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Growing Up 

3 Years Later

In hell, more demons have arrived at the hotel and Charlie was happy that her business was going well. You were 10-11 years old now, and you've managed to control your powers and were somehow growing stronger each day. You develop fire, nature, healing abilities, and telekinesis over 2 years living with Angel. It was obvious that you were not meant to be in hell as if it was a mistake or something else that no one knew about. You weren't quite capable to learn all four of your powers with the help of Alastor who was a very good teacher.

Angel was happy that you were doing pretty good with your powers, but sometimes they can get out of control when some demon will kick your emotions. That's when you lose your senses to use any power against anyone. There were punishments, but they were also the ones that needed to be talked through in intellectual discussion.

The days had gone by and you were just like any child in hell could want or have. It's been 3 years, and your happy that your father hasn't come to take you back with him. You were enjoying your new family and you were very happy about it other than walking around the same building hostage away from the outside world.

"Angel?" You called him as he was busy doing his job that Charlie requested him to do.

"Yes, baby?" He asked.

"Can I please go outside and do something." You groaned.

"Y/N, we've been over this many times. The answer is still no, so don't ask again." He replied in a stern tone.

"But what's wrong about going outside? Nothing won't happen to me and you know it."

"It's not that, honey. I-It's about...uh...o-other demons that might take you away." He stammered with a slight lie.

"What demon can hurt me? I have powers to protect myself." You replied.

"Yeah, sweetie I know that. But you can't possibly defeat and overlord like Alastor over there." He pointed out.

You sighed sadly and turned your heel leaving a sad Angel watching you leave. He didn't want you to leave or even go outside because he's scare. He never felt scared but with you, yeah, he's more anxious if Lucifer will take you away from him. He doesn't have any powers that can defeat that bitch, but all he knows is that he will love you matter what.

Charlie was sitting by the computer typing up important documents and you walked over sitting next to her.

"What are you doing, Y/N?" She asked.

"Angel said I can't go outside and it's the same thing over and over again." You muffled planting your head onto the desk as Charlie looked over at you in the corner of the eye disappointed.

"I know it's hard. Angel just wants to protect you after what happened 3 years ago." She sighed.

"But I can protect myself." You remarked.

"I'm sure you can." She grinned.

There was no response heard from you and Charlie couldn't stand seeing you look miserable being held in the hotel. But then an idea popped in her head.

"You know, I bet Alastor wouldn't taking you to where he lives." She chimed.

Your ears perked up and you sit up a little looking at Charlie's face.

"Would he take me to his place? But won't Angel find out?" You asked worriedly.

She only giggled.

"He doesn't have to know unless I keep him busy~"

"I-I don't know."

"Come on. It's just a one whole day for a visit and he might even let stay over the night." She reassured as your frown turned to a smile.



I was already done showing the new guest that came to the hotel to their rooms and came down stares using the elevator. When I was about to leave Charlie appeared in front of me.

"Hi Angel, I have some jobs for you to do for me." She said in a sweet tone as I perked my lips together.

"Hey, what do you have for me to do?" I asked.

"Oh, it's only a few that you need to for me." She handed a stack of paper for me to hold as I grunted holding all of them with my arms.

"Woah! Quite a stack here. What are these?" I asked.

"They are just reports I need you to stamp. All of them are 1000 stacks that you need to fill out."

My eyes bulged open, "Are you out of your mind? Do I have to do all of this by myself? I won't even have time to spend with Y/N."

"Don't worry I will look after Y/N while you do all of this. They need to be done by noon or tomorrow. Alright, bye!" She said shoving me back in the elevator as the doors closed and I pressed on the floor releasing a heavy sigh.

Your Pov

I was with Alastor after sneaking out of the hotel for once to finally go to his home. Just as we approached a gate, Alastor unlocks it to let us both inside. My jaw dropped to the floor to see the huge mansion right before my eyes that Alastor was the richest demon around and perhaps some of the overlords as well.

"Oh, darling, do make yourself at home." He said as we headed inside and it was beyond amazement.

"Wow!" I 'awed'.

"Yes, this place is really big and I sometimes get myself lost around here." He chuckled.

I walked around a little looking at some portraits of Alastor and a deer as I tilt my head. I heard Alastor called me over as we headed upstairs and he opened the door and it was a big bedroom like in a royal palace.

"This will be your room and it's all yours whenever you like to come by and visit." He said as I gasped feeling like a spoiled little princess.

"But Al, I can't possibly have this whole thing for myself."

He chuckles," Dear, you are my guest and I shall treat you like one."

He ruffled my hair and left me alone as I analyzed the room with the beautiful color and pictures that look so classic. I then walked over to my bed and climbed on top of it felt so comfortable like I was laying on a cloud. I didn't notice my powers were causing to grow beautiful flowers around the bed to make it into a flower itself. Just then I heard Alastor come in and saw the bed and chuckled.

"I guess your powers are really capable of something." He chuckles lightly before setting down a tray that had a delicious meal. "I made you dinner and perhaps we can watch dinner together. What movie would like to see?"

"I think I want to watch Bambi," I replied.

"Bambi? What is that?" He asked.

"He's a deer almost like you, but its...it's like to most magical and breathtaking movie Walt Disney has creating," I replied as Alastor thought for a moment as he grinned.

"Well, perhaps I should watch this movie with you."

"You'll love it. I promise."

"We shall see."

Charlie Pov

I am so happy that my business is going swell and I have to thank everyone for making it happen. Vaggie and I were in the lobby taking a break and started chatting about girly stuff.

"Say, where is Y/N?" Vaggie asked.

"Oh, she's with Alastor just for one whole day or maybe staying over for the night."

"You let her go with the radio demon?" She asked tensing up.

Here we go again.

"Vaggie, relax I think Y/N should do something other than staying in the hotel doing nothing."

"What about Angel? Does he know about this?" She asked.

"I know all of it now!" We heard from the spider demon who had a furious look in his eyes glaring at Charlie two arms folded over his chest and two on his hips.

"Angel! Uh, aren't you suppose to filling out those reports I asked you to do?" She asked in a hesitant tone.

"They are already filled out and I was looking around the damn building to find my baby. You have some nerve to give her to strawberry pimp without my permission." He growled.

"Relax, I'm sure Alastor is taking good care of her." She reassured.

"Yeah, yeah sure." He muttered.

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