one | summer trouble

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chapter one | summer trouble
episode one

Olivia stared up at the sky with an old pair of sunglasses protecting her eyes from the sun. It was July: a time when humidity was at its highest, along with the population of the Outer Banks as Tourons became regulars.

A cigarette butt rested between Olivia's lips as she breathed in the smoke. Her legs swung over the edge of the scaffolding of a newly built Kook house, uncaring about the risk of falling or being caught. At least, if she was thrown in jail, then her father might have a reason to come home. But, then again, he couldn't even be bothered to be home with his own brother missing.

See, Olivia's cousin John B was all alone (not really since the two had each other, but Olivia meant a legal guardian). Big John — Olivia's uncle, John B's dad — had disappeared nine months ago at sea with neither Routledge children accepting that he was gone, gone. Call it denial, but Big John was near enough all Olivia had.

Well, she had John B, of course. The two had ended up sticking together like magnets, unable to stay apart, where it was just the two of them left. Olivia had moved into their small chateau (what John B liked to call it) upon her uncle's disappearance — she was supposed to move in anyway once Big John had returned, but... well, you know. Between them, the two had become protective of each other with a promise forming that they would never leave each other.

And they hadn't. Despite it being a hard nine months, the two found comfort in sharing a place together. For once in her life, Olivia felt like she had a home — an incredibly messed up one, but still home.

But with John B came the Pouges, and Olivia's not quite sure at what point she ended up being considered a member of the once-all-boy's-group. There was Pope: the smartest of the bunch, who Olivia was determined to keep him on the right path that led him to college. Then there was Kiara — the second girl to join after Olivia — who was the most down-to-earth person Olivia had ever met, but incredibly passionate too. If it wasn't for Kiara, then she wouldn't have a job right now. And then, finally, there was him.

JJ Maybank, who still managed to get under Olivia's skin (and not for good reasons anymore). The two had a past — a summer fling that had ended before the sun had even set on the season. Foolishly, Olivia had let her guard down around him, which had backfired in her face. She was still pissed off that he had ghosted her, especially now when they acted like friends without a single mention of what had happened between them. Things were awkward, but it was buried as deep as treasure with a promise that the past wasn't going to be unearthed again.

For JJ's sake, Olivia hoped it didn't come up. Remember John B and Olivia being a tad overprotective of each other? Yes, well, John B had come up with a rule: no Pogue-on-Pouge macking. Unfortunately, it was a tad late for JJ and Olivia, but her cousin didn't need to know that. The rule was in place for Kiara too, where Olivia was certain that both Pope and John B were crushing on her best friend. Maybe JJ, too, but Olivia didn't want to know about that.

Olivia now blew out the smoke from her cigarette, watching it rise to the sky as it blended with the clouds above them. JJ took a seat next to her, offering her a can of beer.

"Is it warm?" Olivia questioned.

"It's from the cooler," JJ told her.

Olivia sat up, accepting the drink as she thanked him without meeting his gaze. He opened his own can with the sound crackling in the group's silence. Olivia followed, taking a swig as she put out her cigarette on the scaffolding, making sure it was out. Then her eyes fell on her cousin, frowning at him.

"John B, you dick, what are you doing?" Olivia snapped at him.

John B stood on one foot, balancing on the tip of the roof as he stared down at the ground below him. If he fell... well, Olivia would kill him herself.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" Pope said from the bottom, glancing up at John B. "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."

John B didn't seem bothered as he stuck up a finger, testing the wind that now blew, knocking Olivia's hair.

"Should I do it?" John B questioned.

"Yeah, you should jump," Pope encouraged, pointing an electronic screwdriver at John B. "I'll shoot you on the way down."

John B used his finger as a pistol. "You'll shoot me?"

"Fucking mature, guys," said Olivia.

"Yep," Pope said.

There was a fake gun sound as the two pretended to shoot each other with Olivia rolling her eyes. She took another sip, surprised that JJ wasn't doing something foolish too.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," Kiara informed them, where she finally joined them outside with her sleuthing done. Olivia was nosy, but she didn't like seeing what she couldn't have.

"Of course they are," said JJ. "Why wouldn't they?"

"This used to be a turtle habitat," Kiara reminded them, disappointed. "But who cares about the turtles, I guess?"

"I can't have cold towels," JJ declared.

Kiara's eyes had found John B. "Can you please not kill yourself?"

"Don't spill that beer," JJ shouted up to him. "I'm not giving you another one."

Olivia whirled on him, eyes blazing behind her glasses. "That's what you care about?"

Then, her head flipped back to her cousin, upon hearing him startle. John B temporarily lost his balance, choosing the perfect time to drop his beer as it split upon impact.

"Of course you did," said JJ. "Like right when I told you."

