Ask us!

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Pac-Man: Hello everyone! Welcome to our ask and dare book! Things have changed a lot after a while..

Cyli: Yeah. Spiral and I are still dating.

Spiral: Pac-Man and Pinky are dating still as well.

Lianna: And I have officially became a yandere! I will protect my dear senpai at all costs!

Pac-Man: Yeah... Lianna is dating Betrayus.

Lianna: More like, we're married and have 5 ghost children.

Betrayus: Yes, we have Princess Emerald Flare, Prince Luminant and the triplets, Mindy, Cindy and Lindy.

Inky: Yep. Things have changed an awful lot.

Blinky: Anyway, you can ask and dare us anything you want!

Spiral: We will do anything you say, just no sexual or inappropriate things...

Cylde: Please do easy dares for me...

Butt-ler: Me too!

Dr.Buttocks: Shut up, Butt-ler!

Pinky: Be sure to do romantic date dares for me and Paccums..

Pac-Man: *Blushes*

Lianna: Same thing for me and senpai!

Betrayus: Also, should we add our baby ghosts into this ask and dare book?

Lianna: It's up to you guys to decide!

Pac-Man: Well, I guess we should rap this up.

Cyli: Ask and Dare us!

Everyone: Bye!


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