of leftovers and crazy encounters

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"so... should we see each other tonight?" he asked, opening the car door for her. they've arrived the university and both had classes to teach that afternoon.

she smiled.

"i'd love to." truth be told, she didn't want to go home yet and she felt somehow better at hyungwon's place than jinyoungs.

both walked towards the university, keeping their distance of course.

"you're always welcome at my house." he said out of nowhere. she turned to look at him with confused eyes.


"yeah... are you wondering that?"

she laughed. "well... it's just i don't wanna go home yet and... i don't want to bother by brother... he has a lot on his plate right now."

hyungwon nodded as if he understood the situation perfectly.

"but i also don't want to bother you-

"not at all!" he exclaimed stopping on his tracks, she laughed.

"i know... but still, i want a place for myself."

he looked away and finally nodded. "i understand... do you want me to help you look around?"

she shook her head. "no need, my brother is into that already."

"it would be good if it's near the campus... that way you don't have to invest too much time in the mornings to come here."

she smiled at his sweet suggestions. "will do."

they both bid their goodbyes and she went in for her first class, and everything seemed to be working out just fine. everything was smooth.

she kind of liked to teach, in a way, was way easier and laid-back than being analyzing people around.

her phone beeped and jinyoung's name appeared on the screen. a text.

jinyoungie: this afternoon we're meeting my real agent friend, he has a few options for us. are you free?

soon: of course, what time?

jinyoungie: 3:00 pm is that okay?

soon: sure, are you picking me up?

jinyoung: of course sis, see you at 3

soon bit her lip as she stared at the screen. even if she had been apart from jinyoung for years, she was glad that he was back into her life, she definitely needed the presence of a brother in her life.

and she appreciated everything he did for her, but still, she wanted to have a place of her own.

the rest of the afternoon went by smoothly and finally when all of her classes were over, she walked to the parking lot and found jinyoung waiting for her.

after a long conversation starting from where did she spend the night yesterday and how her day went, park soon managed to made up a story about a fellow colleague inviting her to her house after they graded the student's essays and after drinks she stayed at her house.

apparently, jinyoung bought it since he didn't insist more in the subject. but he also knew he couldn't push her. after all, park soon was a grown up woman and she was old enough to make her own decisions and nobody could make opinions about it.

"i like this neighborhood." she said, her eyes fixed on the window. it definitely looked like a nice place and it was indeed close to the campus. it was perfect.

"you said you wanted a condo... and i believe it's the best for you at the moment." jinyoung said parking. she noticed there was a man in a silver fancy and foreigner car, waiting, and when he noticed jinyoung's car he quickly stepped out and waved at them.

"that's my friend, he got us this opening." they both walked to the smiley man who greeted them with a sweet and energetic smile.

"jinyoung! it's been so long... and this is your sister i assume?" he asked glancing at soon.

she chuckled.

"yes, park soon nice to meet you."

"ah the pleasure it's mine, yoon jeonghan at your services... now shall we proceed, please follow me."

jeonghan was really nice and he was patient enough to show jinyoung and soon plenty options. after showing them that condo, he drove them to four more options. he was open and answered all questions both jinyoung and soon had.

that last one though, had really hit soon's gut. and she felt a good vibe. "i really like this one." she said walking around, caressing the walls.

it was simple, two bedrooms, one bathroom and an open concept with living room, dining room and kitchen. all white and plain. the view was also great, pretty similar to hyungwon's but not as sensational.

"the rent is one of the highest though." jeonghan added. jinyoung glanced at him.

"that's not a problem." he said walking around, hands on his waist.

"so what do you say? you like this?"

soon nodded, hugging herself as she walked to the kitchen, it was big but she thought maybe she could take some cooking classes and the thought of cooking for hyungwon in that kitchen, excited her.

"i like it. it's... simple."

