Chapter 12 Pain

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"What do you want to do? I want to join the Scouts and slaughter every Titan I can!!" 

"Erwin..I'll take responsibility for him.Let the higher-ups know. I don't necessarily trust him, though. If he betrays us or goes out of control, I'll kill him on the spot.You're in. I'll make you a member of the Scouts."


I have a feeling that something won't end up that good.Now shorty is gonna train Eren and he's now officially a member of the Scout regiment meaning that i'll see him everyday and he'll probably start scolding me of something bad happens and I can't have that. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't heard the door open.

"Jaeger." I looked up at Levi who looked just a bit worried well I am too.I looked down at my knees and sighed. "Aren't you happy that your pathetic brother is here?" "Just a little." "Tch. I knew you would say that." 

"Levi.What if we suppose that i am not who i say? Would you kill me if you had to?" Levi came closer and placed his hand on top of my head "Just go to sleep,idiot."I looked up and met his grey eyes and blushed. I watched him leave the room,but he didn't even answered my question. I know that since i arrived something has changed in my heart and I can't have that happen,everyone ive known has died and I can't fall in love with Levi although it'll be hard.


A trial will be held today.The decision about whether the Police or the Recon Corps get Eren has been entrusted to a so called Zacklay.I asked Erwin who he is and  he's the man in charge of all three forces: the Military Police, the Garrison, and the Recon Corps.So in other words we're screwed. When making decisions, he considers only one method: the cost-benefit analysis.That is, whether it's profitable I don't want to let him kill Eren.

Right now im in the courtroom with almost everyone here I have to keep a straight face and stay calm since that was the only order captain Levi told me to do.I glanced up to look over to Erwin thats when the doors open and I saw Eren.

"You are Eren Jaeger, right? You're a soldier who vowed to devote his life to the King. Is that correct? " The judge asked my brother who seems really nervous about whats going on. "Yes, sir." 

"This is an exceptional case. It is outside the bounds of common law, therefore we must convene a special court-martial. The final decision will be handed down by me. We will deliberate upon whether you live or die as well. Do you have any objections? " "None, sir." 

I can fell my heart beating faster. "I'm glad you're so cooperative. Let me say this straightforwardly. Concealing your existence has proven impossible. Unless we publicize your existence in some way, we will have to face another threat besides the Titans. This court is tasked with deciding which force will take custody of you, the Military Police or the Recon Corps. First, let us hear the proposition from the Police."

"I am Nile Dawk, Chief of the Military Police. Our proposition is as follows: We will examine Eren's body thoroughly, then dispose of him as soon as possible. It's a fact that his Titan power repelled the last attack. However, his character induces disturbances that may even lead to a rebellion.Therefore he shall provide us with as much intelligence as possible, then he'll become a martyr for mankind."That bastard I won't let anyone do tests or whatever else on Eren.

"Next, let us hear the proposition from the Recon Corps." 

"Yes, sir. I am Colonel Erwin Smith, head of the Thirteenth Battalion of the Recon Corps. Our proposition is as follows: We will accept Eren as a formal member of the Recon Corps, and recapture Wall Maria by using his Titan power." That is all? I ask myself looking at him.

"Is that it?"

" Yes. Using his abilities, we can retake Wall Maria. I believe the priorities are clearly apparent."

"I see."

"By the way, from where do you intend to launch that operation? Pixis, I believe the gate at Trost was sealed for good."

"Wait! Shouldn't we seal all the gates now? The Colossal Titan can only destroy the gates! If we fortify those areas, they won't be able to attack us again! Shut up, you puppet of the traders' guild! Using that Titan strength, we can return to Wall Maria once again! We're fed up with you playing hero all the time! You talk a lot, pig."

"Who says the Titans will wait until you can lock up all the gates? When you say "we", are you referring to your little friends who you plan to get fat with? Can't you even see that people are starving because we don't have enough land? We're only suggesting that if we sealed the gates, we'd be saf Enough of your insolence! How dare you even suggest doing such a thing to the sacred Wall Rose, given unto us by God?! You look upon the greatness of the Walls, which transcends human understanding, and you still can't see?! It was their fault that it took so long to fortify the defenses of the Walls They have the money and the power."

"Jaeger, let me ask you this: Can you keep fighting for the sake of mankind as a soldier, and also use your Titan power for the same goal?"

" Yes! I can." 

"Oh? But in the report from Trost it says: "He swung his fist at Mikasa Ackerman right after becoming a Titan and the only person who he listened to him was his sister.Ryuko."

