Question 57

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"Hi I am Katarina. Luigi, you are my favorite Mario brother, and I want you to get even.I dare you to do a huge prank on Mario."


Luigi: I am? <3 Aw! That-a means an awful lot to me! And, very nice to meet you Katarina! I'm... oh.. you already know me! Oh! I have the perfect prank for my bro.. >:D

Natalie! Have you heard that Peach is dying in hospital? 

Natalie (Admin): No, I haven't! She IS?! :o ;-;

Luigi:  *Slyly* Um, no.. dummy! :P It's for the prank.  I go wake Mario up and tell him that- and you help me out-a, okay? 

Natalie (Admin): Whew~! Thank gosh.. my heart almost stopped.. 

*Mario and Luigi's room*

Luigi: *On the ladder of their bunk bed* Hey Mario! Haven't-a you heard?! 

Mario: *Zzz* Wee-gie...?

Luigi: Peach is in hospital! ;-; She has contracted a horrible disease! 

Mario: SHE-A WHAT!??? *Screams as loud as a TV at Vol. 100%*

Luigi: She's-a dying Mario!

Mario: *Panicking* Luigi, get-a the car keys! We're going to the hospital! :O

Luigi: *Stumbles around* ...

Mario: Quick Weegie! We-a have to go see her! QUICK~! *Cries loud and dramatically*

Luigi: I can't find them! 

Mario: Never mind! It doesn't matter! *Drags Luigi out of the house*

*Outside the hospital*

Natalie (Admin): Bowser. Mario's coming! Do your part... >:D

Bowser: That's King Bowser to you.. and, fine.  *Sees Mario dashing towards the hospital, still dragging Luigi on the ground* Yes! Peach is DEAD! >:D All that's left to do is to kill the others! Mwahaha~!

Mario: Wait! She's DEAD?! 

Luigi: *Gets of the ground and wipes dirt from eyes*

Natalie (Admin): How could it come to this? *Fake cry*

Mario: *Hits Luigi* This is all your fault! D:<

Luigi: Oww~!  >:| No it's-a not!

Mario: If-a we got here-a faster, I could've got to see her! *Continues hitting* 

Luigi: Relax! ;-; Leave-a me alone~!

Mario: *Bursts into tears and runs off*

Natalie (Admin): W-wait? Mario? :O Come back! 

Luigi: No.. let him go >:3 Here's the best bit..

*Mario and Luigi's House*

Natalie (Admin): Why is everyone in your house!? XD

Wario: .. I'm hungry -.-  

Bowser: STOP breathing on me! D:<

Daisy: Your squashing me! D:<

Luigi: Shush everyone! -_- He's coming..

*The front door opens* 

Mario: *Runs in crying and flops on the couch*

Everyone: SURPRISE!! >:P

Mario: Mamma mia! *Jumps* 

Everyone: *Happy birthday song* XD

Mario: Shh.. everyone. I'm not in the mood for a birthday ;-; Just.. go home guys :/

Everyone: *Stops singing*

Natalie (Admin): That's because you haven't opened your present yet! ^^

*Luigi wheels in a giant pink gift box*

Mario: *Opens it*

Peach: *Jumps out of it* Happy birthday Mario! ;D

Mario: *Extremely shocked* P-Peach?! :O Y-you.. 

Peach: *Puts her finger to his lips* Shh.. I know.. I know >:P

Wario: So we can have cake now? ._. *impatient*

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