"plus is very close to the campus." jinyoung added.

soon smiled widely and nodded. "let's do it."

the deal was closed within an hour and jeonghan told her that in 24 hours she could move in. he suggested a few moving companies that helped with the process but she decided to do it by herself.

jinyoung also offered her help but she told him it was okay, she could do it herself.

in fact, that was something she wanted to do alone. on her defense, it'd help her keep her mind busy during that next weekend since she had plenty to do.

hyungwon's name lighted up on the screen since she finally had decided to chance his saved name.

hyungwon: how did it go? you're an apartment owner yet? or are you still checking around?

she smiled as she excused herself from the dinner table and went to the guests room where she was staying at jinyoung's house. she threw herself in the bed as she opened hyungwon's text window.

soon: ha.ha actually yes, i am an apartment owner now.

soon: you can congratulate me now

hyungwon: first i need to pay you a visit

hyungwon: did you move already?

soon: not yet, this weekend

hyungwon: great, i am happy for you

hyungwon: are you free tonight? are you hungry?

soon: i am free, i am not hungry though, just had dinner

hyungwon: alright but we can always drink some wine or maybe tea?

soon: wine is fine

hyungwon: wanna come here?

she found herself smiling at his text. going to his house again? but this time she'd have to come back to jinyoung's other wise he'd start suspecting things.

soon: alright, be there in 30

hyungwon: i'll be waiting.

this whole thing seemed like a pair of teenagers exchanging texts and even though she didn't have this kind of relationship with kihyun, at this age, it still excited her.

she told jinyoung she was going out for drinks with a friend, it wasn't exactly a lie but deep down she didn't want to keep lying to him. especially since he's been so good to her.

but she also knew she couldn't tell him she was going to see someone he thought was dead.

she texted hyungwon when she was arriving and he answered that she could go straight up. after greeting mr. lee she made her way towards hyungwon's pent house and when the elevator doors opened, he was waiting for her with a glass of wine, a million dollar smile.

"welcome." he said approaching her, leaving a soft kiss on her lips as he handed her the glass of wine. she smiled as they both walked into the pent house.

it was hard to say where they stood. she didn't know what was going on between them, what was that relationship that was starting to blossom.

she didn't want to put labels yet, because it was so recent. but she also felt curious about how to act around him, since she wanted to kiss him and hug him most of the times.

"geez... this view... it gets me everytime." she said leaving her coat and shoes on the lobby. 

hyungwon laughed in the middle of a wine sip.

"you can come to see it whenever you want." he said putting an arm around her, bringing her closer to his body. she felt his warmth and then the now familiar reassuring feeling that filled her completely.

"i like this." she mumbled, enough for him to listen to her. he turned to look at her and opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it when he felt lost in her beauty.

he considered himself lucky now that she was recurrent in his life and he wanted to make it a constant in his life.

"this is the part when you invite me to come often." she added, he laughed.

"i told you, you can come anytime you want." he said caressing her hair. 

"in fact... i ask you, beg you, to come often, please?" he put his hands together and then she felt like dying of cuteness.

he was acting cute for her, everything was perfect, not a thing could ruin this, what they had.

she put her arms around him and brought him close to her, staring into his eyes, hyungwon stared back with confusion over the sudden display of affection, but he didn't move.

in fact, he was longing for it as well.

the kiss.

she closed her eyes and put her lips on his, because that's the only thing she wanted to do. she never felt the need to be afectuous with someone, until she met hyungwon.

hands traveled to each bodies as they tried to rip off their clothes, the couch was the closest thing they could look for support so that's where they went.

he was on top of hers, eating her mouth, dealing with her complicated shirt, he just wanted to remove all those layers of clothes that were just on the way.

then there, in the heat of the moment, between all those kisses and desperate caresses a beep from the door made them both aware of their surroundings and then a scream.

a female voice.

"are you kidding me!?" they both looked up and found daesom looking shocked, eyes almost popping out of their caskets. rage filling her face, red like a tomato. her hands closed in tight fists.

"what the fuck is going on!? who's this?" she asked jumping towards soon, grabbing her by the hair, making her stand from the couch.

hyungwon stared at the scene with a terrified expression and quickly went in between the two, grabbing daesom's hands and forcing them away soon.

soon was complaining about the pain but daesom wouldn't give in, she let go of soon's hair to then grab her arm, dipping her nails into her skin.

"yah!" hyungwon exclaimed, grabbing daesom's arm and pushing it away soon, with a swift move, he grabbed soon and slide her behind his body, daesom went in with all her strenght and tried to hit soon but he stepped in the middle.

