Chapter 3 Training

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Wow that was a long chapter hopefully you will al like it!  btw im re-watching the whole anime again for e fourth time on my limited edition dvd i just got and im super excited i swear this anime will never get old! anywhas please vote and comment on this story and tell me if your liking it so far and what you think about my character..

Ryuko's pov

I watched as the instructor began to pace around and watch at every single one of us "WHAT IS YOUR NAME RECRUIT?!" she shouted as he standed in front of me as i hardened my eyes and responded "SIR MY NAME IS RYUKO JAEGER FROM SHINGANSHINA SIR!!" "AND WHAT BROUGHT YOU HERE SOLDIER!!" "I CAME HERE TO ELIMINATE EVERY TITAN THAT CROSSES IN MY WAY SIR ALONG WITH MY BROTHER.AND BECOME ONE OF THE GREATEST SOLDIERS HERE SIR AND JOIN THE SCOUT REGIMENT!!" i said still saluting him as i saw a small smirk as walked away.

"WHAT IS THE HELL IS YOUR NAME!!" and again he began to scare people well he scared me a bit but not much to go and hide in a corner like a kid i believe his name is Connie Springer "IS YOUR HEART IN YOUR RIGHT SIDE?!" i glanced over at them and snorted as i continued looking forward as i kept listening to them.


It was night time and finally we got the chance to eat some dinner even though it was kinda crappy but eh im okay with it i was standing outside as i searched for the girl who got caught by eating a potato how crazy is that?! I heard quick footsteps as someone bumped into me "AHH!" i screamed as i quickly  covered my mouth and saw a guy about my age with short light brown hair and brown eyes "Oh m-man im so sorry." he apologized as i saw a faint blush in his cheeks i started walking backwards slowly as i could feel myself blush as well "Dont w-worry its alright um if youll excuse me ill leave now." "Wait!" i looked over at him and he looked away quickly "I-i just wanted to say that you have beautiful eyes,you know yellow is my favorite color." i smiled and nodded at him "Thank you i like yours too." i complimented as i began to run over to Mikasa and Eren.

"Eren! Mikasa! What are you guys doing?!" i shouted as i approached them "Oh nothing just getting ready for tomorrow's training." Eren says as Mikasa nodded "Are you nervous Ryuko?" she asked i smirked and crossed my arms "Of course not i know ill do great!" i exclaimed with a smile as we walked as Eren smiled "Yeah yeah but you know you two should really cute your hair" He says as he got a strand of my hair "Huh? really?" i ask more to myself as i take a strand and examine it.hmm maybe hes right after all its gonna grow back quick.

"Alright well goodnight Ryuko and Mikasa." Eren says as we all say goodnight as we slept in out bed.i sleep right next to a girl named Crista and Mikasa is on the left side along with a girl name Annie.i closed my eyes and opened them again as i had a clear view of the moon "I wonder how things are in heaven mom,its been a few years since that happen." i whisper as i hug the blankets next to my chest as i fell asleep dreaming of mom.


"Fail this and that person will leave this place!" i hear the commander shout as we get ready in our gear well the wires  to see if we have enough balance to actually use them.i really really love these uniforms they fit so perfectly wait i should be concentrating on this or sorta."What about this sir?" "Thats precisely were on these tests to see if they have dedication." "What is your with you Jaeger?! straighten yourself up you two!!" now he says as he approached us both and i glance over at Eren and see that he's upside down like me. "WEREN YOU THE ONE SAYING THAT YOU WERE GOING TO BE ONENOF THE BEST NOW PROVE IT!!" he yells as i just stared at everyone as they looked at us both.this is useless i cant handle these stupid things.

"Focus your balance and weight and everything will go just fine and adjust the wires securely on your belt now i want you two to try it." Mikasa explains as we both look at each other and nod "You cent do it guys if i can do it so can you guys" Armin says next "Alright we'll try" i say as Armin nods to Mikasa so she can lift us up 'You can do this Ryuko your going to be one of the best around here' i look down and could feel myself lift off the ground slowly as i balance myself and smile "I DID IT! I DI..WHA!!" j yell as i fall down and hit my forehead on the ground 'Holy shit that hurts!' "Ryuko?! Eren! are you two alright?!" Armin asks as they help us out and place us on the ground as i rub my forehead and wince "That hurts like hell" i reply as i lift off my scarf "Hm at least this isnt dirty" i say with a small laugh "What the hell that isnt suppose to be funny!" Eren cries.

