Chapter 37 : Cherishing Togetherness

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Shout out to all those who commented on the last chapter. It reached 350+ comments with all the sarcasm, humor, and thoughtful conversations. I think the last time it was on KAI that so much discussion had happened. Happy that you're all enjoying this story!


Anika shifted in her sleep hearing the alarm on her phone. She frowned and opened her eyes to find her naked husband sleeping beside her. Her heart filled with an overwhelming sensation. The alarm, however, broke her gaze. She turned and didn't find her phone. Where the hell was her phone?

She looked around the room to spot the carelessly discarded clothes. Her eyes widened noticing the expensive dress scattered over the floor. Next to it was her sling. She yawned getting off the bed, running to the sling. She kneeled on the floor quickly dismissing her phone's alarm. Her necklace slipped out. She was glad she had removed it and the earrings during their drive back home. She got to her feet and limped towards her cupboard. She quickly slipped on a nightie and sat back on the bed. Where was the bracelet? She panicked searching the contents of her purse. Fudge! She lost a diamond bracelet!

"Shivaay," she called placing her hand on her husband over the duvet. "Shivaay, wake up please!" She hollered panicked. 

Shivaay yawned opening his eyes a little. "What's the time?"

"Forget the time, Shivaay. There's a problem." Anika muttered shifting so that she was sitting beside him. "Wake up..." she shook him.

"What problem?" He murmured turning and sleeping on his abdomen.

"The bracelet Shivaay. The one I was wearing yesterday. I can't find it." Anika hoped he wouldn't get mad at her.

"It must be somewhere, let's sleep for some more time."

"Shivaay, it is not around. I don't even remember removing it. Can you, please, wake up? It was studded with diamonds."

"Anika!" He muttered annoyed sitting up against the headboard of the bed. Anika looked at him in hope, as he rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms. He looked at her, "what?"

"The bracelet Shivaay! It's not in my purse. I don't remember removing it." She spoke grimly.

Shivaay looked around. "It's okay, don't panic over it."

"Are you kidding me? It was a freaking diamond bracelet. I told mom there's no point wearing it. She's going to be so disappointed. How expensive was it?" Aniak looked up at him with worry written all over her face. Shivaay looked at her thoughtfully. He recollected the events of the last night. She definitely didn't have it on when they entered the room. She didn't have it on when she was untying the bowtie as well. 

"Oh, Anika it's in my coat's pocket," He answered recollecting the time when they were talking to the hosts of the party. "It actually had unlocked when you were giving the flowers. I had taken it off and slipped it in my pocket."

Anika sighed in relief, "you should have told me about it!" Anika muttered getting off the bed to pick up his coat that lay abandoned on the chair. "Found it!" She declared happily.

"Yayy! Can I sleep now?" Shivaay muttered sinking back onto the bed. He had barely pulled the bed cover over him when his phone rang. "Anika, can you please shut that thing!" He muttered annoyed.

Anika took his phone from the coat and looked at him, "it's from Harish."

"Why is he annoying me on a Saturday? Decline it." He muttered and Anika obeyed. No sooner than she had a message popped up on the screen.

"Umm, Shivaay you have a meeting in an hour's time." She spoke looking up.

"Fish!" Shivaay exclaimed sitting up. I had a meeting with Mehra and Kashish. "Darn!" He cursed getting off the bed. Anika quickly turned away as he stood there in absolutely nothing. 

"Please take out my clothes," he said before marching off to the bathroom. A stupid smile made it's way to Anika's face. Every time she saw him go commando with utmost confidence she was left stumped. He could literally be naked the whole day and not complain. 

* * *

"Mom, do you have that pain relief spray?" Anika asked Pinky as she entered the dining area. 

"Yeah, it's in my room. Why what happened?" Pinky asked with her voice laced with worry.

"I twisted my ankle, it was tolerable last night, but now it's slightly swollen and is paining."

"Offo, you should have applied balm or pain relief cream yesterday night itself. Sit here, I will get it." Pinky spoke hurrying towards her room. 

Anika sighed and sat, "hey Ru!"

"Hi Bhabhs, how was the party last night?"

"Okay, maybe boring. But the food was nice."

"Okay, don't tempt me Bhabhs!"

Anika giggled, "there was gobi manchurian, paneer tikka, and chocolate cake with hot  chocolate and..."

"Choti Maa, Bhabhi had a lot of yummy stuff yesterday, you better give her ladyfingers and brinjal until next Friday now." Rudra joked as Pinky returned with a pain relief spray and crepe bandage.

"I don't mind," Pinky teased.

