incorrect quotes #27

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Shadow: *is in Surge's room while Surge rearranged it; picks up a pair of glasses from the nightstand* Mom, are these yours?

Surge: Oh, my old glasses! Yeah, I used to wear them but not anymore, now that my eye sight is better.

Shadow: *puts on the glasses and looks around* ... I can't see Sh-t.

Surge: Well, they ARE for farsighted people and you're not farsighted so- *snorts*

Shadow: What?

Surge: Sorry, the glasses just make your eyes seem bigger and it's so cute!

Shadow: *blue blush appears in his face* Moooom!


Zib walked onto the training room where the team was training and watched from the side.

Surge: *throws a dagger at a blank hero; the blank hero dodged it and the dagger flew towards Zib* MOM LOOK OUT!

Zib leaned backwards in a similar fashion to limbo and the dagger flew over him and got stuck in the wall behind him.

Zib: *stands up straight* I'm gonna end up with a broken back one day.


Purge randomly

Purge: *after he killed someone* Sh-t. Did I leave the stove on?


(Actor AU)

Purge: *has a single hero cornered on the ground* TELL ME WHERE YOUR F-CKING BOSS IS OR ELSE YOUR GONNA DIE!

Purge: *realizes he forgot the gun* IN FIVE MINUTES! *Runs to get the prop*


(Human AU)

Purge: *cornered by some heroes* You're probably wondering why the red suit. Well it's so that bad guys can't see me bleed.

Purge: *gestures to one of the heroes* This guy's got the right idea, he wore the brown pants.

The other heroes: *trying to not laugh*


Purge: *talking to Nebula* Besides~ Nobodys getting hurt.

An injured civilian falls off a roof and onto the ground next to them, dieing on the spot.



Purge: That guy was already up there when I got here!


Surge: *opens Bulk's door* Hey bro you up for some training-?

Bulk was pinning Stringer to the bed and kissing his neck when Surge walked in. The three stared at each other.
Surge slowly closed the door again and walked off.


Siren: *singing* Tsamina mina

Stringer and Bulk: Ey ey!

Siren: Waka waka-

Furno: I'm gay.

Siren: Tsamina mina zangalewa-

Surge: *sitting in a corner* I have crippling depression.

Siren: Tsamina mina.

Stringer and Bulk: Ey ey!

Siren: Waka waka-

Furno: I'm gay!

Siren: Tsamina mina zangalewa.

Zib: *sitting in front of his monitors which crashed* What a lovely day.


His behavior before and after in a nutshell

Shadow, before: I'm gonna beat your a**! I'm gonna beat your a**!

Surge: Shadow! Don't use that language!

Shadow, now: Sorry mom... Can you still make me that Mac 'n Cheese?


Lysander: *inaudible dragon language*

Rocka: Couldn't have said that better myself.


Raven: *talking to a homophobe* Mah bestie better than yours! Mah bestie better than yours!

A Karen appears in front of her.

Raven: *screams and hides behind Shadow*

Shadow: Hold on let me get my glasses on so I can see it. *Puts on Surge's old glasses even though they make him see worse* What is that? Oh it's a b-tch!

Surge and Lynn teleport in. They gave eachother a smile and snapped their fingers. Two portals appeared underneath the homophobe and Karen and they dropped into the Backrooms.


Deal Accepted AU

Surge: *standing by the edge off a building*

Furno: *standing by the doors with Breez and Stormer behind him* C'mon Surge. Step away from the edge, we don't want this to escalate, right?

Surge turns around and smirks. He fell backwards and dropped off. Furno and the others ran over and looked down, just to see him swing to another building with a grappling hook as Core Hunter flew next to him.


Surge: *typing* Before I die, *presses the word options over his keypad* I will kick you out of the team.

Surge: ... Nice.


Breez: *about to leave Stormer's room wearing one of his shirts*

Stormer: Ima need my shirt back.

Breez takes it off, revealing another one of his shirts.

Stormer: ... Ima need my shirt back.

Breez takes it off, revealing ANOTHER shirt of his.

Stormer: *knowing damn well she has nothing else underneath that one* ... You know what? Keep that one on.


Furno: *singing* I'm gonna swing from the chandelier!

Surge: *t-posing behind him*

Furno: *Turns around* From the chandeliIIIIEEEEER!


Evo was training with Nex and Furno. Furno threw a shuriken but missed the blank hero he aimed it at and it flew towards Evo.
Evo backflipped over it, grabbed the shuriken and threw it mid air before he landed in a squat. The shuriken hit the blank hero in the head.


Breez: *screaming from a distance* I LOVE MY LIFE BECAUSE MY LIFE IS YOU!!!

