Dare 22

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Nancly: So @Raseontheflareon dares us to eat okonamiyaki

Ruby: *summon it and give it to everyone*

Bolt: *scared* What does it have on it?

Nancly: It has egg, noodle and meat

Bolt: WHAT THOSE ARE MY FAVOURITE FOOD AND THERE ARE IN THIS WOOOHOOOO *eat the entire thing in 2 seconds* Yum thank you Raseon

Shard: *eats it* yummy i love food from Japan

Night: *eat it* yuck ugh its disgusting

Star: *eat it* Meh

Ruby: *taste it* I kinda like it

Blast: *eat it* pretty good

Rainer: *eat it* I dont like it doesnt have much taste

Dandelion: *eat it* I dont like it either

Sunshine: *taste it* Not much change but ok

Nancly: *eat it* I hate it

Slongy: *eat it* What are you talking about it was good

Bolt: Well its seem like Star, Rainer, Dandelion and for some reason Night and Nancly abosutely hate it

Night: Its f*cking sh*t

Bolt: *knock him out* Say that one more and i will snap your head

Slongy: Well we are gonna end it here now leaves the ask and dares in the comments down below and until next time

Everyone: Bye bye

Night: *Wake up a bit* It still suck

Bolt: *goes and get the chair and hit Night multiple times*

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