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Marianna Lockwood, named after her great-great-great-whatever ancestor Marianna Lockwood. She prefers Mari, though. She was the first born of the Lockwood children, gracing her family with her presence in April 1992. Richard Lockwood had wanted a son, so when Mari turned out to be a girl... well, let's just say her younger brother joined the family in February 1993. The Lockwood siblings had to be perfect, at least on the outside, as they were the Mayor's children and one of the founding families. Tyler was a football player for the Mystic Falls High School Team. Mari wasn't sure what position he played, to be honest, and she didn't care to find out. Mari was a cheerleader, naturally, making her instant friends with Caroline Forbes who was just as ambitious and driven as the Lockwood girl, though more insecure.

Mari wasn't sure of the point of having insecurities. She supposed that others didn't want to let their parents down... but Richard had already made it very apparent that there was nothing she could do that would impress him, so she started doing things for herself. It was a hard pill to swallow at the tender age of 17, but really she didn't have anything to complain about. She had everything she ever needed in life, food, a house, a car and a family that cared about her... to an extent. Her friends were loyal and loving, what more could she need?

She wondered whether it was that attitude that had made her convince Elena Gilbert to ditch family night the night of May 23rd 2009. Elena hadn't really wanted to go to that stupid bonfire party, in fact, Mari thought Elena would probably jump at the chance to avoid her then-boyfriend Matt as they were having issues. But Mari wouldn't take no for an answer. She never did, not really. Caroline said it was because she's an Aries, but really Mari just thought that her upbringing had made her a stubborn bitch who knew she could get what she wants if she just plays her cards right. She was manipulative, and sometimes her actions as a result of that haunt her.

Like now, driving to school in her bubblegum blue BMW, the roof down and the wind ruffling her hair. She hadn't bothered to style it, her natural curls making a comeback for the new school year. She hoped she could just smooth it down in the mirror before going to her first class. She had deliberately declined the offer from Bonnie Bennett for a lift, knowing that Bonnie would be picking up Elena. Mari wasn't avoiding her. Well, not to an extent that would make people suspicious. It was just, the awful nauseating feeling Mari got whenever she saw Elena's sad doe eyes. She couldn't help but feel responsible for the tragedy that had occurred on the evening of May 23rd. If she hadn't convinced Elena to ditch family night, her parents would never had had to come and pick her up and they never would've had that accident and they never would've drowned and Elena wouldn't have been hurt and the Gilbert siblings wouldn't be orphans and Jenna Sommers wouldn't have had to uproot her life to be guardians to a couple of teenagers.

Screwing her eyes shut, Mari took in a sharp breath in an attempt to clear her mind of those thoughts. She felt the car begin to drift beneath her, causing her to jolt the steering wheel in the other direction. Her heart was hammering inside her chest as she tightened her hands on the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white. How ironic that would've been, causing not one but two car wrecks in less than 5 months.

Mari scoffed at herself, what was she doing? Elena Gilbert did not hate her. Elena Gilbert did not blame her. In fact, Mari was certain that Elena was incapable of hating anyone. It was a flaw of hers, in Mari's opinion, she trusted too much and always tried to find the best in people. The world needed more people like Elena Gilbert, and less people like Mari Lockwood.

Pulling up to the school, Mari parked her BMW in a spot near the entrance. She was early, for once, having promised Bonnie and Caroline she'd join them by the lockers on the first day. Putting the roof back up on her car, Mari took a moment to examine herself in the mirror. She was pretty, she knew she was, but her attitude put people off. She couldn't help it, really, she just knew her worth and didn't want others to waste her time. She was meant for more than Mystic Falls and the sooner she graduated, the better.

Smoothing her hair with her ring clad fingers, Mari pulled her tote bag onto her shoulder and locked her car. Teachers always complained about her not carrying all her books with her, but why should she when she knew it all already? The girl grew up in a mansion with a library bigger than some of the teacher's apartments, she knew her stuff.

"Major lack of male real estate. Look at that shower curtain on Kelly Beech. She looks like a hot, wait - can I still say 'tranny mess'?"

Mari raised her eyebrows in disgust, "It was never okay to say that, Bon Bon."

Bonnie raised her arms in mock surrender, "Sorry, Mari. Nice of you to join us this morning."

Mari looked around, "Hey!" She whined. "I'm not even late today, in fact, I'm here before Caroline, am I not?"

"Ah," Bonnie sighed in fake content. "Find a man, coin a phrase, it's going to be a busy year."

"Ooh is Bonnie Bennett on the market this year?" Mari grinned. "You've got to let Care and I take you shopping."

Mari watched as Bonnie's expression changed to one of mock fear, before averting her eyes over the the other brunette in the group. Elena was yet to said a word to Mari, and all Mari's doubts from early began creeping in before she caught sight of who Elena was looking at.

"Elenaaaa," Mari sang. "Staring at your ex is still considered creepy, you know."

"He hates me," Elena mumbled, ignoring Mari's teasing.

Bonnie gave Elena a reassuring look, "That's not hate, that's 'you dumped me and I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits'."

"A bit harsh, Bon, I think Matty-blue has better taste then that, but comment your still stands. Elena, Matt doesn't hate you, I don't even think hate is in his vocabulary for Christ's sake. That," Mari gestured to Matt and his sad expression, "is hurt, not hate."

As if from nowhere, Caroline Forbes materialises by the girls. Mari whacked her hand against her chest in fright, "Dear God, Caroline! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Caroline smiles at her sweetly before tackling an unsuspecting Elena into a bear hug, or a 'CareBear Hug' as Mari liked to say, "Elena! How are you? It's so good to see you!"

She loosened her grip to turn to the other two girls, as if not expecting an honest answer from the girl, "How is she, is she okay?"

"Caroline, I'm right here and I'm fine, thank you," Elena smiles in an attempt to soothe the blonde.

See? Always putting others before herself.

"Are you sure? Oh my gosh, you poor thing," Caroline continued, wrapping her arms around her once more.

"Care," Mari called out, sensing Elena getting uncomfortable, "I gotta get my books before the bell, you coming?"

"Oh! I'll, I'll see you guys later, okay?" Caroline released the brunette and the Lockwood and Forbes made their way down the hall to their lockers.

Bonnie and Elena stare at each other for a moment.

"No comment," Elena smiled cheekily.

"I wasn't going to say anything!" Bonnie laughed. "But thank God for Mari, right?"

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