Chapter 27

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Tomiwa POV

The pictures were manipulated. It was obvious - so obvious but my brother wasn't having it. He kept yelling at me, scolding me like I had committed an egregious offense. Our WAEC exams was only 4 days away and even though the issue of my period not coming as at when due was still on my mind, I still needed to focus on my exam - my WAEC exam pregnant or not. I won't let it disturb my future. That was what I had in mind when my brother barged into the room and started yelling at me.

"Tomiwa this is serious! Look at this picture naw. Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?! Ehhh...see how black the boy is. Had it been it was an half cast now I would have understood. But regardless, this is shameful."

He yelled at me. And that inevitably attracted Miss Okiki's attention even though she didn't know what was the cause of the disagreement between us. She was happy, smiling and supportive of my brother because that was the first time my brother  was quarreling with me.  Even though she wanted my brother to go physical hitting me and all she was still pleased that we were not on the same page for once.

"This is - No no no. I will not take this. You know what? I want you to cut all ties with him. Stop talking to him. In fact, give me your phone. I am not giving it back to you until you prove to me that you are no longer in a relationship with this black thing!"

He yelled at me and collected my phone. Good riddance to that filth pile of trash. It's not like the phone was working properly any way. It could only receive calls but I couldn't make calls on it. I opened my mouth to explain but he again wasn't giving me room to explain. Did he really think I was going to stoop that low, and be in that kind of sexual position with Ebuka,  in the classroom setting for that matter because that is what the picture showed.

Miss Okiki was enjoying the way he was handling the situation, even though I couldn't see it in her eyes. She wanted to be the one to handle it, she felt she would have handled it better. But regardless, she still loved the way my brother was yelling profane words at me, calling me names and making me cry. I still had to plead my case no matter what, he need to know the photos were fake whether or not he believed me.

"Bro can you listen to yourself? Here you are blaming me for something I didn't do, something I never did. Can you not see the photos are fake? They are bloody fake!"


He slapped me. My only brother slapped me. It literally felt like a dagger just went through my chest because never in my life did I think I would  live long enough to witness this day. My own brother laid his hands on me, something he always boasted about that he would never do. He was still yelling at me and insulting me, completely ignorant of the fact that he just hit me.

"Oh shut up Tomiwa. I never knew there was a slut hiding behind that pretty face of yours. Hmmm do you think my eyes are blind or that I can't see what is fake and what isn't ?? You must be very stupid for thinking that! Instead of you to come cleane and admit that you are the one. Why do you keep denying it? Gawd it sickens me."

I didn't bother hidings my tears. I let it all out at once. I wept bitterly right in from of him but he wasn't moved by my tears. To my utmost surprise it was Miss Okiki that was now begging him to calm down. I thought she must have been very happy that my brother was taking out his anger on me, why was she now feeling bad and telling him to stop? Bloody hypocrite, I am sure if she was in his position she would've done worse. Why was she trying to play the hero in the scenario by saving me from my brother's wrath? Either way I am thankful because one more hit from him and I just might pass out .

"Its okay Temidayo! Ahan she is still your sister, do you want to kill her?"

"You!! Tch..." He grumbled. "Just stay away from that black thing. I will not stand by and watch him ruin my sisters life!" He yelled at me ignoring what Miss Okiki said and her pleas on my behalf. Without another word he walked out of the room and out of the house without looking back. Miss Okiki who was still in the room looked at me with pity but it was quickly replaced with a scowl as she said.

"Finally, your brother has seen your true nature. Its about time, at least now he knows I wasn't lying about you being a slut. Any way good luck on your WAEC exam, break a leg, but literally, I love you though."

And just like that she slammed the door shut on me leaving me to wallow in my tears and so I did. I cried so much that I couldn't cry again, so much that my head was hurting and because I wasn't ready to face Miss Okiki or my brother, I never came out of my room for the rest of the day till the following morning when I had to leave for school.

How I escaped the house without getting beaten or insulted by my brother or Miss Okiki is a miracle worthy of a testimony. It was obvious they were on edge from all that happened yesterday and when we had breakfast this morning it was in absolute silence. No one said a word to each other and because the tension was thick enough for a Scissors to cut through it I did my best to finish my food on time. Once I was done I literally bolted out the door without waving goodbye or collecting transport fair.

I got to school the minute they rang the bell for second period. Yea I was that late. I didn't sleep until 2am this morning because I pushed myself to still study regardless of how I felt at the moment. By the time I slept it was already 2am that was why I woke up late hence my arrival at school by 10am. After greeting the teacher which was the Civic Education teacher that was currently in class, I took my sit beside Ebuka. I didn't bother greeting him like I usually do or sparing him a glance. I just brought out my note and started jotting thing down until he said.

"You are here early. What delayed you? Traffic jam?"

I looked at him, not a single emotion on my face. My face drained of all it's colour. My eyes puffy from too much crying and reading last night. Noticing how terrible I looked he decided to ask a different question entirely, hoping to get a response.

"Wow! What happened Tomiwa? You look—well terrible. What happened to you?"

Instead of giving him a response I looked away and continued writing. The teacher noticef Ebuka talking and looked at me. I paid no attention to him, I just continue writing what in my note what he wrote on the board. Once the teacher saw my countenance, he decided to face Ebuka since he was the one he caught talking.

" Oya Ebuka stand up. It seems you want to talk, come to the front of class and make use of that your mouth to talk. You will be the one that will teach us  today."

Ebuka groaned from beside me but I didn't look at him at all. I just kept jotting what was on the board. While Ebuka went to the board to take over the teachers duties. The class ended 45mins later and before Ebuka could get a second chance to seat and talk to me, I was already out the door and heading for the library even though it was time for lunch.

Yes, you guessed right. I was following my brother's order to avoid Ebuka like a plague, even though a good part of me wanted to be in his arms.


The end of another awesome  chapter guys, 
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