xxvii. jealousy & close call

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CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN - 🍂 ୧ jealousy . . .
& close call ও🦌

JAMES, FELT OVERWHELMED BY JEALOUSY, at the sight of two females, having a conversation, with Autumn. The two females in question were Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes, which only made the situation, much worse.

He was not sure when it had begun, nor how it had escalated, to such a point but one thing was for certain. He could not deny, that he was now very much, feeling jealousy, and not just that, but a ton of it.

It wasn't just the mere fact, that they were friends of hers that made him jealous. They were being far too friendly, for his taste. The way that Marlene and Dorcas were showering Autumn, with attention, and practically, smothering her, had truly ticked him off.

As soon as Lily had recently reconciled with her friends  The females, including Mary had occasionally spent time together. This, in itself, was alright. There was no problem with more company.

The group had welcomed, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary, with warmth—but the instant that James saw, just how clingy the two girls, were towards Autumn, his thoughts veered off in a completely different direction.

It seemed, that the two Gryffindor females, were utterly, head over heels, for Autumn. They practically adored her, and it completely threw James off. He didn't want to make a scene or let others be aware, but his anger still seethed, deep within.

Autumn was still adjusting, to the sudden affection, that the two girls, had shown her. She found that the behaviour of her peers was almost suffocating, but was also strangely, confusing, as they continued to shower her with attention, which made her question why.

James was sat, a bit away, as he was physically moved off, due to Marlene and Dorcas—literally, shoving themselves between him and Autumn. Remus, seeing just how angry James was, moved to sit next to him, in order to prevent him from exploding, right there and then.

It might be safe, to say. The two girls were pushing his buttons, and he was becoming evermore agitated, by their actions.

James continued to shoot glares, at Marlene and Dorcas. He initially did so, despite his anger and jealousy growing evermore stronger. But Remus was able to keep him from continuing, by physically blocking all of his efforts.

He looked at his friend in betrayal, but he didn't fight it his friend.

Soon enough, Raven, had arrived a little late, due to her extra classes. She didn't pay too much attention to what was currently proceeding before them. She has just sat down, in front of James, and started to prepare her food.

James kept muttering, under his breath, as he stared straight at the girls, who were currently, adoringly talking to Autumn. He was getting increasingly irritated by their behaviour, and he looked to Raven, as he posed a question.

"Why does this not bother you?"

Raven smirked, in response, and said, "Why should it?"

He sighed, and then asked, "Because they are smothering her?"

She chuckled, "Pray tell, Potter, why I should concern myself with that."

James huffed, and then responded, "I don't know she is your best mate?"

Remus laughed under his breath while James elbowed him.

Raven chuckled, and added, "And Elliot's and he seems fine". James turned to see Elliot not caring about Marlene and Dorcas' being friendly with Autumn.

James let out a groan and ruffled his hair.

She then leaned forward, and whispered, "James if you would just be, honest with your feelings," she suggested as she then leaned in even further. "Confess to her and make it official, and you wouldn't have a reason, to be so jealous," she added.

"My point exactly," Remus added while he continued to read his book and also eat.

James knew that confessing was an option, but he had a whole other plan for it. He had everything planned, for when he was going to reveal his feelings and now was clearly, not the right time.

Eventually the trio of Gryffindor females left and James was quick to act and moved to his rightful place next to Autumn.

Autumn had just finished her pumpkin tart when she heard a sudden movement, which made her jump. She looked up and saw James sitting, next to her. She didn't question the sudden movement but smiled instead."So, I was able, to almost finish my pumpkin tart, because a certain thief wasn't here to nab it," she recalled, in response, while looking at him.

James was feeling upset, after seeing the two girls, fawning all over Autumn. He leaned his head, upon the table, and then looked to her, "Why are they being clingy?", he whined, "And when did you guys even become friends?"

Autumn answered his question, quite casually."I guess, the same day, that Lily, and them, reconciled? My guess is just as good as your own James."

This got James, into a little bit of a playful mood. "You just have a way, of drawing people, toward you. I guess, I can deal with a little comp—" He was cut off when Autumn shoved her half-eaten piece of her pumpkin tart, in his mouth, which made him mumble some words.

WITH MARLENE AND DORCAS' EVER GROWING OBSESSION with Autumn, James had to learn a new trait. That new trait was a new entire meaning of patience, which had proven, quite a hard feat, for him, to accomplish. Because the females were part, of the Quidditch team, which he was the captain of.

Despite his dislike toward the girls, he had come to realize, that he needed, to put the feelings aside, for the time being, whenever they were on the team.

Mary's non-presence in Marlene and Dorcas'. obsession was certainly a good thing. Because if she had been included in there, he was entirely sure, that he wouldn't have had it, in him, to remain patient, and not let his anger get the best of him.