"Smooth," mumbled Kiara.

"Dumbass," Olivia added.

"A plus," Pope applauded as John B groaned.

There was a shout as Olivia glanced back behind her shoulder to see that the security had joined their little party. Sighing, Olivia downed as much of the can as she could.

"Hey, uh, security's here," Pope told them. "Let's wrap it up."

"Boys are here early today," John B said.

"Humpty Dumpty, let's roll," JJ exclaimed.

His body knocked into Olivia as he rolled away from the edge that he had been dangling his legs from like Olivia. She shot him a glare before swinging her legs around, standing as she offered her cousin a hand to help him down.

"Gary, is that you?" JJ called down to the security guard.

"Get down!" Pope told them.

"Gary, good to see you, man!" JJ continued, climbing down the scaffolding as Olivia followed behind, and then John B.

"Is it time?" John B questioned.

"A little early today, Gary," Olivia grinned at the guard. "Did you get in trouble last time?"

"You're asking for it," Kiara told them as the three reached the other two of their group.

"JJ!" Gary shouted behind them.

Olivia reached Kiara with their hands entwining together before they were running through the unfinished house. The two laughed as the boys whooped with the group clearly unbothered by the threat of security.

"Hey stop!" Gary almost caught them once they reached downstairs. "Get 'em! They're coming your way!"

"Hey stop!" Another shouted, grabbing hold of JJ for a second as three of them managed to dart past the two. "I got him!"

JJ, like always, managed to slip free as he raced after the others, shouting back: "not much of a hugger, man!"

Outside, John B offered the two girls a boost over the fence with his hands cupped together. Behind them, the chaos continued with JJ and Pope being chased. Olivia saw them coming as her leg swung over the fence, dropping to the grass as she headed for the Volkswagen van. The door slid open with John B heading to the driver's side as the two girls climbed into the back, finally turning to see where JJ and Pope were.

The horn tooted, signalling it was time to go.

"Bus is leaving!" John B shouted at them.

"Hurry up!" Olivia cried.

"Come on, boys!" Kiara encouraged and then cheered as they both jumped into the van.

Poor Gary still chased after them as Oliva watched him through the back window with her sunglasses now resting on top of her head. She laughed but truly felt for the man.

"Check out Gary gunning for a raise," said Pope.

"Come on Gary!" JJ encouraged, then briefly turned towards John B. "Wait. Slow down."

"Hey! You little pricks!" Gary shouted at them.

"You're gonna give him a heart attack," Kiara told them.

"Gary'll be quitting come morning," said Olivia. "Give him a drink or something to celebrate."

JJ hung out the side of the van, offering Gary a can of beer. "You're so close!" JJ taunted the poor man. "You can do it!" Then he threw the can, which Gary caught. "They don't pay you enough, bro."

"JJ, stop," Kiara said, pulling him back into the van from his top. "Stop."

"Oh, come on," the blonde complained. "That sort of imitative is just begging to be punished."

Olivia shook her head. "You're such a dick, JJ."

They carried on driving along the outer banks, laughing and recalling amongst themselves what had happened. Olivia made her way to the front once they reached the Cut, resting her arms on the chair as she offered her cousin a smile.

"You don't need to remind me," John B told her.

"Work again?" Pope frowned. "You should take it easy, Liv."

"Take it easy?" Olivia repeated, raising an eyebrow at Pope. "Coming from you, Pope? Don't you have that smartass essay to work on?"

John B dropped Olivia off at the Wreck as Olivia put her sunglasses back in place. Then, she opened the door, offering her friends a salute in farewell.

"Don't be too late," John B cried out after her. "I'll pick you up before we start drinking."

"Great," Olivia turned, grinning widely at the four. "You all know that the party don't start without me."

As usual, it was just John B that came to pick up Olivia from work that night, and she was honestly relieved. Olivia was exhausted from the shift, blaming the Tourons once again for it being busy. 

"Did you get us food?" John B asked once Olivia opened the van door.

Olivia held up a paper bag, to which John B beamed upon seeing. "Mr C gave me a discount," said Olivia. "Along with the reminder that he would like his daughter home at some point."

"He still doesn't like us, does he?"

"Me, he likes," Olivia smirked. "But the three of you? Not so much."

Olivia felt like it was more of a prejudice against where the three guys came from, where Kiara's parents stereotyped them as rough, troubled boys from the Cut. If the two simply got to know the three as they had with Olivia, then she was certain that they would change their minds.

"Oh, just a heads up," said John B on the journey home. "JJ invited some girl over — a Touron, apparently."

Because that was supposed to be news? JJ went through girls like there was no tomorrow and Olivia hated the reminder that she had been one of those foolish victims. All JJ had to do was smile and he had a girl wrapped around his finger.

