ashes of the past

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soon's morning routines weren't exactly exciting. she'd always have a black coffee at her hourse or on her way to the university. 

a simple cup of coffee, nothing less and nothing more. 

good old breakfast weren't really her thing. maybe they were, for a couple of years. especially the first years of marriage, in which kihyun would always wake up early to prepare it. 

soon was never really good at cooking but kihyun enjoyed cooking and it was the perfect balance. he'd cook while she'd deal with the dishes later, it was fair. 

but work started grew them apart. 


or at least that's what she preferred to blame. because she knew it was easier to point out that it was work that was keeping them apart than their own feelings. 

it's always easier to blame something else... or someone else.

but in this case, kihyun had make great progress into founding his own clinic and of course, he needed to be there earlier. 

soon was witness of how hard he had worked during those years and naturally, she didn't dare to be a stone on his road. she'd suggest for him to have breakfast earlier and after he insisted that he didn't want to leave her alone, eating breakfast in that big house, she'd always say that it was fine, that she didn't feel alone and she could perfectly eat her breakfast by herself. 

with the years passing by, kihyun started preparing breakfast only for himself and eventually the tradition of eating together was soon long forgotten. 

not even on weekends.

but woon didn't pay too much attention to it. for her it was easier to only have a big cup of coffee in the mornings. she'd enjoy it better with the relaxed silence of the house.

that morning, she noticed the dishes in the sink. 

"eggs and toast." she mumbled as she washed them. she turned to look at the coffee pot to realize there was no more coffee left. 

she lacked of inspiration to make it her own so she decided to grab one on her way to school. 

morning was surprisingly the same as the day before. wet and cold. the sky had a light gray color that in some cases, was considered depressing. 

she stopped by on her usual spot to grab a coffee and then went downstairs to get the subway station. 

kihyun had left early that morning. she believed she listened talking in the room, something about a trip to busan for a meeting but she was still asleep and couldn't pay too much attention to him. 

the ride on the subway wasn't exciting. lots of people squeezing each other as they rushed through the halls to make it on time. 

the morning was cold and boring. she had lots of classes that day but managed to arrive on time, even with all the chaos of the subway, she was on time. always. 

the familiar guard on the entrance greeted her as usual. he was a lovely old man who had been there for over 45 years working as the security guard. soon greeted him back with a rehearsed smile as she made her way towards the professor's building. 

she liked that man. he was sweet and warm but smiling genuinely wasn't easy for her. or not as much as when she was young. 

"hi professor" a couple of students passed by as they greeted her. she only smiled back and kept walking. 

the first class was about behavior and personality and she had the group b of the second year. later on she had developmental psychology with group a of the first year and finally death and dying with group e of the second year. 

"whoever said that loss gets easier with time was a liar. here's what really happens: the spaces between the times you miss them grow longer. then, when you do remember to miss them again, it's still with a stabbing pain to the heart. and you have guilt. guilt because it's been too long since you missed them last."

she closed the book and stared at it as her heart raced. it was similar to a pain, it was so quick that felt like a void, a painless void. 

talking about death was hard for her but the dean asked her personally to take that class since its professor was on vacation for this next semester. 

at first she thought about refusing it. she remembered about it, when she studied it herself. it mainly talked about death and how humans deal with it. 

it wasn't soon's favorite subject to talk about. in fact, it was hard to do it. 

the cold surface of the book and the shapes of the "o" on the title, brought instant memories, like quick flashes of a pair of eyes that she thought she had long forgotten. 

blinking twice, she put the book away, on top of the desk and finally looked at the expectant faces in front of her, who where staring back. "read up to page 244 for next class. you can go now." she said clearing her throat and walking towards the light switch to turn on the lights.

the suden bustle of the students grabbing their backs, talking about the class or what class they had next soon echoed inside the big room. 

she walked towards the desk and supported her body for a second as she closed her eyes, trying to push his image away. 

but he insisted on staying there. on haunting her. 

she had been taking pills for the first years since it happened. the pills helped her to keep the images of him away and they had worked. 

they worked perfectly fine for a couple of years. it worked to the point she didn't needed them anymore. 

but visions of him had been tormenting her lately and she couldn't help but wonder if he was him, teasing her from beyond. 

in a desperate attempt to keep them away, she looked for her bag, hoping that she'd been smart enough to keep an emergency dosis in it. but then, at the lack of it, she remembered it that one day kihyun had got rid of them in one of the fights they had. 

"water." she mumbled, looking for her water bottle, only to realize it was empty. 

she massaged her temples as she collected her stuff to get to her next class but just when she turned off the lights, the sight of something caught her eye. 

slowly turning around, her eyes focused on a blurry silhouette, standind at the steps of the stair, probably staring at her. a familia silhouette. 

her heart skipped a beat when she soon realized, it was a product of her imagination. 

"he's not real. he's not here." trembling, she made her way out of the classroom, rushing through the hallways and avoiding the fresh faces of the students. 

park soon doubted she'd be able to teach the next class but she had to do it, so she decided to stop by the professor's building first to freshen up. 

but the images around her began to turn blurry and she felt everything was moving faster. people passing by and staring at her made her nervous. 

and then she saw it. again.

the glimpse of a familiar back, long dark hair, briefcase in hand. 

he slowly turned around and then the smile... and those eyes. 

"no." she whispered, feelin consummed by her visions. 

it was him.

his dark eyes stared at her with surprise and then something similar to worry. she noticed how he left his briefcase on the floor along with the paper cup filled with hot coffee, to approach her, to run in her direction. 

but it couldn't be him. 

she felt her head throbbing and everything around her felt as if she was being summerged under water. 

his lips moved faster as it seemed he was telling her something and his hands were trying desperately to grab her. 


that's what she saw on his face. pure horror. 

but park soon wondered if it was to compare with the horror she was feeling in that moment. 

she was seeing dead people, like the kid in the movie. people who is gone already and that wasn't normal. 

am i going crazy? she couldn't help but ask herself, in her troubled mind. 

but then she felt her body became heavier and his strong hands reaching for her. his touch. 

his touch curiously was warm and real. 

"it's you."

it was him. 

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