him to shut up.

"Sorry, I'll be fine don't worry about me," you said and received nods from both of the boys who chose to move forward with a new conversation, allowing you to rest your head against the cold window.

You remained in this position until you were at least halfway to Kings Cross, unable to repress the nerves that tore your stomach to shreds. You were only interrupted when Draco alerted you that he had to step out of the compartment for a moment to which you responded with a nod.

Draco made his way down the train to Potter's compartment, where he opened the door without any warning, "Potter, Weasley."

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron asked, distaste clear on his face.

"It involves a shared interest, do you mind?" He asked, this possibly being the most civil interaction the boys had ever had.

"Is it about Y/n?" Harry asked, and Draco confirmed with a nod. "Come in."

Draco stepped into the compartment, closing the blinds behind him. "I don't wish to be long, but as you know, Y/n's parents read through all of her mail."

"Of course we know that Malfoy," Ron sneered. "We're her friends by choice."

"Let him finish Ron," Harry muttered, and Draco gave him a slight, possibly thankful glance.

"Well my mother does not read my mail, especially if it comes from Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, or Pansy Parkinson," Draco said, and Harry was beginning to catch on. "Now since I would not like for Y/n not to be miserable for two weeks, and she's already bound to be if you address letters to me from one of those three people I will pass them along. Just put your names inside the envelope, and I promise not to read them."

"How can we trust you won't?" Ron asked.

"Even if you can't, isn't it better I read them than her parents?" Draco asked. "And as I said earlier Weasley, this is a shared interest."

"He's right, plus he's offering so you know it's coming from, well, a decent place," Harry said slowly, after last night still unable to trust Malfoy.

"I know I don't deserve her," Draco said, almost inaudibly. "But there's no changing our situation and I would do anything for her."

"We'll hold you to that Malfoy," Harry threatened.

"I am aware, Potter," Malfoy said, and with that, he left the compartment to return to you. He found you in the same spot with your head up against the window but you had changed into a black dress and expensive witches robes, clearly something your mother had picked out. The outfit looked wrong on you, and for once, he could see exactly how you did not fit into the world you had been born into.

🏆🔥7️⃣📔💍🐍🏰👨‍🏫🪄⚗️ ⚡👓


Please Enjoy!!

Captaingryffindor ♥♥♥

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