Pizza with Venom and some Wolves

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The dare: Take all my children out for pizza.
My children...gosh...there are a lot of them now. Let's count. (If I've forgotten you, I'm truly very sorry. Please message and I'll rework it to include you! I love you all so much.)

My murderchildren
1 blackmetalhoodie
2 SisterOfADreamDemon
3 Toasth
4 blackmetalhoodie
5 RhymesWithSwaggness
6 -TJ19-
7 Percabeth1Malex
8 CrazyForFlam
9 Sumarbrander_Sings
10 tellittothegarrote
11 Harper_Lillie
12 brbNutella
13 FullMetalNinja75
14 elf_child-magic
15 hearthstones_scarf
16 The_BlackSpider69
17 Tanja_Solace
18 @idjunita_04
19 ItsYaGirlCandzAngelo
20 Samirah_Al_Abbas
21 Dead_Ronnie_Walking
22 @tim_the_trickster
23 itsyagodofgay
24 Neonhydra346
25 Deadpool
26 @notingthedifference
27 GalaxyWolfQueen13
28 shortpromptlongkiss
29 @_-KipchaMakoata-_
30 @I—-tiger-lily—-I
31 @KaylaApollon
32 nonbinaryanarchist
33 CoolFreaks
34 ILoveLotsOfPeople
35 insert_nerd_name
36 Thor_Odinson-
37 damRavenclaw16
38 FritoTheFox
39 Stryfe_
40 doyouwannahideabody
41 BluFud
42 QueenofSpiritWolves
43 Electric_Jason
44 DemigodFangirl2812
45 secretly-gay_boi
46 McLeaveMeAlone
47 Zoe-is-da-best
48 @mallorykeen19
49 isaismyaesthetic
50 GhostRider9037
51 ramicrowban
Wow. That was a lot. And some people have changed their names!

Me *herds all my children up*
Me *herds all of GalaxyWolfQueen13 's wolves up*
Me *takes everyone to Pizza*
Me *stuffs pizza into their mouth*
Venom *eats a pizza dude*: mm...pepperoni
Charlie and TJ *are bright red and staring at each other, oblivious to the world and trying not to let the other notice*
Alex and Deadpool10737  and Stryfe *armwrestling*
A bunch of the demigods *trying to set fire to the pizza oven*
McLeaveMeAlone Neonhydra346 *stealing garlic bread while Dead_Ronnie_Walking and Sam distract the dude making pizza*
Mal and Halfborn *making out in a corner*
damRavenclaw16 and itsyagodofgay and FritoTheFox and GalaxyWolfQueen13 *outside making sure no one comes into the pizza shop, and stealing their dogs*
ramicrowban *screaming*: IM NOT YOUR FUCKING KID
Toasth *cackling in a corner*
Cloud_barnes  Electric_Jason CoolFreaks SisterOfADreamDemon blackmetalhoodie  and shortpromptlongkiss *promoting anarchy and ice cream out the front while nonbinaryanarchist watches and cheers*
Blitz *on the roof screaming at people with bad outfits*
elf_child-magic *watching TJ and Charlie and giggling*
itsyagodofgay and ItsYaGirlCandzAngelo and RhymesWithSwaggness and The_BlackSpider69 *farting contest*
Kipcha and BluFud and -StarryTheHeroLOC *talking about society and laughing at Kipcha's obliviousness*
A bunch of Lokis *playing pranks to see who is the superior*
Some more demigods *chasing a Loki and screaming at him, soaked with water bombs*
Me *eating my pizza and wondering if I should just buy the pizza shop*
Me: Should I buy the pizza shop
Thor_Odinson- *somehow drunk already. This is a pizza shop, Thor, there is no mead here*: I'LL BUY IT FOR YOU, DAD!
Me *continues eating*
Tanja_Solace *spits out her pizza*: yOU'RE OPENING A FUCKING PIZZA SHOP?
Me: No, free food for my kids
TheRealBlitzen : You're hopeless.

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