Chapter 83 A Day At SFIT

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(First of all i would like to dedicate this chapter to one of my most active reader here that she encouraged me and all so AR_Ackerman this chapter is for you and everyone please follow her too now on with the chapter!!)

Maya's pov

"Maya please take a rest you've been working all day its not healthy for the baby" Aunt Cass said as i cleaned the entire house and was helping her out in the café. "dont worry Aunt Cass ill be just fine" i said to her as i gave her some plates she smiled at me "cant believe ill be a grandma cause you've been like a daughter to me Maya!" she said in her cheerful voice i smiled at her and realized that today Hiro and Tadashi were at SFIT "say Aunt Cass can i take a break to go see the boys?." i smiled at her.

"Maya you dont have to ask me ooh have this give this to all of your friends they need to eat for those big brains of them" i chuckled "thanks Aunt Cass ill be back soon" i said walking out with the bag in hand i opened them and saw a few donuts as i licked my lips and closed it. "nope Maya control yourself dont eat the entire bag."

i spoke to myself as i continued walking today was sunny day here at San Fransokyo and Baymax was probably helping Hiro and Tadashi out. i can only imagine Hiro happy all the time by spending and sharing a lab with his brother i smiled at the thought of them working together in a mew project. hmm now that im remembering about Callaghan and everything else i havent heard from Shiori since well since a day after Tadashi proposed to me. speaking about to proposal and all i talked with Tadashi about when we were getting married and we agreed on waiting for when the baby is born and probably old enough so he or she can help us out.

I saw the building up ahead as i passed the bridge were Tadashi and I used to spend our free time now we'll be able to come here with our baby.Hiro and Tadashi have still been arguing about the baby and asking everyone else about what they thought about it Honey said that is was probably going to be a boy while Gogo said a girl Wasabi also a girl and Fred well you know a boy since he's obsessed with super heroes even yesterday i received a mail and it was from Fred and yep he sent me a replica of the monster he had in his room i have it in the garage well kept.

I passed by the doors and walked down the hall and stood behind the lab door i knocked on it and opened it quickly "guess who it is?." i smiled as everyone cheered as they say me. "Maya im so glad you came" Tadashi kissed me and began speaking to the baby. "Tadashi i dont know if it has ears yet. "of course she has its been a a few months remember your on your 6th month." he smiled talking to my stomach as i chuckled "Hiro give these out to everyone" he came and grabbed the bag as he gave a donut to each of them but Tadashi was more distracted with the baby "i bet when the baby is born he will love you."i smiled down at him.

"yep im pretty sure she will love me" he grinned as i shook my head "i swear if shes a girl i will always protect her she'll be a daddy's girl" everyone rolled their eyes okay lets say that this topic was also getting everyone tired of it which was funny cause Tadashi would only talk about it. "hey Maya so when is the baby supposed to be born?" Honey asked placing her hand on my belly.

"well it wont be too long itll be near Hiro's birthday" i glanced over at him "that cant be good" Gogo said as everyone stared at Hiro "whats so bad about it!" he whined. "well little dude if the baby is born in the exact month as you then he or she will be like you stubborn" Fred said which almost made ma laugh. "i guess your right Fred wouldn't want my daughter to be born next to his birthday" Tadashi laughed Hiro attacked him i chuckled. i walked over to Baymax oh yeah did i mention that Baymax was back Tadashi and Hiro built it i remember when i first saw him again i ran hugged him and began to cry like crazy.

"Baymaxx can you scan me to make sure the baby is doing fine?." i asked Baymax looked at me.

"okay i will scan you now..scan complete.the baby seems to be fine and healthy would you like to know the gender?."Baymax asked me.i shook my head "not right now Baymax but thank you." Baymax gave me a lollipop and returned to his little home.

"Maya so have you thought about i dont know making a party for the baby?" Hiro asked me everyone now looked at me.

"oh i dont know Hiro you know i dont do parties a lot and i know that you just want gummy bears on your cake again."

i spoke from my previous birthday party i remember a few days later Tadashi brought me a huge stuffed teddy bear for my birthday which was cute and reminds me of the one i still have on my bed ypu know the ones Tadashi gave to me when we were kids.what great old times i can still remember it like it was only yesterday when we used to play outside with little Hiro.somtimes i still wish that we were still kids but we cant stay young forever like in the Peter Pan story that he doesnt wanna grow up.

I heard the rest of the guys having their own conversation know what else was about to happen also Hiro and Tadashi were opening a building yup they are going to sell their own projects and everything they are going to invent while im also going to help them ive had something huge coming too that'll help kids in studying better.

"so Maya have you thought about any names?." Wasabi asked i sat down by a chair.

"yes i have but i might spoil to much."

"ooh how about if its a boy call him Tadashi also or Yuri its a nice name and if its a girl Emi. my mom told me that that anem was gping to be for me but they decided to change it" i nodded at her.

"those arent that bad thanks Honey" i checked my phone and there was a text from Ryuko telling me that she was in the house with Aunt Cass "well i better go Ryuko is waiting for me".

i got up as everyone groaned telling me to stay longer. "dont worry Maya Hiro and I are coming along with you." Tadashi said as he put on his hat back and his sweater as Hiro did the same same we said our goodbyes as we walked back to the cafe

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