Chapter 06 - Ohara Company

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Thanks to Saeki, I managed to work in Ohara Company for about more than a year now. I am glad I am this lucky. Working in this place has taught me a lot of things. Not only did I learn about the basics and mechanics of 3DMGs, I also learned about the struggles that my co-workers go through to build these weapons.

"When is Ms. Ohara gonna come back? I heard that she has already graduated."

"I heard that Ms. Ohara is with the Legionnaires by now. She won't be back yet so soon."

"Eh? We still won't see her again after all these years? How long do we have to wait?"

Some of my companions were talking about Mari Ohara, one of the company's employers whom I have been aquainted with for a brief time back at the boot camp. I feel the same way as they do. I want to meet Ms. Ohara again so I can ask about the training she went through. Until now, I am still thinking of possibly returning back to the Trainee Corps and try to pass the tests again. But for now, I gotta focus on working.


Today is another day of busy production. Inside this big factory made of red bricks, I find myself in a familiar environment. The smell of the machines and assembly lanes that are actively delivering 3DMG parts are all over. Around me, engineers are working their hands off without pause.

In my case, I am currently assigned in maintenance for each Gear that gets through me. My job is to manually check each part for errors. It is during this assignment that I overheard a conversation between one of our managers and an engineer, most likely a new recruit.

"Iron Bamboo?"

"Yep. They are just like regular bamboos. However, they have the chemical properties suitable in making 3DMGs."

This is what I learned. The first Maneuver Gear prototypes were made from normal iron. This made the gear heavier than it is now - it was too heavy for users to be able to run with it. The weight of the material also greatly affected how a user could travel in 3D space - users have limited swinging abilities, and dangers such as accidentally dropping a part of the gear while still in mid-air was highly considered. Also, iron made the blades a bit dull compared to what it is now.

Iron bamboos are special plants that grow in mild climates. As the name implies, their chemical properties resemble iron. They are very hard, even harder than iron. (An earlier test showed that bamboo was tough enough to make bulletproof armor - speaking of armor, they absolutely unnecessary in Alpaca engagements.)

More importantly, these bamboos are light. Thus, it became possible to build blades and containers that are tough against external forces, capable of slicing Alpaca napes, and allow users to run, jump, and perform acrobatic movements. Their only downside, however, are that they're not very common, and their value makes them very expensive.

Gathering those materials are part of my job on a weekly basis. I got to see those bamboos in person. I find them both mysterious and fascinating: they're silver, sturdy, and tough. I saw with my own eyes how hard it is to gather them or even cut them - for they are harder than anything other resource that you needed a bit of technique to slice them. I remembered that one time my group and I were sent to gather them months ago. Saeki accidentally cut herself in the process, and I was quick enough to bandage her wound before it made things worse. Since that accident, Saeki had that mark on the palm of her hand - a reminder that even the most seemingly trivial tasks has risks, struggles, and dangers. Just like this world.

"Nico, do you think you can build a new 3DMG someday? Do you also think you will find a partner suitable for such a gear?", said Saeki whilst she worked on a piece of the Gear.

"Ummmm....I think not. I do not believe I can accomplish any of that."

"You think you won't?"

"Saeki, it isn't possible for me to invent a new Gear unless I learned how to actually use it, right? Until now, I have never ever had a chance to actually use one here."

"Yeah, you're right. I remember that one time you attempted to steal a 3DMG and tried to use it until our instructor caught you red handed. If it weren't for me defending you and begging the instructor to let it slide, you would have not been here until now.", she said with her arms crossed.

"Don't remind me about that! I already learned my lessons, okay? Also, I was borrowing the Gear, not stealing it!"

"Admit it, Nico. You stole it."

"I borrowed it!"

"You stole it."

"I did not!"

Until now, I denied that what I did back then was wrong. However, at least I did not deny how important Saeki is to me.

Ever since I began to work here, Saeki has treated me like a sister. Whenever I am in trouble, she tries to help me out. In my dorm, she is with me. She can be annoying at times, but for the most part she is a very good friend.

And it's not just her. The other laborers here, both older and younger than I, all gave me a place in this unique environment. Of course, not all of them gave me happy and safe experiences. Whilst many people help me out, others were either uncaring or nasty. At times, our employers were forced to make us work harder than usual. I have had acquaintances who found me annoying and not worth bothering. For me though, I learned so much despite all those hardships.

By the way, I keep my dad updated with everything that happens to me here by letter. He, too, is the reason why I continue to be here. I am glad how supportive he is to me. He even gives me advices when I deal with other workers.

"Hey, do you think the Scouts and Garissons will finally build that "Expeditionary Road" soon?", another acquaintance of mine, a girl named Aya Sugisaki, asked me about the operation that everyone is talking about. This operation is apparantly the reason why we engineers are busier nowadays due to the increased demands for 3DMG and other materials.

" depends in my opinion. Honestly, even though I know little about the details, I feel like it will succeed if the Military manages to beat the Colossal and Armored Alpacas..."

"Really? I heard that the Military already prepared some traps for them. I don't think the Military would actually let the operation go without considering them."

"Aya, I doubt they will be able to take them on."

"But....I really hope they do succeed. Things will get worse if it fails....", I see Aya looking very worried as she usually is. I met Aya in the factory, one of many people that Saeki introduced to me. My impression of her is that, while she is nice, kind, and talented, she is a very nervous, shy, if not panicky type of person. She definitely feels a lot like Hanayo to me.

In anycase, working hard is the only weapon I have to beat those Alpacas - indirectly, at least. As long as we continue to live, we will always have a chance to win.


A/N: I FINALLY UPDATED THIS PAGE AFTER SO LONG. Basically my school, my only wifi source, has no wifi for weeks now. Finally it is back - at least for a while for me to publish this.

Because of all this, expect that my updates will be slower unfortunately, however I will try my best to update more than one page at a time. See ya and keep reading.

Btw, this page is a summary of the original draft I had so I apologise if it offers you little content. The next chapter will be where the bloodbath and action will finally begin, so just wait for a bit.

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