Chapter 11 Savior

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"Haha you're a real man Eren Jaeger." Pyxis patted Eren's shoulder and stood up in front of the crowd "Y-your really doing this." Eren glances over at me and nods his head "Others might say this is a suicide mission but i just call it being a true hero." "Thanks Ryu." Eren stepped next to me and ruffled my now longer hair..

Eren and I begin to follow Pyxis "I like how your mind works,its twisted and cynical as me." Yeah right your maybe just old and that's why its twisted "Hannes?!" I whisper and i wave at him happily and Eren only told him to go back to work "Would you like some?" "E-Eren?! Dont drink that! Thats b-bad for you." "One small sip won't hurt besides im a grown up man now."

He will never learn,Eren takes the drink and quickly spits it out "ATTENTION!!" I cover my ears and glare at the old man "Let me start by introducing this fellow! Allow me to introduce Eren Jaeger.Don't let appearances deceive you,this young man is in fact a successful product of science.Cadet Jaeger possesses the ability to fabricate and control a Titan body and with skill."

"My brother Eren is the only one who can seal the entrance but he needs our help to kill the remaining Titans that'll get in his way.So if any of you chickens is scared.Now's the time to run away and hide like a coward or face and defeat the Titans like a true soldier!" Pyxis gives me a look knowing that i didnt had to say anything so he just gives me a defeated face and continues with his speech.

I get angry once I begin to see a few soldiers leave "Anyone who leaves won't return and may leave with my permission." Why's you say that! That's the reason why they joined the military was it just a waste of time for them? "The population will lose much more than 20% of its population! Wall Sina wouldnt be able to support even half of the people still alive.If we humans go extinct,it won't be because we were eaten by Titans! It'll be because we killed ourselves off! We cannot afford to die any further inside.If we must die let us drive here!"

Eren and I keep saluting everyone and I can't help but process what Commander Pyxis said. Eren and I will try our best to kill all Titans even if I am not one."Sir.Its time for the operation to begin." "Ian Dietrich,Rico Brzenska,Mitabi Jarnach. You are the beat of the best of the the Garrison Regiment. The fate of humanity is in your hands."

"Mikasa!" She stares at me now "Its time for you to finally act like an adult,So stop telling Eren what to do." I just stare at her eyes and she doesnt say a single word. I begin to run after Eren and Mikasa "I'll stay close to you Eren and i'll kill the Titan getting in your way." I say while im running after him,i hold onto my blades once we begin to reach the Titans "Stay alive you hear me,Ryuko?" I nod at Rico.

I look back and watch the green smoke this mission has begun.I follow Eren and see that he turned into a Titan i land on his shoulder "Lets do this Eren!" I smile at him he glances at me and roars "Alright lets go!!"' I begin i jump and start to move forward.Thats when i heard something,i stop and see that Eren nearly killed Mikasa.


"MIKASA!!" i rush as fast as I can towards her and I see she's wounded but not severely "E-Eren? Whats happening why did he do this?" I grab Mikasa and take her to another building "Eren please stop." I look up at him and he stays still for a second looking at me but he launches towards Mikasa who was right next to me.

"What the hell?! Why did he try and attack Mikasa but not You?!!" Another soldier asks me "I dont k-know." I stare at him suddenly feeling numb "If this keeps up the mission will be failed...I must lure Eren to the front." "Ryuko snap outta it!!" I stare up and start charging towards Eren "No.Dont go." A soldier grabs my jacket.

"I have to go!" "You're under my command now like it or not.I don't care if you were trained by stronger soldiers but your not moving from here!!" "Stop shouting then!!" "Stop it both of you." Rico interrupts us glaring at each other "Stupid Mitabi" I mutter under my breathe.

"Ryuko.Do you think Eren will be able to listen to you,i mean he attacked Mikasa but not you." "I'll try my best." I turn my heels and head towards Eren. "Eren please listen to me!" I get near him and stand on top of his head and he grabs me "RYUKO!"

I ignore the people calling my name and continue to look at Eren's green pupils "Eren! Please stop this,you're destroying everything in your way,you almost killed Mikasa! He just holds onto me but doesnt try to kill me or eat me "Eren listen to my voice.I know you're in there somewhere please listen to you're sister Ryuko!"

