clan idea (guys ask if you wanna use a trait from this)

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their called cavernclan

• CavernClan live in a HUGE cave with a tunnel leading into a ledge overlooking the sea. The Clan lives mainly along the shore and in the cliffs, but occasionally travel to the woods above the cliffs to hunt and train and such

• A Twoleg settlement is nearby, and on one cliff there's a lighthouse, titled the "twoleg light-den".

• Twoleg pets, such as kittypets, frequently come to try and join the Clan but many don't make the cut and are sent back

• The Clan tunnels in the forest to makes a labyrinth of cave systems attached to camp

• CavernClan warriors have excellent vision in the dark so they can navigate the dim tunnels

• There's a legend of a big black monster who lives at the lighthouse. It's said to be shaped like a cat with a tail made of fog, and eerily emotionless white eyes. It's claimed to haunt certain cats and take them away while everyone else is sleeping to physically abuse

• The Clan believes in StarClan and the Dark Forest, but they also have a third celestial dimension - the Abyss. It's said cats who don't believe in StarClan or the Dark Forest go there, and it's a world made of sticky black goop with the consistency of clay (dark mud filled with sand and little rocks). Also, cats in the Dark Forest rot over time, the rotting beginning at the wound that killed them (cats who drowned or were crushed/killed by natural causes start rotting from a random place on their body) (Examples: Tigerstar would start rotting from his belly, Snowtuft from his scar, etc). Eventually, cats in the Dark Forest will rot away completely to a skeleton. However, this takes nearly ten years to happen.

• The Clan also swims, and warriors are split into two groups; underground warriors who do all the tunneling and are rarely seen aboveground unless their hunting (in desperate times usually), and aboveground warriors who hunt aboveground and swim and such. Underground warriors still know basic aboveground moves and can swim, and aboveground warriors are taught the basics of tunnel navigation in case they are in a situation that puts them in the tunnels

• CavernClan kits are often spooked by the tale of the black monster, and so queens will sometimes use the story to scare their kits into behaving (saying things such as "if you stay up late playing the monster will get you")

• Cats who are haunted by the monster often feel like they hear strangers talking when they aren't, and also feel as though they are being watched. If a non-haunted cat tries to keep them away from the monster, it will still take away the cat and freeze the saving cat out of fear.

• Cats who see the monster often grow secluded among their Clanmates.

• Haunted cats often begin being taken by the monster on the first new moon of their life. However, after this first point, they will be stolen away every night. Haunted kits may grow paranoid until they are older and can start to understand what is actually happening to them.

• Haunted cats describe the realm they are taken to by the monster resembles the Abyss, but formed to look like reality. It's a dark place, and while there the cats will experience the following:
- Hallucinations
- A choking sensation
- Vomiting
- The voices of their loved ones in pain
- Physical and mental torture

• Haunted cats are taken as soon as everyone is asleep. If they attempt to stay awake or another cat attempts to stay awake, the monster will come as soon as it hits 3 am. Of course, to the cats, this seems like a random time at night.

• Haunted cats often appear extremely tired and lethargic, often sickly

• Part of apprentice training is how to recognize a haunted cat

• The Clan accepts their haunted cats, and feel sorry for them. However, some cats feel the haunted cats are useless and shun them

• If the leader dies and the deputy is unable to become leader for any reason, the Clan will gather pebbles and vote on two or more leader candidates

• They also use the pebble voting system (dubbed choosing-stones) when making a huge decision that will effect the entire Clan (when going to a large battle, accepting a new cat into the Clan, etc).

I'll prob add onto this later

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