Soil 4

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*Everyone from every V except V8 is gathered in an emergency meeting room with Agent Missing.*

Missing: I'd like to thank you all for coming. And that you even took my message seriously. I really wasn't sure you would do that. Now, there's a few things I need to tell you. First of all, there's actually a few V8'ers you *can* trust. They don't know what the rest of them have planned, so it's likely that if they did, they might join us.

Alpha: Hate to break it to you, but once you've chosen a V, you're in it for life.

Missing: Damn.

Aap: Now, what's this you said about a dystopia?

Missing: Right. I think it's about time I explained how I know about you guys. So, the first thing to get out of the way is that I'm...well...not really human.

Hogan: Not like we didn't have our suspicions.

Missing:...Oh. I thought that would be more of a surprise. Anyway, like I said, the world in my time is indeed dystopian. Some apocalyptic event forced humanity to replace most of the population with free-thinking androids, hence me. Each and every one of our personalities were based off of real people. But after a few decades, something called the Cumulor was built. Along with it came a city in which dozens among hundreds of my kind lived. The Cumulor was created with the purpose of connecting every single android in the city, and eventually the world, to a single mainframe. And guess what, it worked. But the Cumulor took away the androids' ability to think individually, eventually turning us into a giant hivemind. But eventually, some of us started to break free. To prevent a complete and total uprising, the mayor employed Aerosol to create a network of drones that would go around scanning androids and immediately detain any android that was recognized as outside the Cumulor. Any android that breaks from the Cumulor and isn't caught joins a rebellion comprised of their fellow escapees. I, obviously, am one of them. realized that for the world to change as much as it did as quickly as it did, something has to have happened. Something that was done on purpose. But nobody from my time knows exactly what it is.

Thomas: And I assume we're about to find out.

Missing: Probably. I don't think it's a coincidence that these guys came here, especially Aerosol.

Alpha: Neither do I. But how are we supposed to stop what they're planning if we don't know what it is.

Missing: That's where we come in. We're going to infiltrate the V8 building, use TIM-500 to find out what the V8'ers are planning and stop whatever it is. So...are you in?

*After a few seconds of silence, the Incrediboxers begin to talk amongst themselves about whether to go through with Missing's plan.*

Markus: What if the V8'ers aren't planning anything evil?

Hogan: That is highly unlikely.

Aap: Even if they aren't, we need that A.I for all it's data so we can still keep Missing's timeline from becoming ours.

Sonso: I agree with Aap. The intelligence stored in the computer in question is indefinitely that which is worth acquiring.

Angelo: What about all the danger we'll be getting into, guys? If these V8'ers really are bad news, we could get really hurt if we try this.

Udo: Yes, but wouldn't you agree that a few of us dying would be worth stopping the literal apocalypse?

Angelo: Yeah, fair point I guess.

*The Incrediboxers continue to talk for a while before turning back to Missing.*

Alpha: Agent Missing, we've made a decision. After talking a vote, we've decided to help you in your mission.

Missing: Really?! Oh, thank you so much, really! You're not going to regret this.

Tonto: Yeah, we better not.

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