looking for friends in the wrong places

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because this way i have enough excuses to spend time with you.

the words were almost engraved in her mind. the way he said it surely made her feel warm inside.

was he real? if it was, then it was comforting thinking about it.

but it he wasn't... what kind of sick person he was to play with her like that?

was the tension between them had anything to do with their past? was he aware of that?

"i hope that doesn't offend you professor park?" he asked, finally leaning backwards, breaking the palpable tension between them.

there was an awkward silence between them, soon's own eyes widened once she heard the bold words and careless expression.

hyungwon quickly understood the terror in her eyes. "oh- no... i didn't mean it that way- listen... i know you're a married woman... and i- myself, i am kind of in a relationship too. i just meant it in the friendly way." he quickly added.

realization hit her.

of course he didn't mean it that way. after all, she was married and probably considered old by him.

"uh- n-no. it's.. fine. i get it." she answered nervously. he smiled.

"just read the novel i gave you... we can talk about it once you finish it, how does that sound?"

it was way more than kihyun ever did for her in the last years.

she nodded. "i will. thank you."

she noticed his adam's apple moving softly and forced herself to look away. the view was intoxicating.

the moment was pretty intense until his phone beeped. he jumped on his seat and reached for it on his coat's pocket.

he glanced at the screen and immediately tensed. "ah excuse me a minute professor park, i need to take this." he said making his way downstairs and finally out of the coffee shop.

since they had chosen a table close to the terrace, the metallic rail gave her plenty access to the view downstairs, at the street.

she noticed how he walked out of the coffee shop and stopped his tracks on the sidewalk.

it wasn't that high for her not to listen what he was talking. her heart wrenched.

"honey i am sorry... i was in the middle of a conversation."

"with a friend."

"you don't know this friend. it's a colleague from the university."

soon's chest tightened as she realized he was clearly talking with his girlfriend, the one for whom he borrowed a book from soon.

and they were talking about her.

"maybe tonight? i have plenty student reports to check-

"yeah i know we haven't seen in each other in a week but you were on your school trip-

"alright. i'll be there." he said finally hanging up.

soon noticed how he remained a few seconds there just standing on the street. his chest seemed to be going and up and down faster. but then just as if he knew, he looked up and their eyes met for a brief instant, making soon lean backwards as she quickly began to collect her stuff.

she wasn't definitely spying on him... was she?

either way she was ashamed.

she grabbed her phone and bag and stood from the table, pushing her chair and walking towards the stairs but she bumped into him on her way.

"professor park – he said stepping accidentally on her way.

"i have to go now... i have dinner with my parents today." a clear lie.

he swallowed hard, letting her pass but quickly followed her. "i – he was at a loss of words, he just followed her around and out of the coffee shop.

"i am sorry for interrupting our reunion i got this call and- he stopped talking when he stepped on her tracks making her stop.

"soon... - his voice made her look up. the intimate way he pronounced her name made her eyes widen in horror.


"i mean... professor park... i am sorry, i just want us to be friends that's all. i promise-

she swallowed hard as her nerves began to grow. "i am sorry i have to get home now." she said moving around him as she kept walking fast.

he followed her. "did i do or say something wrong?" he asked but she didn't answer.

he understood she wasn't going to talk so he just walked next to her. "what are you doing?"

"i am walking you home."

"no, you're not – she stopped on her tracks, closing her eyes as she tried to control her breathing.

she was fine until he received that call and until he called her name like that. as if he knew her and as if he was playing with her.

"please just go back-

"professor park – he said with an authoritarian tone. she stopped and listened to him as if he was a serpent enchanter.

"i'll walk you home... i'll feel better if i see you arriving home safely." truth be told, park soon didn't know if it was a good idea, showing him where she lived.

but if this was hyungwon faking a new whole identity as he did before, she knew he had the resources to find her address and even more things since he used to be a cyber security engineer.

and truth be told, she wanted him with her.

she wanted to spend more time with him even if he had upset her. even if he had friendzoned her like that.

but was she expecting more? was she?

she couldn't. she was married to a wonderful man who ignored her because of her own stubbornness.

because that's what she created. an ignoring and unhappy husband.

yet, park soon didn't expect much of baek hyungwon. she enjoyed his strange but filling company. she didn't feel lonely even if he wanted to be only friends with her.

but she was too proud to answer, so instead she just walked towards the subway, a clear green light for him to follow her.