"Mom!" Anika whined turning to her.

"Come on, now, put your leg on this chair.

"I can do it," Anika spoke holding out her hand.

"Arey, I will do it. You won't be able to tie this. Now, put your foot up."

"Mom, I can do it. You don't have to," Anika spoke trying to take the spray.

"Anika, you would have let your mother do it right? Why not me then? Is this partiality because I am your husband's mother?"

Anika's drew into a straight line as she looked at Pinky. Rudra looked on smiling. "Bahbhs, let Chotti Maa do it. She is an expert at it. You know when all of us were kids, if anyone came with an injury we'd head straight to her. She's like the in house doctor."

Anika smiled at Rudra and looked at Pinky, who placed her hand on her head lovingly. "Put up your leg now," Anika obeyed this time. Pinky massaged her foot and tied the bandage around. Once she was done Anika hugged her. Pinky was surprised at the sudden hug, nonetheless, she hugged her bag. She kissed Anika's forehead, "Come on let's have breakfast it's your favorite today!"

"Where's Dad?" Anika asked.

"He is off to see some land," Pinky answered before asking about Shivaay's whereabouts. 

"He had some meeting," Anika answered. 

"Oh, he started working on Saturdays again?" Rudra asked surprised.

Anika stared at him, "what do you mean by again?"

"He used to before the wedding but then after the wedding, he stopped. So it seems like he started again. Unless it's just for today." Rudra smirked. 

Anika smiled widely, "what's so amusing?"

"Nothing!" Rudra shrugged. "Let's play scrabble today!"

"You don't have assignments this weekend?"

"Nah." Rudra lied coolly.

Anika nodded focusing on the parathas that Pinky bought to the table.

* * *

"Hello, Bhaiya!" Rudra greeted as he spotted Shivaay entering. 

Shivaay noticed his wife, mother, and Rudra seated on the fir carpet. "Hello, so are you people calling ghosts?"

"They don't come in broad daylight, so we are just playing scrabble for now." Rudra snickered. 

Shivaay shook his head and diverted his gaze to Anika. She smiled at him. He blinked registering the crepe bandage around her foot. "What happened?"

"The ankle twist itself." She answered as he made his way around to sit on the sofa her back was against.

"Do you want to see a doctor?" He asked looking at her foot.

"No, it's nothing!" Anika muttered focusing on the game. "Rudra that's not even a word."

"It is!" Rudra argued.

"Idiot put the letters in the correct order. He used to always goof up spellings in school also." Pinky giggled telling Anika.

"He still does!" Anika added giving Pinky a high-five. Shivaay and Pinky chuckled while Rudra gaped. 

"She's lying," he accused Anika.

"Really, Rudra? You couldn't spell entrepreneur," Anika revealed. "Given the fact that your brother is one," Anika made fun. Shivaay smiled placing his hands on Anika's shoulder. 

"Bhaiya, will you stop smiling and say something in the defense of your brother?" Rudra muttered annoyed.

Anika giggled with Pinky. 

"Well, my wife makes a point," he spoke pressing his chin against Anika's head wrapping his arms around her. Anika blushed when he tilted her head backward kissing her forehead. Anika quickly looked at the two of them grinning at her. "Mom it's your turn!"

Pinky giggled and focused on the game while Rudra chuckled.  Anika quickly turned to give Shivaay a glare with a smile playing at the corner of her lips. He waggled his brows mischievously. She tried getting his arms off her, but his hold only became more firm while his hands locked slightly above her chest. His fingers brushing her collarbone. "Shivaay!" She mouthed narrowing her eyes at him. He leaned and kissed her cheek this time.

"Ahem ahem," Pinky cleared her throat. "Your turn, Anika!" Anika's eyes flew back to the board. Her cheeks had heated up. Shivaay showed no sign of taking his hand back. Anika struggled at thinking. He leaned into her ear and whispered, "contract". Momentarily, Anika was lost. His hot breath over her ear messed with her senses. She wondered if he'd nibble at her ear. "It's your turn," he spoke and moved away. Anika looked at her letter tiles and smiled. His hands loosened and pulled back so that she could play. Anika managed to not give away how terribly flushed she was thinking about her husband.

"This is cheating Bhaiya, you can't help her," Rudra argued.

"Rudra," Shivaay had barely said when Anika's phone rang aloud. 

"What's with that ringtone?" Rudra asked chuckling as a peal of laughter played.

"That's Gauri!" Anika answered grinning.

Pinky laughed, "sounds like a dying hyena!"

