Requiem - Pt 4

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I blinked in confusion as it enveloped my hand with its massive claws. When had I placed my hand inside its palm?

The creature then placed its other hand over mine and leaned in closer until our faces were just inches apart. Its nostrils flared as if breathing in my very essence. Slowly, it shifted slightly so that one massive eye was staring directly into mine. The flesh began to shift and move, rearranging itself before my eyes.

It blinked, causing the skin to ripple and writhe before settling into a new form. And then I saw it - a very large... Familiar... Hazel eye staring back at me.

"No. No, it can't be." I breathed out in disbelief.

A sharp flinch rippled through the creature's body as my words struck it, causing its claws to dig into my wrist and eliciting a cry of pain from me. With a sudden burst of movement, it stood and threw back its head, unleashing a howl that pierced through the air with haunting anguish and regret.

Amidst the deafening echoes, gunshots rang out, shattering the stillness of the forest. Bullets whizzed by, and the smell of cordite filled the air. Several struck the creature's body as it snarled in rage. My companions emerged from the trees; their weapons aimed at this unknown adversary.

"STOP STOP STOP!" I screamed, but they couldn't hear me over the sound of their own munitions.

The creature stumbled back, moaning in pain from multiple bullet wounds. "STOP!" I screamed again, struggling to my feet and placing myself between my friends and the wounded creature.

But another gunshot rang out, hitting me in the shoulder and causing me to cry out in pain as I spun and hit the dirt. The Turned growled, weakly grabbing at me, trying to draw me behind itself. "STOP!" I yelled desperately, reaching for my own weapon.

Finn raised his hand in a gesture of ceasefire. The men around us lowered their weapons, confusion on their faces. "Kendall, get out of the way."

I shook my head as I climbed to my feet, grasping my shoulder. "No. Drop your guns."

Finn growled in frustration. "We can't do that, Sumner."

I drew my own pistol with my own uninjured and shakily leveled it at Finn's face. "I shot a kid last night, Finn. Don't think I'll waste you?"

He grimaced but didn't back down. "Are you infected too, Sumner? Because we'll waste you both if we have to," he replied with gritted teeth. "Why are you protecting that thing?"

"Because... It protected me... It's... I think... I think it's..."

I turned my gaze over my shoulder and towards the creature behind me. It was crouched down on all fours now, looking at each member of our group with pleading eyes before letting out another mournful howl. And now, for the first time, I heard it - the words in its pained cry to the heavens: "Please, no..."

And then, without warning, it shoved me hard, sending me stumbling into Finn's arms.

It jumped backward into the tree line with a crash before running off into the safety of the woods.

It cried again to the heavens as it went, a never-ending ululation of rage, and pain, and loss.

"Alec," I breathed. Could it really be him? It was a Turned, almost certainly... But when it looked at me, it still felt like him. Could he have beaten the infestation? Retained his mind? Was it possible? Deep in my heart, I knew that whatever had just happened, had happened between my brother and I. 

I stood, slowly, staring into the dark after the creature. I looked at my hand, the ragged claw marks it had left in my flesh as it had fled dripping and oozing. I clenched my fist, drops of crimson welling to the surface before falling to the forest below. Upon my own blood, I made a promise to myself and the stars above.

"I'll find you; I swear it." 


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