Broken Bond

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A week after the last dare

Bolt and Lightning are starting to argue much more seriously

Rainer and Star are still unconscious with Sylvar, Night and now Blast treating them

Me and Consess are trying to calm the others down before they go crazy

Now with Bolt and Lightning arguing outside the hospital

Bolt: You would think that i would fully forgive you after all those years?!?!

Lightning: I have my work so i dont have time for any bonding at all

Bolt: step close There was a time where you care about our family and us than your work big brother

Lightning: That time is pass, we have to take care of ourselves now

Bolt: Like how you were late to rescue when our parent were DEAD!!!!

Lightning: YOU caused their dead when you stupidly ran away in a forest where there are many wild pokemons, leaving our parents behind to die when you were already evolve into a jolteon when i got to you, you could of fight them back and possibly saved them

Bolt: Do you honestly think we would expect a wild metagross coming out of nowhere to attack us when that place have a lot of security to patrol the place, how do they not hear the fightning is beyond idiotic, i have to run away becuase they dont want me hurt and before you say i was a jolteon at the attack and i should of fight back, i wasnt even evolve yet at that point

Lightning: Then how were you a jolteon then?

Bolt: I was running away from others wild pokemon when i step right into a thunder stone just buried in the ground evolving myself and thunderbolt a lot of them

Lighting: Why didnt you run back to them then?

Bolt: I did but i was too late when i saw their blood dripping a lot, i use discharge to flee the wild pokemons away, i tried to cover their blood but it was no used when their eyes closed before me and that is when YOU guys finally come after the damage was already done. YOU RESCUERS SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE BY NOW WHEN I HAVE EVOLVED

Lightning: Stop using excuses you bitch brother


Lightning: I dont even get why you are the leader of the others when all you can think of are games and some stupid other stuff. You are a sad excuse of a jolteon who can't even control his pow-

Bolt: slap Lightning

Lightning: stares in shock

Bolt: If that's what you think of me then so be it start walking away before turning around We are not brothers anymore goes off to somewhere

Lightning: started to look at himself in regret Why why did I just say those words to him when i was the one who abandoned him and the others for 8 years

With Bolt at his secret place in the forest

Bolt: sit downs while looking at the ponds He will never truly understood how broken i was when losing him in the incidents and how heartbreaking it is to tell Rainer and Blast about our parents deaths

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