A couple of drawings from my hiatus

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I know there were more than this that were pretty good, but I can't for the life of me find them. So here are a couple drawings I did while I was gone.

Prototype! I seem to recall planning to add some glitchy effects to him and a background appropriate to this particular scene from the game, but I obviously never ended up doing that.

And a funny science man, who is absolutely one hundred percent about to be ripped limb from limb by Charlie.

Also, here are an assortment of silly Don't Starve doodles I forgot I did but found while looking for other drawings.

Cookin' dinner

Inspirational words from Wilson

Wilson Dislikes carrots

Problem with torches is they're not quite enough to keep you warm at night.

Ok, this one's not too bad.


A redraw of his character select picture in game

The pyromaniac, Willow

Wilson is a bird

These are all quotes from the game, by the way.

Claimed by the Shadow Throne

The Shadow Queen herself, Charlie

Anyway, I'll probably be drawing something else pretty soon, either something Hollow Knight or Half Life. We'll see.

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