"Is Mikasa Ackerman here? along with his sister Ryuko Jaeger?"


" Is it true that after he transformed, Jaeger attacked you? But didn't harmed Ryuko. You two must tell the truth.

"Yes, it is true." The man looked over to me and I nodded my head.

"It is true sir. Eren didn't harm me at all and I know that he was fighting to get a grip of himself.I knoe Eren better than anyone else.First he fought all of the Titans,the second  time, he protected me and Armin along with Mikasa from cannon fire."

"He did everything he could sir." Mikasa looked over to me and for the second time I could see fear in her eyes. "I believe this testimony is too emotionally-biased to be accepted in court." 

"Ryuko Jaeger was found outside in the woods as a small child,she's never met her parents.She was taken by the Jaeger gamily at a really early age while Mikasa Ackerman in a few years later. However, we uncovered some surprising details regarding those events."  Eren Jaeger,Mikasa Ackerman  and Ryuko Jaeger were nine years old at the time they murdered all three robber-kidnappers."

My eyes darkened at the memory of my first kill ever,I wanted to forget that ever happened but as they say the past always comes to haunt us.

"You might call this justifiable self-defense, but I can't help but feel disturbed by the fundamental lack of humanity in their actions."

"Can we really trust him with the fate, funds, and manpower of mankind?" 

Yeah! He's probably a Titan who infiltrated us disguised as a child!"

 Her too! How can we be sure she's human?" 

"W-What?! First off, you've never even seen a Titan! So I suggest you all shut up!! Many soldiers have died outside the walls while all of you are just sitting there doing nothing!" Levi grabbed the collar of my jacket and made me stand next to him again but he was covering my mouth this time. "Idiot what did I tell you to do."

I pushed his hand away and tugged on Erwin's sleeves "Commander Erwin we must do something." I whisper then I heard Eren crying and I saw Levi kicking him.My eyes widen once I saw him bleeding "Levi! Stop it!" Almost everyone told him to stop but he wouldn't listen.

"LEVI!!" I climbed up and felt Erwin hands about to grab me but I was quick and I ran towards Eren "Levi stop." I grabbed one of his arms trying to stop him.I wince in pain and I stood in front of Eren "If you wanna hit him..then hit me." I glared at him.

"As I heard it, when he turned into a Titan, he killed 20 other Titans before his strength ran out. If he were an enemy, he might cause more trouble than that intel's worth." He said not meeting my eyes. "Why don't you put Eren under Captain Levi's command and send them on a mission outside the Walls? Eren as well?" I finally spoke.

"Whether Eren can control his Titan power, and whether he may be of benefit to mankind, should be decided based on the results of that mission." 

"Watch over Eren Jaeger Can you do that, Levi?" 


Eren was placed under Levi's command so he must follow every order and try to control his Titan powers.I was sitting down just looking down at my hands,i slowly touched my cheek and hissed in pain.That'll leave an awful bruise.

"Where's the pain? Sorry about doing that. But as a result, we got you for ourselves."


"We were able to play our trump cards at the most effective moments. Your pain was worth our gain."

"Thank you."

"I look forward to working with you, Eren." 

Likewise, sir!" 

" Say, Eren."


"Do you hate me?" 


"I understand it was necessary." 

"Glad to hear." 

"You could've at least held back a little."

I continued listening to the both of them talk and Hanji joined them. "You even broke his tooth." I looked over and saw her pick it up.


"Don't pick that up. It's disgusting." 

"It's an important sample for me."

"Eren, I bet you're glad you won't be dissected by freaks like her, huh?"

"Hey, may I see the inside of your mouth? His tooth already grew back."

Who really? I looked over and saw his tooth back again! Whoa Eren really have some cool Titan powers if you ask me. "Ryuko please don't be mad at Levi or worried about me.I'm fine." Eren spoke,I looked up and saw him smiling at me.I nodded my head returning him the smile. "..Ryuko? Where did you get that bruise from?" Eren raised an eyebrow while pointing at me.

I glanced over to Levi who was staring at him.I looked away hiding my face with my long hair "Its nothing Eren." I heard footsteps and I felt someone's fingers lifting my chin up and I met his eyes."I'm sorry." Levi whispered to me and he walked away from me.I'm not telling Eren that Levi accidentally punched me while I tried to protect Eren or he'll be very mad,well the important thing is that I finally have Eren by my side again.

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