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If Mari was going to this stupid back-to-school bonfire party at the Falls, at least she was going to make sure she looked good.

"Just admit it, Elena!" Bonnie teased.

"Okay, okay... he's a little pretty." Elena laughed lightly.

"'Lena, he's hot," Mari laughed at her, Bonnie jumping in with, "He has that romance novel stare."

"Where is he? I thought he was your date?" Mari enquired, slightly raising a brow at Elena. "If you leave him unattended, Caroline's going to hound him!"

The girls all laughed and Elena shrugged jokingly, "I don't know. Bonnie should tell us, she's the psychic one."

Mari looked confused, "Sorry, what?"

That piece of information seemed to have missed Mari entirely, but no one bothered to fill her in as it wasn't really that important. It was all a joke anyway, right?

"Right, right! I forgot. Give me a sec, Grams says I have to concentrate," Bonnie replies, crinkling her forehead in mock concentration.

Mari snorted, of course Bonnie's Grams told her she was psychic, the woman loved a good scary story.

"Wait! You need a crystal ball." Elena reached down and grabbed a discarded beer bottle, passing it to Bonnie. As soon as Bonnie's hand made contact with the bottle Elena was still holding, she seemed to zone out in a trace-like state.

Mari quirked a brow, either Bonnie was suddenly a very good actress or she had actually seen something. She went to tap her on the shoulder when Bonnie suddenly snapped back to reality, letting go of the bottle.

"What was that, Bon?" Mari asked tentatively, eying Bonnie's freaked out expression.

"That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow," Bonnie explained slowly, as if trying to work out what it meant.


"A crow," Bonnie continued. "There was fog, a man?"

Mari's brow raised incredulously at Bonnie, who caught her expression, quickly cutting herself off with, "I'm drunk. It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it, yeah? Okay, I'm going to get a refill."

"Bonnie? If you're drunk and seeing things I'm not sure more alcohol is the answer.." Mari scolded half-heartedly.

Mari watched as Bonnie quickly excused herself. She saw Stefan making his way over to Elena so thought it was best to follow after Bonnie and see if she was okay.

"I'll see you later, 'Lena, I'm gonna go see if Bonnie's okay.." Mari trailed off, not really waiting for a response before following after Bonnie.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

"Bonnie! What was that?" Mari called, halting the brunette in her steps.

"I... I don't know, Mari," Bonnie said, looking small and completely unsure of herself. Mari glanced at her worriedly, this was completely out of character for Bonnie. "There's... There's no way I'm psychic, or whatever, but I just have this feeling..."

"Bonnie, you know you can tell me anything," Mari soothed.

Bonnie took a deep breath before continuing, "I think this is just the beginning."

Bonnie didn't say what it was the beginning of, but Mari didn't push as clearly Bonnie didn't really know the answer herself. Her Grams had done a good job of putting these crazy ideas in her head and that mixed with alcohol had clearly thrown her.

"Do you want a lift home?" Mari asked, she hadn't actually got round to having a drink herself yet so was completely sober.

Bonnie shook her head, "No, no, it's okay. You should stay with Elena, I think I'm going to head home."

Mari nodded slowly and the two parted ways.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

"Elena! Where are you going?" Mari called, watching as the girl started marching towards the treeline with determination.

"It's Jeremy!" Elena called back, a tone of annoyance clear in her voice.

"Elena, wait," Mari stumbled after her. "He probably just needs some space to cool off."

"He's acting out, Mar," Elena sighed, upset. "He's throwing his life away."

Mari rubbed Elena's shoulder comfortingly, "Let's go see if he's okay, okay?"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

The two girls caught sight of Jeremy, who seemed to trip over something.

"Jeremy, are you okay?" Mari called, the two girls walking faster to reach him.

Jeremy was still where he landed, staring in shock at... Vicki Donovan?

"Vicki? Oh my God, it's Vicki!" Jeremy panicked.

"Shit, she's bleeding," Mari cursed. "We need to get her back to the others, I don't have anything to put pressure on the wound with."

Jeremy stared at her dumbly, clearly in shock, but Mari snapped at him, "Jeremy! Pick her up, come on!"

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