Chapter 2. The Goblin King

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Kim's pov

I furrowed my eyebrows and pressed my ear against the door and heard a tune of a music box i found here.I listened to it and i decided to open the door and the lights were off i quickly reached the switch to turn it on since im afraid of the dark "Okay okay calm down." I tried to stay calm but i heard the strong wind and thunder and i swear i saw a few things move around the room.

I flinched at the sound of the thunder and lightning combined and i quickly gathered my strength and hurried to see Jack and Marie in their crib but their was no sight of them "Marie! Jack?!' I shouted their names even though its stupid of me to call for them since they wont answer me or they will but with their crying.

Suddenly the window opened and i felt the wind enter as well i squinted my eyes and i couldnt believe what i saw seeing "W-who are you?" I stuttering as i stared at the man in font of me with wide eyes and stuttering a lot.

"You know who i am my dear.You called for me." He crossed his arms and smirk at my reaction "I-i don't  understand...Wait! No this can't be your him arent you? You're the goblin king." He only smirks which is right then he is indeed.But i don't understand i thought this was just a fairy tale and all that Sarah said was just childish things.

"Indeed i am." He looked around the place slightly confused "Where's Sarah?" "Sarah?" I ask.He stepped inside a bit more and i took a step back "Isnt this supposed to be Sarah's home?" "Y-yes but she moved away so this is my home now.What the heck are you doing here and where's my brothers?!" I finally about at him.

"I brought you a gift." "Whats that?" I look at him insecure of what he's doing "Its a crystal nothing more." I keep on looking at the crystal "All your dreams can come true if you just agree to stay with me in the underground and your brothers will be safe."

"Will they be safe." "Of course,Kim.They'll be right there sleeping soundly like nothing happened and you'll come with me leaving your parents like you want to." "How do you know so much about me anyway?!" 

"Oh you girl.Ive been keeping my eye on you." He walks closer and i stare at his blue eyes i quickly look down and gave him a challenging look "No.I'll save my brothers even if  dont like them that much i'll be sure to win you in this little game of yours."

Suddenly the scene changed and i was now on top of a small mountain and i looked that up ahead was a huge labyrinth."See what you have to go through? Just accept my offer and the babies will be free." "Im not backing down on my words." He looked down and smiled amused at me "You have thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth if not your brothers will turn into goblins and you'll go back home and see how you'll explain this to your parents then." 

I looked back and saw that he disappeared "This is so strange this must be a dream this must be!" I close my eyes and pinch my arm "Ow" I bite my lip and look around "No this is real.Oh i shouldve never said those words and i shouldve listening to Sarah's words." 

"Alright i have a lot to walk." I begin to walk down the mountain and i approach to what seems to be the entrance but there is no doors "Weird there must be one." I walk around the place and see the place filled with what seems like fairies "Help help!" I snap my head up and begin to follow the voice "Yes? Is someone there?" "Please help im up here!" I look up and see what seems like another goblin i think but he's asking for help.

"How did you get up there?" "The fairies they did it." I manage to help him down "I don't think they did it." I was about to touch one when it bit me "It bit me!" "What do you expect?" "Fairies arent suppose to do that." "Maybe from where you come from they dont.Thanks again i really owe you one."

"I know how you can help me.I want you to tell me where the door is." I begin to follow him "What door?" "The door to enter the labyrinth i need to rescue my brothers from the goblin king." "The king you say?" I nod my head and he seems frightened "Im sorry but i can't help you in that ever since Sarah left Jareth has been more of a selfish person." 

"So his name is Jareth." I whisper mostly to myself "Well can you at least tell me how i can get in.Please." "Alright i will but im only doing this because you remind me of Sarah and You save me.My names Hoggle by the way and I was her friend."

"Hoggle? Thats a nice name." I say smile to myself as he begins to lead me towards the door "This is as far as I go.I wish i could help you some more but Jareth has now been keeping an eye of everyone of us who tries to help you." I nod my head looking down at him "Well thank you very much Hoggle." I say as i enter "Oh and Kim remember to be kind to anyone who runs in your way,That way they may help you get to the castle faster." "Okay thank you again." I watched as the doors closed and now I was all alone again..

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