Chapter 79 Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

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First of al i would like to dedicate and thanks to everyone who has read this story please vote also and comment

Maya's pov

"Its time guys" Hiro said to all of us we were all in our suits and everyone was also worried for me and i have to say Honey is like really really worried for me she tried to convince me to stay home while they right Callaghan but i just cant i know i have to this we saw from far ahead the microbots "okay team lets go!" he all ran to Krei's building and we saw him with Callaghan okay we can do this i replayed that thought in my mind "Callaghan!!" i shouted up at him as he stared down at me he shook his head "well isnt it one of my favorite ex student what brings you here now?"

he teased "you know why! you killed my family and my boyfriend because of you i was alone and depressed for a long time" i grabbed my katana "i know how it feels to lose someone Maya and i did" Hiro stood beside me "Abigail is gone and shes never coming back!" he screamed "is this what Abigail wouldve wanted" Hiro asked him Callaghan didnt respond to this and started attacking us as we ran towards different directions.

"okay team you know what to do get the mask" Hiro reminded us as we all ran to try and destroy some microbots and also to take the mask off of Callaghan that idiot will pay for what he's done to us as.

As i began to destroy more microbots i was searching for Hiro "Hiro?" i asked myself as i looked around and saw everyone trapped by microbots i furrowed by brows and began to run towards where Honey was "Honey!!" i yelled as i tried to cut the bubble with my katana "Maya dont worry about me go go Hiro" i pressed myself to listen to her i nodded and began i run i need to get the masks transmitter i began to ran until the portal was sucking things inside it i gasped as i grabbed onto a piece of building but my hand slipped "Baymax!! help" i yelled out to him as i grabbed hold onto something else luckily Baymax got me "Baymax go get Hiro" i stared at him as he nodded and flew to him.

I helped the rest of the guys out by telling them to look for a different angle and they succeeded i looked up and saw most of the building was already destroyed and all of the pieces going into the portal "come on Baymax" i held my hands together hoping him to go get Hiro fast i sighed in relief that he grabbed him fast "Hiro are you alright" i spoke as i looked around "yeah im fine just try if you can and get the mask" i nodded and began to make my way to Callaghan he was distracted so i took this chance to destroy a few microbots which led him to falling "you stupid girl" he gritted his teeth as he got up and roughly grabbed me by my neck i hasped for air as the guys were teaming up "you took everything from me Robert but you wont take away my baby and my family i have left" he slapped me as i kicked him and he threw me as i was falling i closed my eyes until someone caught me it was Hiro as we stood right in front of Callaghan as Hiro took the mask.

He fell down by the time we made it to the ground everything was destroyed we began to run until Baymax said that their was life inside the portal "im coming too Hiro i wont leave you alone" i stood up as he nodded and grabbed my hand as he pulled me on top of Baymax as i glanced at everyone as Baymax flew inside and we stared at everything

"wow this is cool exept for the pieced of building Hiro nodded and we found Callaghan's daughter as we began to made our way back until a piece of building crashed Baymax "B-Baymax are you a-alright" i began to shake nervous and scared that something might happen "you still have a chance to go" Baymax spoke as Hiro looked confused as i did we both looked at him and we knew what he meant "no Baymax dont do this,there's gotta be another way!" Hiro pleaded cracking his voice i began to cry again "Baymax dont do this" "no Baymax i cant lose you too"

"Maya,Hiro i will always be with you" Hiro and I both cried and hugged Baymax as he hugged us back after all we've done this is how it ends huh? I never wanted this to happen Tadashi and I worked so hard on creating Baymax and now this is about to happen "i will alway remember you Baymax" i smiled at him for the last time until Baymax let go of us Hiro didnt say as we both flew out of the portal and crashed on the ground as the portal exploded "Hiro?" the girls said happy to see him "Baymax?" Wasabi whispered as he didnt see the giant robot Hiro just looked down sad we looked at Abigail she was alive which does makes us heroes.


We watched as the police took Callaghan away and the ambulance Abigail to the hospital i sighed i relief "we did it guys we saved the city" they nodded it was about dawn we hugged "yeah we did it" Hiro whispered we began to walk away until felt weird i touched my fingers "wait! my ring i-its gone just go home guys ill find find it" i tried telling them to go Honey and Gogo nodded i ran back to the scene i need to find that ring i cant lose that also i knelt down by the dusty ground and began to dig and shoving some building piece away i panted "i-i cant lose that ring again" i continued to search and search but no luck i sighed and wiped away a few tears and sniffed i was on the ground looking at hands "looking for this" i turned around and saw...

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