"I know you don't like them staying..."

That's what John B thought?

Her cousin was clueless as to what had happened between the two. John B simply thought her anger was directed at some random girl crashing at their place (she wasn't a fan of that), but Olivia was angry with the fact that he was sleeping with another girl. She wasn't jealous, just merely frustrated to be reminded of how much of an idiot she had been.

"I'm not bothered," Olivia cut in. "I'd appreciate not waking up to random girls in our home, but it's JJ," she shrugged. "He can't complain if I have a guy over though."

John B frowned. "I dunno about that, Liv."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Relax, I prefer not to have anyone stay in my room."

Not after JJ. Olivia's room was like a safe haven — a safe place away from the night sky or the echoing waves. There was no way she would share that safe space with anyone she didn't trust again; only a few now were entitled to enter her room (John B and Kiara specifically). She had nothing against Pope, but the two weren't close enough for him to be in her bedroom.

Of course, Olivia was pissed when she got home to find that there was in fact a blonde perched on JJ's lap. He had that crooked smile on his face that came across cocky — the very smile that had swayed her. Oliva glowered at the sight.

"Hey, hey, hey," JJ greeted them with a cheery wave that held a blunt. "I saved it for you, Liv."

"Sweet," Olivia snatched it from his hands. "Thanks, but I'm not sharing."

"What? Come on," JJ frowned.

Kiara smiled warmly at Olivia, offering her a beer from where the group sat on the porch. "I tried to stall them for as long as possible."

"You know, I don't feel like getting drunk tonight," said Olivia, but she still opened the can of beer, taking a long swig. "Not unless you play some good music this time."

"None of your shit," complained JJ.

"I think I'd rather die than listen to One Direction," added Pope. "Or Ariana Grande."

"I'm not fussed," John B declared.

Pope shot him a look. "That's because you're scared of your cousin."

Olivia chuckled, swinging her arm around John B as the two sat down together. "Of course, he's scared of me," said Olivia, smirking. "Without me, Johnny Boy would be lost."

"Let's let Claire decide the music," JJ suggested, where the girl on his lap giggled.

Let's not.

"No, you decide," Claire said, bopping JJ's nose with her finger.

Olivia and Kiara exchanged a look, pretending to barf. 

"Either Bob Marley for Kiara," suggested Olivia. "Or the Arctic Monkeys."

"That's two completely different vibes," Pope pointed out.

"Some good music, though," John B commented, opening his can of beer.

They decided on some shuffled playlist in the end (like always) that included a mixture of what they all liked. Olivia spent the time downing her beer, ticking down the moments she could sneak away to smoke her blunt.

When drunk, the boys tended to get more immature, particularly Pope and John B together while JJ ended up wrapped up in the girl. Kiara and Olivia were usually the two that ended up dancing, finding that they could match their movements to any song that came on.

Only, come the end of the night, when all the joking and dancing had died, did Olivia disappear. She sought the safety of the hammock with the blunt resting between her lips and her eyes stuck on the clouds. However, tonight, the stars were hidden behind the brewing storm.

Even from afar, Olivia could hear the blonde's laughter which made her feel sourer.

Olivia's not jealous.

It had been almost a year, she should be over him.

Kiara joined Olivia, not saying anything as if she knew what was going on without Olivia having to say anything. Her curly-haired friend laid down on the hammock next to her, resting her head on the crook of Olivia's shoulder.

Neither said anything as Olivia continued to smoke, wishing she could see the stars.

The two ended up crashing from the night's events in Olivia's bedroom. Olivia rubbed at her eyes, yawning as she saw the bright sunlight entering the room.

A knock on her door sounded as John B poked his head inside the room.

"Morning, Liv," greeted John B. "Morning, Kie."

"Morning," the two grumbled in reply before John B left them to it.

Kiara stretched, rolling over for her phone that was on charge as Olivia did the same. She frowned, seeing a few messages from a couple of guys she was talking to, where one included her clingy ex-fling.

Kiara frowned. "Don't tell me Brett's messaging you."

"Yeah," Olivia rolled her eyes, but she was ecstatic from the attention. "I guess I left an impression."

"Sometimes you're worse than JJ," Kiara teased her, shaking her head.

Olivia pressed her lips together, typing a reply to Brett, knowing she was leading him on. Brett was a Kook — a very attractive one that made up for it — but she knew if she invited him over, he'd be kicked out before he even got the chance to say anything. He wasn't the nicest of guys anyway, hence why Olivia liked him.

"I can't help it," Olivia confessed.

"Right," Kiara laughed, but then she fell silent with her eyebrows furrowing as if she was about to bring up a touchy subject. "Liv, isn't the DCS meeting today?"