He just looks forward and begins to kill some Titans and I begin to scream.I-i can't get out of here,my blades are broken and i don't have a lot of fuel "Armin dont!." I shout at him once i feel Eren squishing me really tight "Eren." I lower my head and close my eyes.


"Hahaha now its your turn!" I begin to run from Eren as i feel the breeze of the air on my face "Huh?" I look back and see that Eren is sitting down on the grass "What's the matter,big brother?" I play with my hands as i look down at him "Im just bored of playing the same games all day.I want something exciting to happen."

"Like join the scouts." I ask in my little voice,he looks up and meets my hazel eyes "Yeah." "We can play something else then.Something you like." I suggest as i gleam and his eyes seem to brighten "Lets play ball." He stands up quickly and grabs my hands and guides me to our little field.

He begins to kick the ball and i try to grab it which resulted in me falling and scraping my knee and I start to cry "Eren! What did you do to your sister?" "Mom,Dad! It was an accident." "Is this true Ryuko?" Dad lowers down and wipes the tears away with his handkerchief "Y-yes daddy.Eren and I were just playing." "Alright lets get your knee clean." Dad picks me up and Mom grabbed Eren's ears.

I smile once father bandaged my knee and allowed me to keep playing but i see Eren with his back facing me "Big brother? Ready to play!" I gleam and he pats my head "Im tired of playing besides i dont want you getting hurt." He places something on my head and i try to look..

"What is it brother?" "I made you a crown out of flowers,its your favorite color blue and pink!" He smiles and leans down to hug me "I won't let anyone hurt you okay?" When we grow up we'll have each others back at all times,right?" "Mm right!"


I open my eyes and see that im not longer on Eren's grasp "Armin.wheres Eren?!" "He managed to come back.I dont know how but he did." I look over to my right and smile once i see him.The memory it made him remember "Ryuko come back!" I run up and begin to distract a few Titans from getting near Eren.

"I'll stay by your side forever.Remember?" I ask looking up at him feeling the tears running down my cheeks and i can feel he's smiling.I run behind Armin and Mikasa and watch her kill a Titan that was in front of us.I smile wide "YOU MADE IT!" I hug Armin and happily look over to Eren.I look up and see the yellow smoke meaning the mission was a complete success.

"Armin hurry up.Titans are approaching." We're all screwed well mostly i am cause my blades are broken and I have no fuel left.I turn to see a few Titans already killed "W-what who killed them?"

I look up and I see the wings of freedom and the figure turns back and looks at us making me smile twice as big "LEVI!" I say happily and tried my best to not run and hug him."W-wait you know him?" Armin stutters.I get up and rush towards Levi who got down from the Titan "Levi! Levi! Levi! I'm glad you made it-" "Quite you idiot! I gave you orders to stay out of here and what did you do? You did the opposite of what i said!" He begins to walk towards me and i walk backwards with my hands up in defeat.

"I-im sorry i just h-had to for my b-brother Eren-Oww!" He grabs my hair and not so gently pulls at it "Quit it,it hurts!" I cry but i launch towards him and hug him with all i got "Get off of me you brat!" "Noo!" I complain and only hug him tighter.


I stand next to Levi and Erwin and watch Eren who is beginning to wake up and he looks at the three of us "Im so sorry Eren." I look down not meeting his eyes since now he's in custody of the Military Police. "We had the permission to see you right now." Erwin speaks.

"Are you alright Eren? When will he get out?" I face Erwin who only stares down at me with no emotion "Ryuko.You shouldn't even talk considering you didnt obey your squad leader." "Its not my fault i just had to im his sister-" Erwin told me to stay silent by only holding his hand up.It hurts me to see Eren chained up "Where's you get that." I look at Eren's key but Erwin's holding it.

"When this is all over you're going to have a severe punishment." Levi says to me making me feel nervous.He is going to kill me I know it. "I wanna become a member of the Scouts." Eren please don't push yourself "Alright then.I'll take full responsibility of him.Good news Jaeger your officially a member of the Scouts."

To be continued.......

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