Female Spot 8: Gravity Mage Jaei Burton

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Name: Jaei (said like Jay) Burton

Gender: Female

Reservation Number: 8

Age: 14 when the war happened, 24 now

Appearance: Jaei isn't really a beauty but she isn't really ugly. She has jet black hair, blue eyes and cream colored skin. The thing is she is blind out of her left eye and you will learn why in her back story. Jaei's lips are full and naturally red, giving them the full lushes, kissable look. She stands tall at 5'7" because of her long legs that are good for running and jumping. She has curves in the right places but not too much. Jaei is a very strong person. Thanks to years of non-stop training, she can lift anything as long as it doesn't weigh more than 175 pounds. She isn't one to dwell on her appearance so if you ask her she looks average.

Personality: Jaei is quiet and observant. Especially around new people. From being so observant she can see people's weaknesses very easily. When you aren't new to her she opens up a little, but is always guarded. Because of her past she doesn't trust easily. Once you earned it you have it till death. She is always the serious one in stressful situations. Well that's the sane version of Jaei. There is a different side to her that comes out when she is fighting. That's the crazy and insane version. That side goes by Birdie. Birdie is a psycho. She lusts for blood and violence. She can be a bit what's the word? Crude. She laughs watching her opponents when she either blows their brains out with her magic or smashes it into mush with a giant hammer. Jaei tries her best to keep Birdie in control but most of the time fails.

Where in Caste they lived/are from: Jaei and Birdie grew up in the northwestern upper half Milvake.

Backstory: As kids they were normal. They never knew their father because he left when their mother, Marrie, told him she was pregnant. At the age of 6 Jaei and Birdie both showed signs of being able to use mage magic. To Marrie, it was the best thing ever, she wanted her little girls to grow up and be powerful like her and their father. Jaei was a gravity mage like her father and Birdie an earth mage like Marrie. Married couldn't be prouder. As soon as possible, she found master for them to be trained by.

When the girls were 8, they were separated to be taught by their masters. Jaei was to be taught by Dae, a very well known gravity mage, and Birdie was taught by Holite, also a very well known master in earth mage. For the next three years the girls were apart, only able to see one another on holiday's and their birthday. Jaei was an exceptional student and brought pride to Dae. Jaei looked up to Dae as the father she didn't have, and the two became fast friends and companions.When the girls were 11, they were finally brought home to Marrie, who wasn't doing so well despite her being middle aged. Dae and Holite continued to train them but lived in their home. Everything went back to normal. The girls were doing great and with them being home, Marrie's health slowly started to get better.

But all good things come to an end... the day the war broke out. The new kings troops stormed their small village in Milvake. Dae and Holite hide the girls away in a cabinet, before five men bursted into their house. Two killed Dae and Holite instantly. Marrie was sitting in front of the cabinet begging for the men to let her live. Ignoring her pleas, the men raped her, in front of Jaei and Birdie. The girls watch horrified, seeing their mother being done with. When all five men finished, the last pulled out a dagger and slit Marrie's throat. Something in Birdie snapped. All she could see was red and felt furry that she had never experienced before. As soon as her draining body hit the ground, Birdie bursted out of the cabinet, not thinking and tried kill the guards. She tried, but her efforts were useless. Another soldier had pulled out his dagger and stabbed her in the stomach, throwing her onto the ground.

When the men finally left, a crying Jaei weakly crawled out of her hiding spot and sat her dying sisters side. Jaei cried and cried cradling her sisters head. As she went to kiss Birdies head, a bright glow came out of Birdies mouth. It was her soul. The soul flouted towards Jaei, landing where her heart was. Jaei felt a warm rush go through her body, feeling her twins presence. She never really knew how much her twin was their until Birdie spoke to her a few minute later. Ever since then, the girls were inseparable, literally. Now Birdie had lost her ability to use her magic but with the help of her presence, Jaei has slightly more energy to cast her spells. But not a substantially great more of energy.

Magic: Gravity Mage

Weapon they would use if necessary: A giant hammer and a wooden staff with razor blades all around the ends of the staff.

Greatest Fear: For Jaei, the bond between her's and Birdie's minds breaking, resulting in loosing her sister forever. For Birdie, her going into such a violent rampage that she takes over Jaei's mind and body, also resulting in loosing her sister.

Deepest Secret: The truth about Birdie how she is really Jaei's twin sister stuck in her head. Not many know except for her mother, Dae and Holite.


The ability that Birdie has when it comes to killing, being able to switch feelings off so Jaei doesn't feel pain or guilt after words.Having the mind set of two people, meaning she is pretty smart. Two is better than one.Jaei's people skills. She is good at talking to people and making friends. She could easily have an alliance, unless Birdie ruins it for her.


Unable to control Birdie, cause one moment it is Jaei, next here's Birdie!Birdie was a earth mage, so Jaei has a draw to earth more than a normal gravity mage would be. Making it easy for Jaei to be hurt more than she needs to be.The mention of their mother and teacher's messes with both girls. Birdie may seem stronger than Jaei, but the sound of her mother and teachers name's it fuels her anger and pain. Resulting in a red rampage, in the end she doesn't know what happened, but poor Jaei knows.

Family Members:

Mother: Marrie Burton, a earth mage

Twin Sister(before everything happened): Birdie Burton, earth mage like mother

Teacher: Dae(pronounced die), male gravity mage teacher

Birdies Teacher: Holite (pronounced the way it looks), female earth mage teacher

Favorite Mythical Creature: Lealaps, a dog destined to never fail to catch its prey. From Greek Mythology

Vaxon Asherex: "Hmm. A split personality because of a twin merge? You, my dear, are definitely unique. Jaei is a weakling, but Birdie... Now there is someone who might be useful if converted to my own side."

Kyren Asherex: "Jaei and Birdie, huh? Twin merge... Well that's one I've never heard of before. I'm excited to meet Birdie in the arena."

Vassti Asherex: "You, my girl, just might be useful to us. Perhaps you could be swayed and then maybe... Just maybe, you could live."

Nassia Asherex: "Lealaps? I don't think I've ever heard of those. Hmm. I'm going to have Father find out what they are and put them in the arena for you! Although, that wouldn't be much of a danger to you, would it?"

Jahad Asherex: "There are no words to express about the tragedy that has befallen you and your family. You are a very powerful and unique young woman. Both of you are. Use your combined skills and strengths to survive. Never forget that one day, justice will come for your family."

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