Question 18

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Me: *reads comments and sees questions for Frank* *smiles* 

Frank: *walks by with Hazel*

Me: *calls to Frank* Salve, Praetor Zhang!

Frank & Hazel: *turn and face me* *smile*

Frank: Salve, Praetor Ramirez-Arellano!

Hazel: Salve, amicae!

Me: Frank, your wish came true! You have some questions!

Frank: *looks surprised* Really!?

Me: *nods* Really!

Frank: You're kidding!

Me: *shakes head* Nope!


From: Decembra1998;

To: Frank; Do you ever have them moments that by accident you turn into an animal - besides the turning into an Iguana to get out of Chinese handcuffs


Hazel: *giggles* Leo still doesn't stop bringing that up!

Frank: I really wanted to tell him to tace!

Me: We all want to tell that caudex that from time to time.

Hazel: *giggles*

Frank: Occasionally, I do randomly turn into animals.

Hazel: One time he sneezed and turned into a spider.

Frank: *shudders* And it was right by the Athena cabin...

Hazel: *shakes her head, remembering the day* They weren't too happy to have a spider in their cabin... Especially Annabeth...

Frank: Oh she flipped. She was screaming and crying. Poor Annabeth... I accidentally made her have a flashback from Tartarus. Luckily, where there's an Annabeth, there's a Percy.

Hazel: Yeah, he was nearby and he ran in. Annabeth was yelling, "Kill the spider, Percy! Kill it!" I had to run in and block Percy from hurting Frank. He was so confused and yelling at me to move.

Frank: Then Hazel slapped him.

Me: You did what?

Hazel: *nods* I slapped him and told him that the spider was Frank.

Frank: Then I immediately transformed back and explained what had happened.

Me:... So *turns to Frank*... you made Annabeth have a flashback from Tartarus... scared the Athena kids to death... and almost was murdered by Percy Jackson... all because of a sneeze?!

Frank: Pretty much.

Me: *turns to Hazel* And you slapped the Percy Jackson?! Two-time Hero of Olympus and most powerful swordsman of all time?!

Hazel: *shrugs* Well, I wasn't going to let him kill Frank.

Me: *blinks in surprise* *completely speechless*

Frank: Well... what does she always say after we answer a question?

Hazel: She says... Comment more questions and thanks for reading, I think.

Frank: What does that even mean?

Hazel: No clue. That's what everyone's trying to figure out.

Frank: Okay... so it almost sounds as if she's talking to someone... *looks around nervously*

Hazel: *looks around and notices my laptop hidden in the corner of the room* What's this...? *picks it up and opens it*

My Laptop: *typing every word and action that is happening*

Frank: What's that?

Hazel: And more importantly, why is this typing everything we're saying and doing?

Frank: I don't know, but we better get this to Annabeth. *looks at computer* Umm... hello, whoever is reading this... Umm... comment more questions for us and thanks for reading, I guess.

Hazel: Yeah... bye!

Frank & Hazel: *leave with my computer*

Me: *still frozen in shock*



Salve (Pronounced: Sal-way)-- Hello/ Salutations

Amicae (Pronounced: Ah-me-kai)-- Friend (that's a girl)

Tace (Pronounced: Ta-ke)-- Shut up

Caudex (Pronounced: Caw-dex)-- Idiot/ Blockhead



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