Stormer: *blushes a bit as he smiles* I love you too baby!


Rocka: *havig those "I'm done with life" days* ... Wooo!

Rocka proceeds to hit his head with a pan until Surge stopped him.

Surge: Being sui€idal is my job not yours!


Student AU (Zib's generation)

Student: Hey, did you hear? We're going to have new students!

Bully (aka Zed): Well, we might as well show them who rules this place.

Bully #2: Oh, you got it boss. Look, here they are!... They look tough.

Zed: Huh?

Student: They don't look like the type you wanna mess with.

Bot: *walks in* Crashin' the party, guess they lost my invitation. Friendly reminder got my own kinda persuasion.

Thresher: Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior. Happily ever after with a little flavor.

Zib: Bad to the bone, with even worse intentions. We're gonna steal the show, and leave 'em all defenseless.

Aria: A fairy tale life can be oh-so overrated, so raise your voices and let's get it activated!


Deal Accepted AU
They're having a moment

Surge: *standing on the balcony as he gazed out into the night*

Core Hunter: *comes out and stands next to him* Is everything alright kid?

Surge: Yeah, yeah. I'm just thinking.

CH: Mind if I ask about what?

Surge: ... I sometimes wonder how my old family is holding up. And how they reacted when they got back to consciousness and I was gone.

CH: ... Y'know, you're not alone on that one.

Surge: No?

CH: Yeah. Corroder is also like that, Rotor as well, and Nebula. You're not alone.

CH: *puts an arm around Surge* You can talk to us about it. There's no need to be scared of it.

Surge: *smiles a bit; hugs Core Hunter* Thanks Hunter... I needed that.

Core Hunter smiled underneath his mask and hugged him back, as the moon slowly started to rise in front of them.


How this trio sneezes

Rocka: ... *Some sort of cough sneeze*

Bulk: *sneezes and then extra hiccup*

Surge: *normal (or gentle) sneeze*

Vs how this trio sneezes

Nebula: *explosive sneeze*

Purge: *cat sneeze*

Core Hunter: ... AUUH!

Purge: *singing* I feel good!



3...2...1... Go!

Momma Zib: *sitting between the chaos while working* This is fine.

Quadle: *can't keep sh-t under control when he's in charge*

Stringer: *vibing to music*


Rocka: *sitting on a corner experiencing an existential crisis*

3...2...1... Go!

Surge: *aggressively sips coffee*

Furno: *explosion happens behind him*

Bulk: *trying to kill a spider*


How the Villains laugh (descriptions used from comments on video)

Fire Lord: *car trying to start in 4K*

Meltdown: *about to have a stroke*

Nebula: *having a stroke*

Purge: *low quality seagull*

CH: *B I R B*


Lynn: *voice filter activated*


Shadow NO-

Shadow: *appears behind the couch*

Bulk: *reading on the couch* Oh hey Shadow-

Shadow: *bites his shoulder*

Bulk: AHHH-

Meghan: *questioning her brother*


Mermaid/Pirate AU

A storm hit the ocean and created large waves that hit the ship. Stormer was giving commands to his crew. Furno was heading to one of the sails, when a huge wave crashed over the ship. Having no time to grab onto something, Furno got pushed off the ship and into the water.
Stormer ran over to look for him, but couldn't spot Furno anywhere.
Meanwhile, Furno was sinking to the bottom as an air bubble escaped from his mouth. His vision started to turn black when a blurry figure swam towards him. A pair of hands grabbed him and pulled him to the surface. Furno gasped for air before he looked at the person who saved him. It was a man with bluish green hair and a blue and turquoise eyes. From waist downwards, he noticed, he had a tail similar to a fish.

Surge: *sighs in relief and smiles* Thank goodness you're alive. Now let's get you back to your ship.



Model: *way too overdressed* How do I look?

Judges: Like Cinderella!

Daniela: *watching the fashion show* Before the bibbidi bobbidi boo.


Purge walks in with a redesigned Waterwhirl.

Corroder: Still can't believe you let that guy join.

Purge: You guys let me join you.

XPlode: Yeah, but you came from a completely different universe and had zero connection to YOUR ex team. That guy can still talk to his team when he has the chance to.

Purge: Relax, I already took care of that. And Witch Doctor took care of the tracker that was built in his core. I'll keep an eye on him until we know he's fit to be a villain.

Purge: And you better not purposely cause trouble with him cuz I'm telling boss immediately then.

Waterwhirl: ... I came to the realization, that y'all are just a chaotic family.

Purge: No sh-t Sherlock.