"enough!" he complained, grabbing both of daesom's hands to stop her from hitting soon. he shook her violentely, trying to make her realize the situation, because it was as if daesom had lost her marbles.

"what do you think you're doing!?" soon had never seen hyungwon this upset, ever.

maybe in the past when he was chae hyungwon, but not baek. never.

he seemed really furious, especially by the way he grabbed daesom. she looked at him, with wide opened eyes, and between gritted teeth she finally spoke.

"this whore- what is she doing here!?" she exclaimed.

"yah!! - hyungwon started, shaking her again - you will address with respect in this house, she's your elder... you won't talk like that to her."

daesom looked at him with hate, she couldn't believe soon was there.

soon stared at them with confusion and daesom soon awakened feelings of anger inside her. she didn't think she'd hate her. maybe she didn't like her but now, after what she did, she was starting to believe what she felt was hate.

"are you stupid daesom? really?-- what did you think will happen?"

"i don't care, i don't want to see you with this bitch... don't you see what she's doing?"

"nobody asked for your opinion, you're no longer welcomed here, come on." he said almost dragging her towards the entrance door. she stopped walking and now was difficult for hyungwon to keep dragging her.

"daesom... i am not in the mood for this... just apologize to soon and leave, let's do it the friendly way." he said with a serious voice now. soon looked at daesom with flames in her eyes.

"tsk. me? apologize to this bitch? never. you'll have to kill me first... just tell her to leave, we need to talk baby... - she said approaching him, caressing his lips but he quickly shove her hand away.

"i told you i am not in the mood for this, stop being disrespectful."

"but you like it when i am-

"aaah!" suddenly soon's presence took them by surprise, especially when she jumped toward's daesom figure and knocked her down to the floor, slaps were everywhere, she was slapping non-stop daesom.

the blonde started crying as she complained like a little kid. hyungwon's shocked expression was soon replaced by a fun one. he thought about separating them but then he thought soon was really having fun hitting daesom so he let her do it. after all, daesom was the first who started the fight, she was the first to disrespect soon and he thought it was natural she wanted a pay back.

"help me! hyungwon- daesom cried but soon kept hitting her. things got a bit excesive when she went for daesom's neck and started strangling her.

hyungwon's eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around soon's torso and quickly lifted her from the ground.

"alright. that's enough." he said at the time he battled with soon. she was throwing hands.

"let me go!" she mumbled at the time hyungwon took her away from daesom.

"hush. easy." he whispered, kissing her cheeks and neck.

"i can't believe you're defending her!" they heard daesom complaining. hyungwon cupped her face between his hands and kissed her. she was starting to calm down.

"don't. you're better than her." he whispered, kissing her forehead. at first soon fantasized about breaking daesom but now that hyungwon stated that, she gave second thoughts.

"daesom leave or i'll call the police." he turned around and stared at her with serious eyes. the blonde looked in shock.

"what? were you serious? are you breaking up with me? for... this... bitch?" she asked pointing at soon. she quickly moved as if she was going for daesom's throat again but hyungwon stopped her.

"first of all yes, i was serious when i told you we were over... second, if there's a bitch in this room, then that's you. you're the cheater here, you're so low that i feel sorry for you. i don't want to see your face ever again. you're not welcomed here and i am changing the code. you can't be here anymore." he said opening the entrance door for her.

"so please, leave before i call the police. you're the one to lose here... this is private property and you just trespassed it."

daesom's chest went up and down as she stared at the couple with nothing but hate. "i hate you!" she yelled at soon and then looked at hyungwon.

"and i hate you too! you broke my heart." she added, grabbing her stuff.

hyungwon rolled his eyes as he kept the door open. "you'll get over it come on. you're only 19." she glared at him and stopped on the door. she glanced at soon and spit on the ground, then she turned to look at hyungwon and attempted to kiss him one last time but he stopped her, he put his hand on her face and pushed her away.

"stop embarrassing yourself... go away with her ex husband... you're made for each other. always after other people's leftovers." with that he closed the door on her face and turned to look at soon.

"she deserved that." he said between a smile. 

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