๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— 11: ๐•ฒ๐–‘๐–†๐–‰๐–Ž๐–”๐–‘๐–š๐–˜

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Light Yagami was ticked off. Not the normal, "Ugh, I am surrounded by idiots, their idiocy is stagnating my brain," ticked off, no, more like, "What the actual hell is going on on, Ryuzaki?" ticked off.

Ryuzaki had looked him dead in the eye and said, "Hell."

Any other time, Light might have laughed. But now, the urge to punch Ryuzaki was growing tantamount. A casual observer might say that L was a great detective, he had his secrets, but at the moment, Light only saw a ridiculously intelligent and irresponsible teen with trust issues.

"So, like, when was I supposed to be made aware that you had install spies in the form of innocent first year olds?" he snapped, "When you were on Mount Everest, meditating at eighty."

"The mere idea sounds terrifying."

"How about a trek down the Vesuvius, Ryuzaki?"

Ryuzaki rolled his eyes and tried to explain. They were in the Room Of Requirement to avoid making a scene. The House Elves had brought in food and Light was viewing L with the eyes of a judge.

L knew that and he was this sure that he would be pronounced guilty and asked to atone for his grievous sins.

"They are NOT my spies, not exactly anyways."

"Nothing is ever exact for you."

"You sound like a petulant house-wife."

That comment was met with a death glare. Ryuzaki shrugged. Light sighed.

"Ryuzaki, I get that you have your secrets, and I am nobody either way, but if you do want to bring down Voldemort with me, you have to atleast trust me a little bit."

"It's not the fact that I don't trust you, I really didn't think that the information was necessary."

"Oh, and nor was the fact that you have a very good idea of who the Heir might be."


Ryuzaki's eyes seemed to glitter with amusement.

"So, you did notice. Not that I expected any less of you, Light-kun."

Light groaned.

"Praising my talents wouldn't create the diversion that you wish for, Ryuzaki, I would really appreciate if you would share the information, it would be helpful."

Great, now he sounded like he was begging. If Light had been alone, he needn't have worried that much, but his sister was at Hogwarts too, and he didn't want her hurt for some wannabe dictator.

L looked at him for a long time before he dropped his gaze.

"It's B."

"Who?" Light was confused, again.

L sighed, seeming to curl back into himself.

"I wasn't sure uptil now, but the moment when he began targeting my "spies" as you so eloquently put it, I knew. He did this to draw my attention. However, the first one is someone else, I believe. If this knowledge can be passed on, it could prove to be quite dangerous and disastrous to this investigation."

"Hold on, who the heck is B? I have never heard his name over here."

"B as in Beyond Birthday. He had been taken in by Dumbledore for grooming or something, but he had fled, and the last thing I had heard of him was that he was somewhere in America, doing Merlin knows what. I couldn't have been less bothered and anyone's distance from that meddling old man would be beneficial for their mental and physical health."

"..so, if he disappeared then how do you knowโ€”"

"He had a strange fascination with me, and put an insane amount of effort in copying me. Telling him off was useless so that was that. He had sent a particularly nondescript looking letter to me, telling me that when he wished to challenge me, he would and that I should be prepared. Dumbledore put it off to a child's whim, but I knew better. THIS is how he has declared his challenge, Light-kun, this is how."

Light was silent. The sudden influx of information needed another look over. And the bitterness and frustration dropping from L's time was foreign.

"....so, I assume that the challenge is to not figure out how he does it, but where he is?"

"Precisely so," L said, burying his face in his knees. He was getting a migraine. B was a migraine. And he didn't want to think of A. It still haunted him, because he knew that he was partly responsible for it.

"Ryuzaki, are you okay?" Light asked, genuinely concerned.


The answer was blunt and indicated that he was really annoyed.

"I have a splitting headache because of this, I need to think calmly where he is. I have to beat him at his own game."


"What is it?"

Light sighed and withdrew his hand. It was useless at the moment. So now, not only they had a crazed Dark Lord trying to take over the Magical World, but also a crazed L-maniac. Light suddenly felt like laughing, remembering last year.

"I really fail to see what's so amusing."

"I don't know, maybe because you sound like a little child whose candy has been stolen."

"I am not a little child. I am seventeen."

Light snorted.

Ryuzaki gave him a withering look before withdrawing completely. He seemed to have transcended to another realm. He looked exactly the same, however Light knew that he wouldn't be talking to him right now.

However, Ryuzaki's voice surprised him suddenly.

"Light, is it too much for me to assume that you know Naomi Misora?"

"Uh no. I actually do. Gryffindor, can pack a hell of a kick if a spell isn't enough for her. Seventh Year. Why the sudden interest, though?"

Ryuzaki gave him a wan smile.

"She happens to be tracking down B as we speak, and I am wondering what the best means of communication would be with her as I definitely cannot talk to her directly."

"...so, you want me to be your spokesperson?" Light asked incredulous. The anger he had been hoarding came to him at full force.

"Well...if that's how you would like to put it then..."

Ryuzaki fell off the couch, cradling his face.

He just gave Light a look before kicking him straight in the face, which ended up with breaking Light's nose. Well, considering that he had bruised his cheek, that was only fair.

"An eye for an eye, my friend," he said emphatically, dodging Light's punch. He hadn't been trained in capoerira for nothing.

Light ended up resorting to his wand, which had L get half hit by a low powered Stunner, which allowed him to punch him again.

He got kicked again, so that was that.

After ten minutes of tussling, the both of them were lying at opposite ends in the room. L was trying to unswell his swollen right side and Light was trying to clean up the mess his broke nose and jaw had left. Ryuzaki might not look like it but his kicks were incredibly powerful and hurt an awful lot.

"So, if you are quite satisfied," Ryuzaki began when his spells took effect.

"I am," Light quipped back.

"We need to get a move on."

"I am aware of that."

"And your knuckles are still bleeding."

"I am well aware of that too, your Majesty," Light snapped back, raising them to eye level. He heard L snort.

He had tripped over a glass which had shattered and ended up with his knuckles in this condition.

"Let me see," Ryuzaki's voice beside him made him snap out of remembering the satisfaction of having punched him first.

He had a bottle of Multrap essence in his hand. Merlin knew where he had got that from, though he couldn't put it past him to have stocked up on Potions and put them in a charmed bag or something.

He held his hand out, and Ryuzaki began dabbing the potion on it. It took the sting away and the bleeding ceased. His fingers grazed gently over his hand, almost idly before he pulled away, screwing the lid back on. Light closed his eyes and sighed, the adrenaline rush leaving him. He had a very good idea of what his father would say if he had seen the brawl.

Ryuzaki took a quicker look of his face. Episkey had fixed the jaw and the nose and Scrougify had sinphoned the blood off. For a few moments he felt himself unable to tear his gaze off, but then blinked and looked away, looking down at his hands. They had almost healed, the cut being not that deep, thank Goodness for that.

He got up silently, crouching back on the couch.

Light cracked an eye open when he felt Ryuzaki leave him. He suddenly felt cold, not knowing why, even though he was sweating. He took the robe off because he felt like he would suffocate otherwise. He looked at Ryuzaki.

"Don't you ever get stiff legs from that?"


Ah yes, Ryuzaki, a man who lived to twist the laws of the universe in a hankered fashion and throw things out of balance as a habit.ย 

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