Shadow Kid: *trips and falls*

Purge: *rushes over and picks them up* Are you okay? You okay?

Shadow Kid:

Purge: You okay?

Shadow Kid: ... Otay!

Purge: *sighs in relief*


Daniela was interviewing Stormer when a girl approached them and took Stormer's hand.

Daniela: Uhm... He has a girlfriend.

Girl: Well I don't see her.

Breez: Turn around.

The girl turned around and immediately let go of his hand as Breez glared at her.

Breez: Now you see her.


Co-worker: Say Mak, you spend a lot of time with this... Mission chief guy?

Megahertz: Zib?

Co-worker: Yeah, him. What do you exactly feel for him? Question out of curiosity.

Megahertz: Well... How should I put it? You could say I need him like water.


Bulk: Hey babe I can sing my ABCs to you.

Stringer: Okay?

Bulk: I'll give you an A because you're awesome.

Bulk: A B because you're beautiful.

Bulk: C because you're confident.

Bulk: And I'll give you this D because you deserve it.

The rest: OHHHHHHH!!!


Bulk: *kicks Surge's door open and stands in the door frame*

Surge: *sitting on his bed; flinched causing an electric orb he was playing with to explode and stares at Bulk*

Bulk: Pizza Time.

Surge: F-ck yeah.


The gang in VR

Furno: Surge, put that down!

Surge: *holding a Molotov bottle* It's flaming hot beer! Sponsored by Cheetos!

Surge threw the bottle onto the ground and immediately caught fire as he screamed. Furno could be seen waving his arms around to not catch fire. The rest was laughing.
Surge's character soon died and was on the ground.

Surge: *proceeds to scream again*

Bulk's character is seen laying on the ground as he wheezed.


When Aria broke up with her ex (Siren's idea)

Aria: I'm breaking up with you! I'm sick and tried of your toxic behaviour.

Guy: You'll never find a guy like me!

Aria: That's the point.


Rocka: *pokes his head in* What 'cha doing?

Surge: *rolling some red bean paste into a ball* I saw a video of a guy recreating something from Demon Slayer so I thought I'd try it too.

Rocka: *walks in and looks over his shoulder* Which is?

Surge: Steamed red bean buns. It's something traditional in Japan, China et cetera. *Grabs a spatula and gently taps Raven on the head, who reached out to one of the buns* And no, you can't eat them yet, they still need to be steamed.

Raven: Dang it...


Surge: *laying on the couch as he groaned*

Meghan: *comes out of his shadow* Mother, what's wrong?

Surge: I ate too many brownies and now I feel sick...

Nex: *sitting next to him; disappointed doctor*

Zib: *wondering where he went wrong while raising Surge*


Future event

Shadowzone: Look, I'm sorry-

Zib: *crying as Furno is in the medical wing* SORRY?! Oh he's sorry! He's sorry he's sorry he's sorry he's sorry! SORRY MY A**!!!


Student AU Zib's generation

There was going to be a masquerade ball soon at their school. There was a rule that said that girls have to wear dresses and men have to wear suits.

Zib and Aria: *look at each other and nod*

The day of the ball, Zib showed up in a dress and Aria in a suit.


Megahertz was performing at a club when a text appeared over his head.

Text: Switching bodies with Zib.

Megahertz: *mentally* Interesting but why now?

The next second after he said that, he got switched and immediately got hit across the face and he fell to the ground. Zib was training Aria during the switch.

Zib (Megahertz): Switch back switch back!!


Zib was training Aria and the next second he stood on a stage with a crowd in front of him. They were cheering but slowly stopped. Zib quickly realized he had switched bodies with Megahertz and an attack of stage fright overcame him, especially because he doesn't know what to do. He backed up and ran off the stage.


Core Hunter and Purge were training with Purge getting the upper hand. Hunter managed to grab Purge by the wrists and pinned him against a wall as he leaned down to him. The two looked at each other, when all of a sudden the door opened and Nebula walked in with one of the Shadow Kids.
They stare at each other.

Nebula: ... *Inhales* Get your dirty hands off my brother!


Surge: *goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and sees Stringer and Bulk showering together*

Surge: *contemplating his life choices that made him always walk in on them; inhales* There is a thing called a LOCK!


Citizen AU
Surge: Electrician

A rainstorm has started and everyone who was outside ran to the nearest building to take cover.
Surge needed to go to someone's home to fix the electricity and went outside to his car.
The streets were flooded and his business car got washed away.

Surge: ... *Takes out his phone and dials a number* Hey, so uh, sorry but I don't think I can make it today. The streets are flooded and my car disappeared. Can we reschedule it to tomorrow? Oh the lights and such are working again? Okay great, have a nice day! *Hangs up and goes back inside* Now I gotta explain to boss about the car...


