The Confusioning of Mallory

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A continuation of the series of dares where I persuade my adopted children that I am their biological father. This is still all in ASL

Me *walks up to MalloryKeen19 *
Mal: hearthstone
Me: Mal!
Mal: Ach! Don't hug me
Mal *cusses out loud in Gaelic*
Me: Mallory, I need to talk to you
Mal: Is it about the wedding?
Me: ...sort of
Mal: Come on. *drags me into her room*
Mal *starts doing her nails with a knife*: Okay, out with it then. If I have to be the flower girl, I'm choosing my dress okay?
Me: no, no, you're still guarding the cake from Magnus
Mal: good
Me: it's about my child
Mallory *stops doing nails*: are ye pranking me?
Me: no, Mal.
Mal *resumes nails*: Okay. Then who's yer kid.
Me: mal. You don't get it. I'm your father
Mal: Buddy, we look nothing alike
Me: What are my genes compared to Friggs? She was...wonderful. Handsome, charismatic, a devil in bed-
Mal: yUcK *cusses in Gaelic* yer pranking me, like you did Alex and Magnus. I'm not falling for it.
Me: I met Frigg at a fair in Ireland. She was worshipped as a goddess in more places than just Norway, you know, she was a true queen amongst deities. She was eating a candy apple with two small children, sitting on a slope, and wearing the most stunning robe and torque. I fell instantly. She turned before I could come close enough for her to be able to notice me, and the smile she gave me melted my heart. At a whisper from her, the children scattered to watch the fire show and steal beads and potatoes from negligent store holders. She beckoned me over, and spoke with her thoughts into my mind. Truly, it was wonderful. We could communicate without hands. She told me that she was the Goddess Frigg, I told her that I was nobody. And she told me that that was not so.
Me: by and by, she had to leave. I was crushed, but I returned to the fair the next day. This was before I met Blitz, by the way, and I had only just escaped my family. Frigg showed me that there was life outside of hell, and when I saw her waiting there again I almost cried it's joy. We spoke all that day, and wandered amongst performers and stalls.  And that night, when the fair was packing up again to rest, she took me home with her. I hadn't known where to stay, so I'd been living under a bridge, but she'd been living as a mortal woman and had a wonderful home. But there was only one bed. I slept on the sofa, but your mother, the next night, had me sleep in her bed. Nothing happened that night, we did not yet love one another.
Me: but soon we came to. We would walk for hours, not getting tired, along banks of rivers and through the streets. I fell first, but your mother was not far behind me. Our first kiss was back at that fair on its last day in our town, and that night when she beckoned me up to her room -
Me: she smelt like lemons and mint, and the outdoors. She was the one who gave me my first proper rune stones, and when she left me I cast them to take me away from our house. I wound up in the dwarf realm, and I would have welcomed death had Blitz not saved me.
Mal: holy hellheim.
Mal: and you're telling the truth.
Me: yes.
Mal: promise?
Me: I swear it on your mothers honour
Me *makes a mental note to sacrifice to Frigg that night*
Me *knows that Frigg will find his funny*
Me: She arrived to where Blitz and I were living later, and didn't chide me for moving on. She said that she'd done the same, and would present our child to the man that she was now courting, a Mr Chase, as his own. I agreed, and told her that if I ever saw you in the afterlife and the time was right, I'd tell you the truth. She told me that it was my right to do with you as I saw fit. And now...I'm telling you.
Mal *in tears*: dad?
Me *in tears*: oh, Mallory, I love you
Mal *hugs me*
Me: one thing
Mal *tearstreaked face looks up at me*: yeah, dad? It sounds so good to say dad to someone that's not an abusive asshole
Me: oh, um, nothing.
Mal *hugs me again*

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