Then she groaned, burying her head in her pillow as she remembered. See, with Big John going missing, and her father becoming a legal guardian of John B, meant that the two had fallen under the watchful eye of the local children's services. Olivia didn't blame John B, but she had fallen under the radar for so long before, and now she was shining under the spotlight.

Teddy Routledge had done another disappearing act, building houses somewhere that Olivia had long forgotten. She did not need a father; Olivia had been looking out for herself since she was nine years old. The DCS didn't like that, though, where the two teenagers had frequent trouble of trying to fool them into thinking that Teddy was still around.

"Fuck," Olivia now hissed. "I bet I stink of weed."

"I can't smell it," said Kiara. "But go shower to be safe."

Olivia sighed, realising she was unprepared for the meeting. Before she went, she needed to at least remember the place her father was working to give the impression that they were in touch. But, for now, she needed a shower.

"Yo, Livia, what are you doing?" JJ questioned, leaning against the doorway with his shirt off as Olivia averted her eyes from his chest, offering him a glare instead. "Claire's in the bathroom."

"'Course she is," Olivia muttered.

JJ shoved his hands in his pockets. "What's wrong? You look stressed."

"Nothing's wrong," said Olivia.

"You're a terrible liar," JJ accused. "It's the DSC meeting, isn't it?"

"If you knew, then why ask?" Olivia snapped.

"Chill, Livia," said JJ, eyebrows raising. "I'll save you a blunt for when you're back."

Livia — it made it so much worse.

Claire — fortunately — came out of the bathroom then with Olivia hurrying inside the cramped space with the door closing behind her. She slid the lock in place, throwing her clothes on the floor in frustration.

Olivia wasn't even that pissed with JJ — it was more the upcoming doomsday that the two Routledge teenagers knew would come at some point. The day when they would end up in foster care on the mainland with their luck officially running out. For Olivia, her luck always ran out, so nine months was truly pushing it.

But... Olivia couldn't lose this home. It was a shithole and stunk of boys, but it was home. It was the first place in Olivia's life that didn't hang heavy with silence or seem too big because it was empty. Here, Olivia always had someone around that evaporated her fear of being alone. For once, she felt wanted and didn't want anything to disrupt that.

Neither did John B, where the two had become comfortable in their way of living together with a silent pact that they would do whatever they could for everything to stay the same.

The two now sat with poker faces, sitting opposite the care worker. Olivia even tried a sweet smile, hoping she didn't look like her usual gloomy self.

"John, Olivia, it's come to our attention that you are both an unemancipated minor living on your own," the social worker told them.

John B scoffed, exchanging a look with Olivia as they both tried to act baffled by the news.

"No," John B shook his head. "No."

"John B can't even flush a toilet by himself," joked Olivia, trying to lighten the situation. "Do you really think he could live without an adult?"

Instead, the social worker cocked her head to the side as if doubting them.

"No," they both answered, stubbornly.

"John, Olivia," she said. "I need honesty to help you. That's what we all want, right?"

"Yeah," the two agreed.

"We're being honest," John B told her.

"Okay, then when is the last time you spoke to your father, Olivia?" She questioned while writing down notes. "Or your uncle, John?"

"Uh..." John B checked his watch. "Thirty-four minutes ago."

"Yeah," agreed Olivia. "I spoke to him when I woke up this morning."

"When's the last time you both saw him?"

"Two hours and forty-three minutes ago?" John B estimated with Olivia struggling not to look at him.

Olivia nodded, agreeing with him. "Yeah, that was when I spoke to him."

"We're gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle," the social worker informed the two. "If he's not there, then we're gonna move forward with foster care for you both."

Olivia tried her hardest not to deflate at the news but her fingers curled with the nails digging deep into her skin. They could not do this, could they?

"I want to assure you, we're gonna find you safe and loving homes," she continued, uncaring that the two had that already.

The two left, feeling a little more deflated than anything as if the DCS were truly circling in on them now. If they ended up in foster care, then the two would most likely end up being separated, which made it even worse.

"Liv..." said John B once they were outside. "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?" Olivia repeated. "What for?"

"If it wasn't for me, then DCS wouldn't be on you right now," he reminded her, running a hand through his hair as if he felt guilty. "You're in this mess because of me."

"John B, it's not your fault," she told him. "It's my shitty father's fault."

"There's no way we can get him back by tomorrow."

"Nope," Olivia sighed. "But whatever happens, we stick together, right?"

"Always," said John B, keeping to their promises. "It's us against the world."

Olivia tried to smile at that, wishing that it wasn't hard to keep a simple promise like that. His arm wrapped around her shoulders as they walked back to the van, trying their hardest not to let it show that the news bothered them.

But, fortunately, for the two, a hurricane hit that saved them from the DCS coming out.

Perhaps Olivia's luck wasn't running out after all.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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