"Hey, Gauri!" Anika greeted picking up the video call. "We were playing Scrabble and missing you!" She spoke turning the camera for Gauri to see the others.

They were still chatting with Gauri when Omkara walked in. "Hey peeps what's up?"

"We are playing scrabble,  what to join?," Rudra asked as Omkara sat behind him on the sofa. "Who are they talking to?" He asked softly noticing Pinky and Anika talking about food to someone. 

"Gauri," Shivaay answered. Omkara raised his gaze to meet Shivaay's. 

"Oh okay!" Omkara replied casually like the mention of her name didn't get his heart to race. "I will freshen up and be back," he said softly walking away. Shivaay sighed turning towards Anika and her eyes flew up to meet his. 

* * *

Anika sat on the bed dressed in a tee and shorts, analyzing her foot. The pain was less intense. She glanced at her phone as it beeped. She read the notifications from one of her volunteers' group. She hadn't been to a single event or participated in any drive since her marriage. She missed spending weekends in some village helping them set up schools and medical camps. She was all set to go for the one that was scheduled today but then she woke up late and had her foot sprained. Maybe next week.

"How's it now?" She heard Shivaay as he stepped out of the bathroom in his night tracks and tee. 

"Better," Anika smiled.

Before they could exchange any more words a knock on their door got their attention. "It's open," Shivaay said, while Anika pulled up the bed cover to cover her legs.

Omkara pushed the door open and stepped in, "hey! Uh, I wanted to discuss Chotte Papa's birthday plans, Chotti Maa is in his company. Anika, umm do you have the food list?" 

"Oh, I do. It's..."

"Sit there and tell me," Shivaay commanded. 

"On the desk, there is that brown diary, inside that," Anika pointed.

Shivaay picked it up and walked over to Omkara, reading his mom's handwriting. "Butterscotch cake," he made face.

"That's nice," Anika remarked.

He looked at her, "no way,"

Omkara grinned, "you can just have a bite!"

Anika giggled while Shivaay rolled his eyes. 

"Also, you were saying you had to tell me something about Malika?" Omkara looked at Shivaay.

"Oh, yes, I met her two days back," Shivaay spoke recollecting his meeting with Malika. Anika's ears were totally on the conversation while her eyes were fixed on her phone's screen. "Um, she actually wanted to arrange a meeting with you. Her sister Juhi is engaged, they're considering your company for the wedding."

"Right, you gave her my number?" Omkara asked.

"Yeah, I did give her your personal number. She said she'll call in on Monday." Shivaay informed.

"Okay," Omkara nodded. "Good night," he wished, signing Shivaay to shut the door. Shivaay grinned wishing "good night" and locked the door.

"You were saying something about Gauri earlier..." Shivaay asked climbing on the bed. 

"Yeah, she and mom have set up a clinic. They have one case each, already!"

"That's nice, did you invite them to the party on Tuesday?"

"I told mom, she said she'll convince Gauri," Anika spoke thoughtfully. "You're still in touch with Malika?"

Shivaay put his phone aside and looked at her, "Yes, she has a contract with our firm. So obviously!"

"Oh, okay," Anika nodded not liking the weird feeling that was growing in the depths of her stomach. He knew professionally that was sit. She couldn't help but recollect the first and only time she had Malika. The engagement party. She still didn't know why she had felt so bad on seeing Shivaay with her that day. The image of her arm wrapped around Shivaay was still very clear in her head. She didn't even know Malika properly to dislike her.

"Anika?" Shivaay called to seek her attention. She seemed lost.

"Yeah," Anika turned to him. 

"You're jealous?" Shivaay shot an arrow in the dark.

"No, why would I be jealous?"

Shivaay nodded, "Yeah, but just for the record, there was nothing between me and Malika and there will never be. She's just a good acquaintance." He shifted closer running his fingers down her cheek.

"Okay," Anika smiled.

Shivaay smiled laying her down and then coming on top of her. She smiled raising her hand to his cheek as he kissed her. Shivaay gently held her hands and pinned it against the mattress, leaning down to kiss her neck. He rubbed his stubble against her cheek and she giggled putting her arms around him. "Sweetheart, let's take it slow today!" He murmured and she hummed in anticipation. He was like a wildfire very consuming. She felt like a moth craving for his burn. Was this love, the feeling she felt for him? She wondered.

Anika has perfectly settled into his life, hasn't she? Is she losing parts of herself in the process? 

Granted that Shivaay isn't the best husband. He's less emotionally inclined towards her, a hypocrite, and a smarty who always manages to get what he wants(duh). I would love to know your thoughts on this. 


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