Chapter 78 Elite Four Battle: Poppy

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Now the next Elite Four member we're facing is Poppy, and I'm still surprised that a little kid like her is a part of the Elite Four. Good thing that there is a healing machine in the room so we can just heal our Pokemon before facing the next one.

"It's so cool you made it this far! But this is where you say bye-bye, mister!" Poppy says. "All my Pokemon are super tough! Your weak attacks won't work on them at all! They'll bounce right off - you'll see! I can't wait for you to meet my friends, so... here they come!"

She sends out Copperajah as her first Pokemon, so this young girl is a Steel Type Trainer? That is not something I would've expected.

"Lucario! You're first!" My Lucario has been wanting to prove itself in this match, and I'm going to let him do it.

"Go on, Rajah! Smush 'em!" Copperajah starts by using the Heavy Slam, and I have Lucario block it with Power-Up Punch, both attacks cancel each other out.

"Stealth Rock!" Poppy yells, as Copperajah sets up the stones in the area. I have Lucario use Aura Sphere, damaging Copperajah. When it goes for Bone Rush, Copperajah uses High Horsepower and deals a lot of damage to Lucario.

"Use Play Rough!" Poppy yells. "Counter with Bone Rush!" I yell.

Both Pokemon are fighting with brute force, and neither attacks manage to hit each other until Lucario's Bone Rush slams into the giant elephant's body.

"Good! Use Aura Sphere!" "High Horsepower!" Before Copperajah can hit the attack, Lucario's Aura Sphere slams it into the wall, knocking it out of the battle.

"Magnezone!" Poppy's second Pokemon is the Magnezone, and it begins with Light Screen, setting up the Special Defense.

"Use Bone Rush!" I have Lucario use the attack, but Magnezone goes for Tri Attack, causing Lucario to be frozen in place.

"Oh no... Lucario's frozen!" Lillie gasps.

Magnezone tries to attack with Discharge, breaking the ice, and hits Lucario, but Lucario uses Life Dew to heal itself so that it won't faint.

"Life Dew seems to be a smart move..." Luke says, "Considering that Lucario's health is quite low."

"Lucario, you can still do this, right?" I ask, and Lucario nods. "Good, use Bone Rush again!"

This time Lucario manages to hit the Pokemon, dealing a lot of damage. "Use Discharge again!"

Lucario is hit by the attack and gets paralyzed, but Lucario throws an Aura Sphere, hitting Magnezone, and knocks it out of the battle.

"Lucario's performance is unexceptional this time." Nemona says.

"But I'm not sure if it can handle the next one on its own..." Lillie says with concern.

Poppy's third Pokemon is Orthworm, and it uses Iron Head. Lucario cancels the attack with the Power-Up Punch.

"Earthquake!" Poppy yells and Orthworm uses the attack and Lucario's paralysis causes him to be unable to dodge, therefore it is defeated.

"There goes one of my Pokemon..." I mutter as I recall Lucario, sending out Gardevoir as my next Pokemon. Gardevoir takes the hit from the Stealth Rocks, but it doesn't seem to do much.

Orthworm uses another Iron Head, and I have Gardevoir dodge the attack using Teleport. "Use Mystical Fire!" I yell, but just as the attack is about to hit, Orthworm sets up the Sandstorm and covers itself from the attack, using Iron Tail and dealing a lot of damage.

"Gardevoir! No!" I yell in horror, and Orthworm uses Dig again and lands an Iron Head after coming out behind Gardevoir, slamming the Pokemon to the wall and knocking it out.

"Now that's two losses on both sides." Rika says. "I wonder how it will go..."

I decide to use Eiscue next, as usual, it gets hit by the Stealth Rocks, and Lillie says, "Stealth Rocks is a slight problem..."

"I know, but I am not going to give up." I say. Orthworm goes for the Iron Head, but Eiscue uses Surf to wash it away.

"Now use Headbutt!" I yell, and Eiscue manages to hit Orthworm with the attack, but it goes for Iron Tail and breaks the Ice Face.

"Quick! Snowscapes!" I yell, and Eiscue sets up the snow and stops the Sandstorm, then the Ice Face is back.

"Now use Weather Ball!" I say. But Poppy smirks, "Use Body Press!"

Just then, the Fighting Type move breaks the Ice Face once more, and it goes for the Iron Head, plummeting back down to the battlefield, causing him major damage.

"Eiscue! Aurora Veil!" I decided to set up the defenses, but Eiscue is still defeated by Iron Head.

"Damn it... now I have three Pokemon left..." I mutter as I decide to go with Pikachu.

"Ah, Pikachu's next." Poppy says. Then she has Orthworm uses Earthquake, but Pikachu dodges the attack by jumping into the air and I have it use Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt hits Orthworm, making it paralyzed.

"Use Brick Break!" Pikachu jumps on top of Orthworm and uses the Brick Break attack, landing the hit.

"Now we'll start the counterattack! Use Flame Bolt!" When the Fire Attack hits Orthworm, it groans in pain before falling to the ground fainted.

"No! Orthworm!" Poppy yells in horror.

"Now that's three-on-three." I say.

Poppy's fourth Pokemon is Bronzong and start things off by having it use Zen Headbutt, hitting Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Use Crunch attack!" Pikachu tries to attack the Bronzong, but it manages to dodge the attack by floating into the air.

"Use Earthquake!" Poppy commands and I have Pikachu dodges the attack, but Pikachu didn't dodge in time and suffered a direct hit.

"Pikachu seems to be taking a lot of damage right now..." Reisa says.