they both walked next to each other downstairs towards the train waiting area. nobody said anything.

the silence filled their minds as they waited patiently for the next train to come.

he'd glanced at her now and then but she remained ice cold, looking forward, ignoring his eyes.

her mind was filled with thoughts of him. why did he step outside to take that call? did her girlfriend know he was with her back there?

of course soon didn't know the answers and she wasn't going to ask the questions either. they were practically strangers, only two people working in the same space.

he glanced at her quietly as the noises around them quieted down.

she was older than him, not so much, but a few years, around 5.

either way, she looked young. she looked probably his age too. she didn't have gray hairs, different from him, who had a few. and she had a young and fresh face, easily the face of a young adult despite her actual age.

on people's eyes, he'd look slightly older and they'd look like a couple who were fighting on their way home.

and it itched her.

the only thought of it. people thinking they were a couple, after all he did to her in the past.

she didn't know if she hated him or if she wanted to push him against the wall and eat his mouth out.

it was a weird and new feeling, since she hadn't feel like this in so long. but one this was certain and it was that his only presence made her feel like nobody else has ever. only him.

the train arrived and the doors opened. he waited patiently for her to come inside and finally followed her.

she took a free seat in the big long row of seats. a man dressed in a suit with a sly stare, that was close, glanced carelessly at her legs and then up at her cleavage. hyungwon walked slowly behind her and soon witnessed the scene. as he held onto the metallic he realized the man's hungry eyes and when he slide close to her.

the suited man smirked as he cleared his throat. "miss..." he mumbled, gaining soon's attention.

she turned to find him leaning close to her, she frowned and opened her mouth to send him away but immediately was interrupted by hyungwon's body, sliding between them.

"sorry honey... you left me behind. i know you're mad at me, but you shouldn't leave me like that in the middle of the subway station." his big hand held hers as he brought them together to his lap.

soon's eyes widened at the sudden and unexpected action, quickly shutting up the suited man's intention.

he cleared his throat again and slide away from them, acting as if nothing happened.

she glanced at their entwined hands and felt her head turning hot, ears throbbing, soon turning red. "w-what are you doing? i am- a married woman." she whispered, trying almost against her will to free her hand from his.

hyungwon chuckled, not letting go of her hand. "come on... i saved you from that twat."

she frowned. "why? i didn't ask you for help-

"we have to act like a couple now or else he'll know i did it to protect you."

soon stared at him with a confused face, but quickly realized the man, that was now a few seats away, was staring at both.

she stopped moving her hands and let it rest on his, right on top of his lap. "fine." she said between teeth.

his chest rose and fell quickly, she realized he was laughing quietly. "it's funny to you?"

he covered his mouth with his hand, he didn't want the man to know he was laughing. "a little."

she turned to meet his big and bright eyes. the look was the same but there was definitely a different vibe to it. he looked and felt like someone completely different.

"what's so funny?" she asked with defiant eyes.

his laugh quieted down as he glanced at her. "your face... it was a poem."

she rolled her eyes, looking away. they were adults but right now, at the eyes of the people in that wagon, they'd surely look like a teenage couple in love.

"i'd say we really fooled him, don't you think?" she felt his shoulder, hitting hers softly. she looked up and he winked at her.

park soon didn't say a thing. she didn't know why he did all of that. he could have easily let it go.

"why are you doing this?" she asked suddenly, taking him by surprise.

but in the act, she caught him looking at her wedding ring, her hand entwined with his.

his light mood was soon replaced by a serious face and even a disappointed and melancholic one. the voice in the speakers announced soon's stop. "professor baek?" she asked again.

but his fingers softly caressed the golden ring in her hand. a look of lament in her eyes.

the unexpected touch sent warm shivers down her spine and quickly she witdrew her hand from his, a look of desperate need to get away from him was evident in her face.

he still had an effect on her and his eyes realized it.

"t-this is my stop." she managed to say between a crazy beating heart.

in that moment, she wanted to slap herself. both of them were in serious relationships so she shouldn't feel this way towards him.

but it was hard to control such feelings. feelings that had been closeted for years and happen to go resurface again, 15 years later at the imminent and probably unfortunate turn of events.

meeting him again and letting him into her life again.

his eyes, a glimpse of disappointment and even a ghost hint of annoyance over realizing again that she was a married woman and was wearing that golden wedding ring, showered his face.

"let's get you home." was the only thing he could say to her. 


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