May's Crush

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March: *Takes scroll*

September: *Looks over shoulder*

March: Hey May who do you like?

May: Why?

March: Someone asked ya

May: I don't like anyone yet

March: Yet?

May: Yeah...?

March: BOOM! IDEA!

May: Oh no...

March: We find you somebody!

May: I'd rather not-

March: HUZZAH!!!

May: I don't want to flirt with anyone. Especially if they like somebody or they are dating.

March: Gladly!

May: And we help find someone for you later

March: Okay fine

May: Tell me who you like

March: Promise you won't tell?

May: *nods*

March: *whispers answer into May's ear*

May: *giggles excitedly*

March: Okay. What do you think about February?

May: Dating December. Maybe not officially yet.

March: Okay. April? June?

May: Meh for both of them

March: August?

May: He likes-


May: Uhh ok then...

March: November?

May: He makes really good food...


May: Wait nononono-

March: *Calls November*

November: *Picks up* Yeah?

March: Blind date. 9:00

November: Okay cool. What do they want for dinner?

March: One sec

May: Pasta?

March: Pasta

November: Cool. Oh wait! Do they want to go out to eat?

May: *Shakes head*

March: Nope! They love your food.

November: Wait, is it February?

March: Nope!

May: I'll get ready

March: Good idea

*In May's room*

January: You need flowers. You already wear them in your hair, so a dress or top would be suiting?

September: No of course not! She needs something formal for likening interview

January and September: *Continue arguing*

December: *Picks a selection of outfits out of the wardrobe*

May: *examines all closely*

Outfit #1

White lace top tucked into high waisted black skirt with a colorful belt of flowers

Outfit #2

Black top with colorful ombre skirt consisting of Orange, yellow, red, purple, mint, and blue

Outfit #3

White top with open shoulders and sleeves go to elbow, tucked into black shorts, and a colorful knitted shawl

May: I think I'll go with... option number 3

December: After you put it on, I can do your hair

May: *Gets dressed*

December: Down, bun, ponytail, or pigtail?

May: Down please

December: Okay *brushes hair smooth and curly and then proceeds to weave flowers into her hair carefully*

May: *looks into mirror* Oh my god! Thank you so much!

December: *Smiles* Anytime!

May: Woah...

November: Making sure I don't burn the foooooooooooood yeah yeah yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

March: *playing guitar to November's song*

November: Yeah yeah yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

March: *Starts humming to self*

May: Okay. CALM DOWN!

December: It's okay!

May: Please be backup

December: Okay. NOW CHILL!

May: If all goes badly, I still get to enjoy his food

December: That's right. Now go get em' tiger!


November: *Setting the table*

March: Call me if you need backup!

November: Okay! *Finishes setting table and sits down*

May: *Walks in nervous*

November: Woah... I mean, want some pasta?

May: *Sits down*

February: *Being a waiter*

May: You made all of this, for a blind date?

November: Halfway blind

May: Whatever

November: *Smiles*

May: After we finish eating, I have an activity planned out *evil grin*

November: Uh oh

May: Hehehe!

*May and November discussed politics, art, music, and being an only child*

May: We have finished eating

November: Please don't murder me...

May: *Grabs his hand and drags him outside*

November: Help...


November: Oh you're on

May: *Chucks one at November*

*Girls vs Boys*

*Everyone was there, and they all had a good time*

May: I had fun tonight

November: Me too

May: Any plans for the next few weeks?

November: Are you asking for a second date?

May: MAYbe that's up for you to decide

November: I'm free next Saturday

May: See ya then!

November: Wait. One more thing

May: Yeah?

November: *Pecks her on the cheek and turns bright red*

May: *turns bright red*

November: *Smiles dorkily before leaving*

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