a boy is not broken anymore

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soon liked lee wang's company. she was nice. completely different from her, true. but she was fun. a breath of fresh air to her cold and boring days.

once they finished dinner, wang helped her with the dishes and when they finished, they sat on the living room with a glass of wine. jinyi played with her dolls as she watched cartoons on the carpet.

"did he call you today?" wang asked.

soon stared at the red wine on her glass.

kihyun hadn't call her that day nor the previous. she simply shook her head.

wang sighed. a heavy sigh. "i really thought he was going to listen this time- her eyes widened when she noticed she had talked way too much.

"what?" soon's eyes widened.

"i mean... - she chuckled nervously – yes, alright? yes! i talked to him." she said as if she was taking something out of her chest.

soon looked at her confused. "i told him he was being a bad husband because- she looked desperate – i really miss those times when we were together, you and me and kihyun and jinyoungie... you know? when we had dinners and went to the theater together... i really ship you two!"

she remained looking at wang with a frown on her face. "it's not fair for us too you know? we miss you guys! we were... inseparable, remember?" wang had a point.

soon remembered these times as fun times. but they had been so long ago. it was during the time jinyoung was dating wang and they'd hang out together and make double dates.

both soon and kihyun spent amazing time with them but just by the times wang and jinyoung got married, the cracks of kihyun and soon's marriage started blossom.

especially when jinyi came to this world, reminding soon that she had been married with kihyun for over 10 years and hadn't been able to give birth a child.

soon looked down. "i am sorry... i guess i didn't think about you guys." deep inside, soon also missed them, especially her brother.

but thinking about jinyoung was something that really saddened her.

wang pouted. "maybe... we should try put all of us in a room and talk about the beefs." she joked.

but park soon knew that wouldn't amend things. talking about it, in this case, wouldn't change a thing.

she'd still be pissed with jinyoung for what he did. and kihyun would still be pissed at everyone for supporting soon and at soon for still being in love with hyungwon.

some things can never go back the way they were.

"maybe... i'll think about it. i promise." soon said with a reassuring smile.

wang nodded eagerly as she drank a sip of her wine. "by the way... who was that man that walked you home?"

"uh... it's just a colleague... i think he lives nearby i don't know... he just offered walk me home, that's it."

maybe mentioning that hyungwon lived around wouldn't raise suspicions but wang was witty and had sharp senses. "he's handsome."

soon almost choked with the wine. "r-really? i didn't notice."

"is he a teacher?"

she turned to look at wang with serious eyes. "yes."

"what does he teach?"

"wangie... i don't want to talk about him, really... he's just someone from work."

wang's eyes narrowed as she stared at soon with inquisitive eyes. "oh god... are you having an affair with him?" her eyes widened like balls.

soon definitely choked on her wine this time. "what!?"

"an affair? is that why- wang started as she stood from the couch, glass of wine in her hand – why you don't want to work things out with kihyun? because you're in love with someone else?"

well... it wasn't far from reality.

in fact. lee wang had guessed at least 80% of what was going on there. big difference was: she wasn't dating hyungwon.

it was something platonic.

"please... no. stop talking non-sense. it's not like that."

"i mean... i am not stupid park soon... i know you guys got nervous when i arrived. it's okay, you can tell me anything."

soon stood from the couch as well to pour another glass of wine. "you're imagining things wang... i barely know the guy. plus i am married and he's in a relationship too."

wang narrowed her eyes as she followed soon, grabbing her softly by her arms she looked into her eyes. "fine... i believe you, but know that i worry about you... know that you can tell me anything, you can trust me."

soon nodded.

she knew she was right but definitely she talking with kihyun behind her back wasn't worthy of trust right now.

"i know. thanks." she simply said.

wang smiled as she called jinyi's name. "time to go home sweetie." she turned to look at soon.

"if you need anything call me okay? maybe we can to shopping tomorrow? or this weekend? i need to buy some stuff for jinyi."

soon sighed and finally nodded. "alright. text me."

"sure do. walk me out, come on." wang said hugging her arm as she picked up her stuff. the pair walked to the door as they were followed by adorable jinyi hopping like a bunny.