This new fuel had made him even more determined to crush, any opponent, that came their way during the first upcoming game. He had been very lucky. Those on his team, including the newer members, were pretty intense, when it came to Quidditch, and they loved every second of practice time, that they got.

The weekend had finally arrived, as the Quidditch teams, prepared, for the game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

However, James felt, a tad bit disappointed, because of the match that was taking place. This meant that Autumn would not be cheering for them.

James still kept her drawing, in his pocket, at all hours, which was definitely giving him, a bit of an edge, and some energy.

James was alone knowing the locker room, wanting to have a breather before the game. When suddenly, Autumn had arrived, into the changing rooms, and it made him simply stare at her, in shock. He had most definitely, not been expecting to see her, in the locker room, or in fact, see her before the game.

He looked over at her with playful teasing in his eyes, "Should I be worried, that someone from the rival team, is here?"

"What are you expecting me to do? To let them know about your strategy? James, my knowledge about the sport is extremely minimal, so how would I be able to support them?" Autumn crossed her arms and grinned at him, challenging him with a playful tone.

He smirked back, and said, with mischievous tone, "No one should underestimate the power of a possible spy."

He then followed it up, with a question, "So, if you aren't here to relay, any info, to the other team, then why are you here?"

Once asking his question, James watched, as Autumn reached into her robes. When she pulled out, a small folded piece of paper, he became a bit more curious.

"What's that?" He asked

Autumn chuckled as she handed it to him, saying, "I thought it would be a good addition to the existing drawing you already have."

He looked, from the paper, to her, and a slight smile appeared, on his face, "Oh, you thought you'd give me a little something extra?" He teased, and then smirked, before taking the paper, from her.

As James opened the sketch, he immediately spotted the moving drawing. He saw Autumn, wearing his scarf, standing in the Gryffindor stands, cheering for him.

Autumn then began explaining, "Since I won't be cheering for you when you compete against my house, you'll always have a drawing, to remind you, of my support."

He blinked a few times, in disbelief. The image had been drawn beautifully. After a few seconds of silence, he managed to say, "You really are absolutely, amazing"

Autumn cleared her throat feeling shy at his words, and she was just about, to walk out, when he suddenly hugged her, from behind. She froze there, in place, in shock, from the unexpected gesture. He sighed, and held her gently, as he leaned his head, against her neck.

"Just give me a few minutes," he mumbled, and she nodded, still in shock, from his sudden action. Her body remained, in the warmth of his hug, and she was slowly starting to calm down and relax.

James kept her in his embrace, as he slowly started to take, in all the warmth, that her body gave out. He also took in the scent of, pumpkin tarts, and vanilla, which to James, had been like a comfort, for the past months. He remained there, gently holding her, as he continued to take, in her scents, and her warmth.

James could almost see the bright shade of red on her cheeks because she was trying so hard not to show him. He just couldn't resist, and he decided to gently spin her, to be able to see her face, fully. He looked, into her beautiful eyes of hers, as they grew wide and her lips slightly gaping at the sudden action.

"You're rather cute when you're red," he teased, gently, as his fingers, caressed the side, of her face, and her cheek.

She felt her heartbeat, increase its speed, as his fingers gently stroked her cheek and his face was just inches, from hers. She couldn't bring herself to push him away, and she didn't want to move.

They remained like this, until their eyes, were locked. She didn't want to look away, nor did he, as their eyes connected, and their faces, came increasingly, ever so close.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to stop and all there were, for them, were each other's gazes. It was truly a hypnotizing moment for them both. Everything was frozen until the locker room door opened with a thud, and the moment was broken. The two of them were snapped, fully back into reality.

"Prongs!" Sirius called out, and then followed it up, with, "Where are you mate? The game is about to begin."

Sirius walked into the locker room, and spotted, the two of them, standing beside each other. He noticed how they seem a bit awkward from each other, and he knew, an instant had been broken, due to his arrival. He then cursed a bit under his breath, upon realizing that he had most likely ruined, a moment between the pair.

A slight cough escaped Autumn's throat to cover up the awkward situation. She didn't want to stay there anymore, now that Sirius, had arrived.

"I should probably go on ahead...Good luck in the game you two," she said, before rushing out of the locker room before either of them could say anything further.

There was an awkward silence after Autumn had left them both. Sirius, then finally spoke up, "I'm sorry mate, I didn't mean to interrupt."

James smiled calmly, although he still found, the situation, a bit awkward. He nodded, before saying, "No, it was definitely, for the best. I was almost, a second away, from ruining, my whole plan..."

They walked out of the locker room, with James throwing his arm over Sirius's shoulders. The male smirked, at James' words and chuckled a bit. "... Right, that plan. The one you have been working on the whole summer."

James rolled his eyes, again, before responding, "I want, it to be perfect...It'll be perfect."

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