POV: Momma Surge

Surge was making coffee while the baby sized version of Meghan sat on his shoulders and he carried a baby sized version of Shadow in his free arm.

Rocka: *walks in* ... What-

Surge: They wanted to be treated like kids for a day.


Citizen AU
Thresher: Military Personnel

Zib has just won a martial arts competition he took part in. He bowed down so that the medal could be hung around his neck but when he looked back up he broke down crying when he realized who was standing in front of him.

Zib: BABE!

Zib fell around Thresher's neck and hugged him. Thresher, who has been serving fir the military for a few years without seeing him now, came to visit his husband.

Thresher: *hugs back with a smile* Congratulations my dear.


Purge fell asleep on the couch, snuggled against Nebula, who was reading a book. Purge stirred a bit and woke up with a yawn.

Nebula: Had a good rest brother?

Purge looked up at him with tired eyes. His eyes were of a soft purple colour.

Nebula: ... Since when were your eyes purple?

Purge: *rubs his eyes* Since ages, after I became a villain. They only turn red when I'm mad or my powers are in use.


Wolfie: SURGE! I found out that baby owls sleep on their stomachs cause their heads are too heavy!

Surge: That's cute and all, but why are you telling me this?

Wolfie teleported herself and Surge to the living room where Shadow is sleeping on the floor again.

Wolfie: *holds up her phone to Surge with a photo* See the similarities?


Surge: *on his phone*

Bulk: *in the distance* MOTHERF-CKER!

Bulk: *bursts into Surge's room making him drop his phone* YOU! Have you ever heard of a mountain chicken?

Surge: Please don't hurt me.

Bulk: Have you ever heard of a mountain chicken?

Surge: N-no.

Bulk: What do you think it looks like?

Surge: Like a really big chicken?

Bulk: That's what I thought but NO! *shows Surge a picture on his phone of a frog* IT'S THIS MOTHERF-CKER!


Hanahaki AU

Surge: He said... "Oh Mary, contrary how does your garden grow? Come with me, and you'll be, the seventh maid in a row"

Surge: My answer was laughter soft as I lowered my head. You're too late, I'm afraid, this flower's already dead-

Surge suddenly got into a coughing fit and put a hand over his mouth. He managed to cough up some violet petals, but there was still something in his throat. A violet was at the corner of his mouth. He pulled on it and managed to get the whole flower out of his throat. A bit of blood dripped from his mouth. He looked at the flowers in his hands, and smiles sadly.

Surge: It's too late for me anyways now...


Character introductions

This is Surge of the Deal Accepted AU. In one of the secret mission comics " The Doom Box", Core Hunter knocked out the whole team except for Surge who he offered to be the general of an army. In the original version, Surge refused and managed to shrink CH into oblivion. In this AU however, Surge agreed to the deal under one condition. They would leave his ex team alone. For the time being.
After he got changes made to him and lived with the villains for a while, he enjoyed it and fully accepted it as his new course of life.
His powers aren't as far developed as Purge and Surge in my main AU, but he does know how to teleport and make weapons appear seemingly out of nowhere. The cape on his back is used for gliding, incase he decided to jump off from a building and does have his grappling hook.

Christian Waterwhirl is a newbie hero who got abandoned during a mission against Purge. Waterwhirl offered to join the villains as long as Purge let his team live. Purge gave into it and took Waterwhirl back to the villains' lair, where he healed his wounds and also disabled his tracker and communication with the Hero Factory with the help of the Witch Doctor. A change of his design gave him a pair of gliders similar to the ones Furno had in "Savage Planet", a mask and generally a redesign. Waterwhirl's powers are water based, though he still needs to learn to put them to use.
One would be manipulating anything water based and breathing underwater.
He's now a newbie villain in training under the supervision of Purge.

This is Surge in the Pirate/Merman (-maid) AU.
He lives with his brother (Rocka and Bulk) by a coral riff, where they spend most of their time with the sea creatures. Surge is rather curious and likes to spend time near the water surface or beaches. His brothers always warned him about fishermen who would kill him, but that didn't stop Surge from saving humans who are drowning. And because if his curiosity, he's also able to see how certain humans act on land and that helps him decide whether or not they're worthy of saving. When he does go on land, his tail becomes a pair of legs and he can wander with the humans. Same with his brothers. Surge usually then hides one of his eyes, since it's a signature mark of the oceanic beings. He doesn't posses any powers, other than being able to communicate with the sea animals. He once then managed to fall for one of the humans he saved and is keen on meeting him again.

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