Chapter 58 Bot Fighting Isnt Illegal

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Maya's pov

I sat down by the counter watching the customers eating,having a good time talking with their families and friends

Aunt Cass was frosting more cakes and i was in the counter just watching if some customers arrive i sighed loudly as i rested my head on my left hand "honey you can take a rest!" i heard aunt cass say from behind me "uh n-no theres no need for a rest" i muttered as i heard some footsteps coming from the stairs as i saw hiro walking towards the door

"umm Hiro where are you going? i asked as that caught my attention.

Maya i didnt know you were here" hiro sounded nervous like if he didnt wanted anyone to know where hes heading

i squinted my eyes as i saw something on his pocket something black like megabot?,Hiro noticed this and he ran to me and grabbed my hand as he lead to the closet "your going bot fighting arent you?" i asked dead serious he placed his hand on my mouth "quiet no one can know especially Tadashi!" i furrowed my eyebrows at him as i rolled my eyes "okay Hiro i wont tell Tadashi that youre going bot fighting but you owe me" i raised my finger at him "cool thanks maya your the best!" he said as i saw him walk out the cafe.

"what have ive done" i mumbled nervous what if Tadashi comes early from sfit? what if he finds out and punishes me? nah he cant do that im his girlfriend but what if he breaks up with me my head fell on the table with a hard thump

i kept hitting my head and now i had a headache "oww why did i hit myself so hard" i walked over to aunt cass with my hand pressed on my forehead "hey aunt cass can i maybe lay down for a bit i have a headache" she smiled at me as she gave me some tea "okay honey go and sleep for a bit" i nodded as i told mochi to follow me.

I opened the door to my room and mochi was the first to enter he rested in my bed as i sat on my computer desk i stared up ahead at sfit i should gone with Hiro "i dont wanna lose Tadashi hes all i have" i started thinking and thinking i guess that this is the first time that ive been thinking so hard like when i entered SFIT. I started reading a book to clear my mind at least for a bit and eventually i fell asleep.

******a few hours later******

I sat in my room and i heard a door open it was late at night and i was worried sick for Hiro i heard footsteps heading

towards hiro's room i panicked a bit as i grabbed my book like i was reading mochi started starching the door as he smelled tadashi and suddenyl the door opened my eyes widened poor mochi he was behind the door "sorry little guy" Tadashi said as he picked mochi up and hugged him "hey Maya have you seen Hiro?!" he asked all of the sudden "o-oh no i havent w-why?" i asked chuckling a bit bit "help me find him" he grabbed my arm "no let me get dressed" i pushed him away and grabbed a baseball shirt and dark blur jeans.

I opened the door and Tadashi stood there with a smirk and his arms crossed "okay tell me Maya where is Hiro?" i blushed as he walked towards me as he trapped me why did i backed away against the wall? "w-what are you talking about my dearest boyfriend" i stuttered "i know you well enough Maya when your hiding something you always stutter" i looked at him in the eyes as he raised an eyebrow "okay okay Hiro went bot fighting i asked him where he was going and he told me that he was going to bot fight but i let him go and i promised that i couldnt tell you" i said he alsmot didnt understand me as he tried to process on what i just said "you what!!"

Tadashi started panicking "why did you let him go?" "well he just reminded when i was young" I explained "why goes bot fighting unlike you" "remember when we were about eleven and i mysteriously disappeared he nodded "well i also bot fighted just please dont break up with me" i said whining as i knelt to him i looked up at him and he looked so serious i havent seen him like this before "okay lets go" he said as he grabbed his helmet and tossed mine.

Hiro's pov

I arrived to the bot fight and watched couple of people with their robots and money i saw that a punk girl robot got crushed "THE WINNER, BY TOTAL ANNIHILATION... YAMA!" i heard the announcer say nows my chance

Who's next? Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama!" he said as i heard the crowd of people whispering non of the, wanted to fight him i stepped forward "can i try" i asked as i held my robot "i have a robot,i built it myself" i explained as people were laughing yeah lets see who laughs at the end.

"Beat it, kid. House rules: You gotta pay to play" said the lady with an eyepatch "Oh. Is this enough? i asked with a handful of money " What's your name, little boy?" Yama asked next "Hiro Hiro Hamada" i replied "Prepare your bot... Zero" he said as we sat on our places as Yama held his head at a side making it crack i did the same but it didnt crack i made the sound of it " Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready...? FIGHT!" in a matter of seconds my robot got destroyed as Yama laughed.

"That was my first fight. Ca-Can I try again?" i asked shyly trying to convince " No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home" " I've got more money" i placed the rest of my money on the plate for a second fight" "Fighters ready? FIGHT!" i smiled as my megabot reassembled itself now enough with the innocnet act " Megabot, destroy" i grinned evilly as i watched my robot fighting as i looked bored and in a matter of seconds my robot beated Yamas one everyone jaws were opened as i smiled "sorry guys but looks like i win" i said stuffing the money in my jacket.

Next thing i know i was in a dark alley with Yama and his men ready to punch me and then something unexpected happened "hiro get in" tadashi said as i looked that maya lowered her head as she mumbled a sorry to me i didnt hesitate in getting on tadahi's scooter i sat infront of maya "what were you thinking hiro" tadashi asked as he was hitting me i held onto my seat as tadashi was riding like a crazy person

"Bot Fighting is illegal! You're gonna get yourself arrested!" i rolled my eyes "Tadashi's right Hiro i used to be like you when i was younger!" maya was next to say "Bot Fighting is not illegal! Betting on Bot Fighting, that's-- that's illegal. But, SO lucrative" i said as i held my money for them to see "I'm on a roll, big brother" i said with my arms in the air "AND THERE IS NO STOPPING ME!" i yelled and soon we stopped as i saw red lights,Tadashi suddenly stopped and the police where there "Oh, no" tadashi muttered.

To be continued......

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