"auntie!" she said with puffy and pinky cheeks. soon kissed her and waved goodbye as she watched them go into their car.

once alone she felt like she could breathe again. she closed the door behind her back and picked up the rest of the wine bottle and made her way upstairs, to the room she shared with kihyun.

now that he was gone, it didn't look different from the days when he was usually there, because it's as if he wasn't there at all.

she hopped on the bed and poured another glass and closed her eyes.

a pair of big and dark eyes appeared on her mind as they stared at her with intensity, and then his lips, full and provocative lips calling her name and then his hands touching hers, playing with her marriage ring, in the subway.

her heart raced as the images became overwhelming and suddenly she opened her eyes and found her scared reflection on the mirror.

the words he pronounce, how he called her name and how he said the same thing he did years ago, about her being unhappy about her engagement and now marriage, provided her with the coldest goosebumps.

was she being played? was he aware of anything? was he seeking for revenge?

but she did nothing wrong. she tried to help him all along.

she tried to sleep that night and wouldn't have managed it without the sleeping pills.

she hadn't need them in the past years but since hyungwon appeared again, she concurred to them. they've became one of her best friends, along with a very generous glass of wine.

but that morning she felt nauseous. thinking about going to work made her feel sick, but she knew she couldn't skip work. there were plenty exams and reviews she had to do with students.

so she managed to make it on time, grabbing a cab and avoiding the noises of the subway.

the day was gray, a very typical day of this time of the year, close to the winter season to start, and she hurried to her first class, avoiding the fellow teachers and the morning coffee at the teacher's building.

the morning's first class was about psychological profiles for criminals. soon was kind of an expert on this since she first worked with hyungwon himself and then worked with a few other criminals that she had interview in the past.

"facial expressions... that's the most important thing, body language, everything... when we're trying to know the real he or she, when we're analyzing their behavior under pressure, that's the moment when they show signs of weakness and it's the perfect time to attack gently with wise questions, questions that will expose themselves."

she said with eager eyes. "that's the key." she said entwining her hands.

"bring me an essay for next class. you can go now." she said with a half smile, as she turned on the classroom's light and walked to the desk to collect her stuff.

"dr. park?" she turned to find a familiar boy with nervous eyes waiting for her at the classroom's entrance.

"minhyuk?" she asked, eyes surprised.

he smiled nervously but finally nodded. "it is me... do you still remember? i... i didn't think you'd remember me."

she smiled, feeling suddenly contented of his presence. "of course i remember you, i remember all of my patients but- she said eyeing him from head to toe – wow... you look amazing."

his cheeks turned bright red as he moved containing his happiness. "ah what are you saying... not at all – he said humbly as he looked down with a big smile on his lips.

soon smiled. "what are you doing here? how did you find me?"

"oh – his eyes widened as he showed her a flyer with lots of information – i came here for a career fair, my aunt and uncle wants me to attend this college... and here they give marine biology, look!" he said happily, showing her the flyer.

she glanced at it with interest. "ah yes! i've seen the aquarium previously, it's a lovely place."

he nodded eagerly. "then i saw your name on the website? on the psychiatry and psychology department and of course... i wanted to say hi to my favorite doctor." he said with honest eyes.

soon still remembered the time when he got discharged from the clinic. it was a great day for him and she had to admit it was for her as well.

he decided to go to live with his uncles instead of living with his abusive parents and they moved to a different city to help minhyuk to reconstruct his life again from zero.

"it is a surprise seeing you back here, but a very nice surprise." she said with a smile.

minhyuk's eyes turned, a shadow crossed his bright eyes. "i came because... my parents died and... i had to attend the funeral." he said swallowing hard.

soon didn't say anything, she just stared at him with eager eyes. "they... were old now... it was an accident police said but- i think my father killed my mom and then committed suicide."

those were harsh words, especially coming from him. but soon didn't doubt that was probably what have happened either. they were troubled people.

"i am sorry about their deaths."

he nodded. "i am too, but i am much better now with my uncles. they take good care of me, i am like the son they could never have."

she felt genuinely happy when hearing about this. "i am sure they're the luckiest couple around." she said pinching his cheeks. he giggled.

"thanks dr. park. i never forget about you, what you did to me... you never gave up on me... you worked hard and encourage me to be a better person and to deal with everything... and for that and more i am super thankful to you." he said holding her hand desperately.

she felt like crying when seeing this amazing boy, who once was a broken one, blossom into a beautiful and happy, full of energy and confident one.

"the pleasure of working with you was mine." she said patting his shoulder.

he smiled. "can i invite you a coffee one day?" he asked. soon nodded eagerly.

"of course. in the mean time... i wish you good luck with your admission process and know that my doors are always open for you to visit."

minhyuk had surely been a great patient. one of the best. perfect results and complete recovering.

he was truly the best example. minhyuk bid his goodbye and walked towards an old couple that was waiting for him with their arms opened and warm smiles.

she felt contented at the view of a confident and happy minhyuk being loved and cared about, like he deserved.

"professor park?" suddenly a voice made her jump, a familiar voice now and her confident and pleased mood suddenly was replaced by one filled with fear and uncertainty.

she turned around slowly to find hyungwon's towering figure, staring at her with intense eyes. "may i have a word with you?"


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