"Pikachu! Use Shadow Volt!" I have Pikachu fire the Ghost-Type attack, but it is canceled by Bronzong's Rock Blast. Bronzong attempts to use Iron Head, but Pikachu dodges and jumps into the air, landing Flame Bolt and hitting Bronzong, knocking it to the ground.

"Bronzong! Use Earthquake again!" Poppy yells, but Pikachu goes for Floatty Fall to dodge the attack and make Bronzong flinch.

"Finish with Brick Break!" I yell, and Pikachu's attack causes Bronzong to be knocked out.

"Now Ash is in the lead again!" Lillie says.

"But there are still two Pokemon for Poppy, I can't say for sure..." Nemona says.

The fifth Pokemon for Poppy is Corviknight, and good thing that Pikachu has a Type advantage. Corviknight goes for Iron Defense to start things off.

"Pikachu! Electro Ball!" I have Pikachu throws the attack, but Corviknight destroys the attack using Steel Wing. Then I have Pikachu use Electro-Rock, but the Body Press blocks the attack and strikes at Pikachu, dealing some damage.

"Brave Bird!" Poppy yells, but I have Pikachu dodge by hiding underground using Dig, and when it comes out, I have it use Splishy Splash, paralyzing the Corviknight with a Water move.

"Looks like Pikachu has a lot of movesets." Rika remarks. "Fire Types, Water Types, how did he manage to have it learn all of those moves?"

"Training with all kinds of Pokemon, Pikachu likes to learn and become stronger like Ash." Lillie says.

I have Pikachu use Icicle Crash, dealing a lot of damage to Corviknight. Corviknight uses Steel Wing again, but Pikachu manages to block the attack and lands a Thunderbolt, knocking it out of the battle.

"Now there is only one Pokemon left for Poppy and Ash still has three." Luke says.

"Poppy's last Pokemon is actually strong." Nemona says.

"I'm not scared! My last Pokemon will turn things around!" Poppy yells as she sends out the final Pokemon, Tinkaton.

"Tinkaton?" I mutter with shock. Then she says, "It's time to get dressed up all pretty, Tinkie!"

Then she takes out the Tera Orb and throws it at Tinkaton, making it a pure Steel Type. "Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!"

I have Pikachu use the electric attack, but Tinkaton shakes off the attack like nothing and goes for the Gigaton Hammer, slamming into Pikachu and knocking it out.

"Pikachu!" I yell in horror, and Lillie winces, "That sure is going to be hurt..."

I bring Pikachu to Lillie so that she can get a hold of him, and I decide to go with Dragonite.

"Since you've Terastallize your Tinkaton, that means it is not a Fairy Type anymore. So Dragonite can hurt it with the Dragon moves! Draco Meteor!"

I have Dragonite go for the attack, but Tinkaton uses its hammer to knock all the meteors down, before using Play Rough on Dragonite, dealing a significant amount of damage.

"Dragonite! Hang in there and use Fire Punch!" Dragonite charges and punches the Tinkaton, but Tinkaton uses Stone Edge, when Dragonite tries to dodge, it gets hit by the last one.

"Dragonite!" I yell in horror as Dragonite falls to the ground. "Gigaton Hammer!" Poppy yells, and the Gigaton Hammer slams at Dragonite, also knocking the Pokemon out in the end.

"That Gigaton Hammer sure is a giant problem." Luke says.

"The only disadvantage for the Gigaton Hammer is the usage... but Poppy has Tinkaton wield it like it was nothing." Reisa says.

I recall Dragonite and send out my final Pokemon, Skeledirge, and I also use the Tera Orb to make it a pure Fire Type.

"Skeledirge! Torch Song!" The firebird on top of the Pokemon shoots at the Tinkaton, dealing a lot of damage. Skeledirge also raises its Special Attack because of the move.

"Use Stone Edge!" Tinkaton lands the move and deals a lot of damage to Skeledirge, but Skeledirge goes for Shadow Ball, returning the damage back to her.

"Gigaton Hammer!" Not that move again, and I'm not going to let Tinkaton land that hit, so I have Skeledirge use Sing, causing it to fall asleep.

"Oh no!" Poppy yells in horror, and I have Skeledirge use Torch Song again, finally knocking out the Tinkaton.

"Uagh?! Mmmuuuggghhh..." Poppy seems to be crying after the loss of the battle, and it takes Rika and me to calm her down before she can heal her Pokemon and fight against Lillie.

Of course, after Lillie defeats Poppy, which is also a hard battle for her especially since Tinkaton's Gigaton Hammer is powerful. Poppy has to be upset again and she rushes to Rika and cries, "Waaaah! Waaah! I wanted to take revenge on you, Rika!"

"Pretty sure you mean "take revenge FOR" me, squirt. Don't think I did anything wrong by you." Rika sighs, for some reason we find that actually funny and adorable. "Hate to say it, but you lost, Poppy. Better call the next guy!"

Poppy stops crying and gasps, "Oh, that's right! I haven't had to do this in a long time!"

She rushes towards the door and yells, "It's your turn, Mister Larry!"

Wait, did she say Larry? The Medali Gym Leader? And much to our shock, Larry comes out from the room, with the same attire as the Gym battle, the same briefcase it is holding, the only difference is that he's wearing the glove that signals the member of the Elite Four.

"Are you kidding me? Larry is not only a Gym Leader but an Elite Four member?" Lillie asks.

"Unbelievable..." I say. "I don't know that can be the case..."

"Hello there... It's me, Larry." Larry says to me, still with his normal tone.

Here is a new chapter, despite being a kid, Poppy is actually strong, and Ash manages to defeat the second member of the Elite Four, and the next chapter will be the third Elite Four battle against the Medali Gym Leader Larry. I was also shocked to see him here because he gave me a lot of trouble, to be honest. I hope you like this chapter.

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