Now here i am eating dinner with Eren and my other two friends as we begin to speak "Cant believe we weren able to handle it.without it we wont be able to defeat any titans." Eren and I both say looking down at our plates "Youll two learn soon and please dont talk like that at the same time it scares me." Armin says with a small smile on his face "I think its best for you two to just stop it." What do you mean by that we cant just walk away after all weve gotten through!" i shout as i get up from the table and walk outside as i see the same girl with the potato eating something i blink and speak up in a cheerful voice "Hey your potato girl! nice to meet you my names Ryuko." i say as she looks up and blushes "H-hello um are you gonna eat that?" she asks as i was holding a piece of bread 'oh so thats why she was blushing' "Here you have it." i say as she quickly snatched it from my hand.

"Whoa you really are hungry?" i smile as she looks up and takes my hand "Are you god or something? your so beautiful and kind and i wanna be your friend!" she says as i see her eyes sparkle whoa "Hehe alright well whats your name?" "Im Sasha Brouse nice to meet ya Ryuko!" she says happily as we both talk over the night "Hey who give you that lovely scarf?" she asks as i look down and smile as i grab it "Someone special gave it to me." "Its reminds of lettuce." she says with her mouth drooling she really loves food."Um thanks i guess." i smile as i look up at the sky "Well ill see you later Sasha i need to see my brother first." i say as i run over to the boys section area.

I dont know why they must leave us apart it should be girl mixed up with boys i dont like to be away from Eren i walk to the door but instead of entering i stand there outside and listen to Eren begging a few boys to help him teach him on how to handle the wires i growl and open the door forcefully as a see the boys scared "The hell is going on here? Eren you liar you were going to learn this all by yourself without telling your sister and helping her out!" i say as the boys seem shock that i have this dark aura.Eren puts his hands up as he replies "You dont understand i was going to tell you later to join me." "So did they say yes? i raise an eyebrow as he shakes his head i glance over at the boy who spoke to me a day ago.

"Can you please help me and my brother? if not i will gently kill you." i gave him a close eyed smile as he seems freaked out "Im just kidding!" i say laughing a bit as he blushes "You really did scare me there gut ill help you guys out...just because your cute." he whispers the last part to himself i nod and walk over to my place to get ready.Im back at my cabin and stare myself in the mirror as i touch my hair and grab the scissors i gulp and hesitate to cut it "Wait what if he likes long hair?" i ask myself as i look down at the hand that im holding the pair i shake that thought off and grab a few strands and begin to cut it short like Mikasa's but decided to leave it just a bit longer.

Alrighty well here i am following Jean so he can teach Eren and I how to maneuver the wires perfectly i hope itll work i hug the clock close to my chest along with my green scarf that i never take it off "Were almost there but keep an eye if anyone comes." Jean says as i look around and hear a sound nearby and i stop and look around to see who or what it may be i start to walk closer "Hey Ryuko what are you doing." "Um nothing just heard a tree branch im coming" i say as he continues walking i look down and see a small note i pick it up along with the other item i look at it and read.

Seems like you found the note,i didnt think you would find it considering that your so stupid thinking that you can actually be a special soldier or some shit.also seems like you cut your hair? and to be honest it sucks i actually liked it longer next time it leave it longer and dont try and play stupid thatll only get you no where.

I glance around and find no one i quickly get up and catch up to the boys as i hide the note inside my pocket and open my palm to see a small necklace with a red dark rose attached to it 'Who wrote this?' i ask myself as i hide the item in my other pocket.Soon enough we arrived and began training our asse's off and morning came too soon and it was time to finally do it correct or both of us will be out."Eren Jaeger and Ryuko are you two ready?" He asks us and we see everyone again in the field.

"Yes sir." we both reply as i begin to get nervous 'I must do this for me and for mom' "Proceed." we are slowly up from the ground and the moment has come to see if we can do this 'Goodluck Eren' i take a bretah and steady myself 'Im doing it!' i smile wide and next see Eren fall "Eren?! Wah!!" and i fell backwards and stayed shocked 'No no this cant happen!!' "Im finished something must be wrong." next thing the commander says is to Mikasa to switch belts with me and he examines mine and Eren as well "Seems like the clasps were broken." "What?" i ask as we try again and we did it!! "YAHOO WE DID IT!!EREN WE DID IT!!" i smile as i break into tears and smile to Eren as we both share a hug both afterwards and begin to train with the gear we needed.

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