Soothing Wind

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Viribus sat in a lone chair isolated in the orphanage main entrance. He didn't feel tired as he kept thinking about what his sister told him. How she embraced him and said she cherished him, "Dear sister. You are to kind." He mumbled.

"Uncle?" A small child spoke. He turns his head to see a small wolf girl walking up to the large burly man. She held a small grey blanket in her arms along with a dog plushie.

"What's wrong little one?" He asked.

"Aren't you tired?" She asked.

"No. Not at all. You should be asleep though. Xuria would be very disappointed if you didn't sleep enough." He said. She mumbled slightly to herself.

"I had a nightmare... Can I sleep next to you?" She asked.

"The caretakers should..." He began.

"But I feel safe with Uncle. He's strong." She said walking up to him.

"Well... I think you should..." He didn't finish as she already began to climb up on his lap. She curled up into a ball and instantly fell asleep hugging her small plushie. He sat there thinking of a way to get her off gently and quietly. Though as he looked at her ears, which twitched between every breath she took, he felt a bit relaxed. He reached his hand over to her head and lowered it. He barely touched her soft hair when someone spoke behind him.

"My Lord is she bothering you?" A woman asked. He jumped slightly at her voice, "Sorry did I scare you my Lord?" She asked.

"No... It's fine... Also she's not a bother." He said looking at the wolf girl.

"Shall I take her?" She asked walking close to him.

"No. She's fine here. Let her sleep." He said looking at the girl's twitching ears.

"My Lord can I ask you something?" She began.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Why does the mistress care for children?" She looked at the little girl.

"Not sure... She said she met a child that gave her joy in life." He said.

"I think you look adorable with the girl." She said. Viribus looks at her for a moment confused, "Ah pardon my bold behavior." She said.

"I guess this goal of hers isn't so bad." He said finally patting the little girl's hair. He looked at the caretaker and noticed her fox tail was wagging back and forth, "How can Faunus be hated? They have such adorable personality quirks." He thought as he gazed at her tail.



I woke up from my rest. I felt a very peculiar sensation as I sat up to see Shinbi, Coco, and Velvet sucking my dick, "Morning master." Shinbi said.

"Isn't it early for this?" I asked. Shinbi and Coco crawled up towards me leaving Velvet alone with my cock.

"Who do you want to take first, master?" Coco asked.

"Which one?" I asked gazing at the three of them, "Decisions, Decisions." I said grabbing their breasts, "Are you three that addicted after our first night?"

"Please don't tease us master..." Shinbi begged.

"Well Velvet. Do you want to go first?" I asked.

"But..." She began.

"Come on Vel. Don't keep him waiting." Shinbi said grabbing Velvet.

"But he's to... Big." She mumbled.

"Come on I know you enjoyed him last night." Coco said rubbing Velvet's clit.

"But... I can't... I can't last long..." She said.

"What's wrong with that?" Shinbi asked.

"What if I can't please him?" She asked. I sat up and pulled her into a kiss.

"Don't worry so much about that." I said, "I'm satisfied just being with you."

"Really?" She asked.

"Master loves us. He'd never be upset with us." Shinbi said as she leaned in and licked Velvet's nipples.

"Master I think she yearns for you." Coco said pulling out her hands and showing me how wet they were.

"Then shall we give her what she wants." I said.

"I say we do." Coco said as she positioned my dick under Velvet. Velvet breathed in and out in anticipation as Coco eased her down, "Relax Vel. You already took it once."

"But it's too much." She whimpered.

"Just relax Velvet. I'll be gentle." I said as I felt her right walls grasp my member.

"I... Feel you... so deep..." She said. She slowly moved her hips against my crotch enjoying every moment.

"Oh Velvet you are just so cute..." Shinbi said as she nibbles on her bunny ear. Coco begins to massage Velvet's breasts to help her feel nothing but pleasure. Her tight pussy was too much for me and still being exhausted from last night didn't help. The moment she came I came as well. Velvet falls back on the beg exhausted.

"Did... Did I please you master?" She asked.

"Yes... You did." I replied as Coco began to lick my member.

"My turn master." Shinbi said spreading her legs and using her fingers to spread her pussy.

"As you wish." I said grabbing her hips and pulling her in. I insert my cock in her and she instantly wrapped her legs around me. I wrapped my arms around her and thrusted in and out of her. Coco leans close to Shinbi and kisses her, "Damn you girls are so demanding." I said.

"Sorry for being so selfish master." Coco said.

"I don't mind. As long as you don't betray me." I said.

"Like that whore? Never." Coco said.

"Ahh, language. Don't use that word please." I said holding her chin.

"Sorry master. Do you forgive me?" She cooed.

"Can't stay mad at any of you." I said bringing her into a kiss.


Jake sat alone in a room thinking to himself. There is a knock at his door as he stood up and opened it. His team stood there waiting, "Took you long enough to get here." He said.

"If you told us there were some nice eye candy we would have been here sooner." Alex said.

"That one chick with black hair was a nice piece of ass." Edward said.

"What girl?" Jake asked.

"I got a picture." He said handing him a scroll.

"That's Blake." Jake said handing the scroll back.

"Oh right you used to go here." Edward said, "Hey Alex didn't you see someone that got your interest?"

"Yeah this girl." He said showing a scroll with a picture of Phase.

"Hey. I don't care if you guys look at them, but remember we have a tournament so focus." Jake said.

"Come on a little fun won't hurt." Alex said.

"Hey! Your little need to fuck any girl that even walks by you is getting on my nerves." Jake said.

"Didn't you get kicked out for the same reason?" The third member said.

"I fucked one girl. You three are really driving me nuts over your unusual libido." He said.

"Fine we'll behave." Edward said.

"You better. I don't want to hear you three causing any problems." He said.

"Now I'mma go explore the place. Get a nice view of the merch." Alex said.

"Fine, but don't do anything that gets us disqualified." Jake orders.

"Yes boss." He mocked, "What happened to your pride?" Jake thought for a moment and focused on how he was saved not once but twice by his old best friend. How he was useless against Pestilence, but his previously weak friend now surpassed his skills and gave Pestilence an actual fight.

"I'm gonna get some air." He said walking out.


I left the three girls in the room to rest for the time being, "My my... Had fun?" Xuria said as she waited outside my room.

"Where are Elizabeth and Phase?" I asked.

"They said something about going to get some studying in for the weekend. I got my eyes on them so they are safe." She said leaning closer to me, "I like your protective nature. What do I have to do for you to have your protection?" She asked.

"I don't trust you fully yet." I said.

"I mean you no harm, my love." She said leaning closer.

"Who knows. Maybe it's all part of your plan." I replied.

"I see... I'll leave you be. Oh and someone took a picture of Phase." She said.

"What?" I asked, "Who?"

"I don't know them, but here is what he looked like." She said. I saw an image of Jake's teammate.

"I see. Well thanks for letting me know." I said.

"I told you. I want to do anything to help you. If you want me to deal with them give me the order." She said whispering in my ear. Her perfume was just... I couldn't get enough.

"I prefer to deal with them myself." I said.

"Alright. Also the cat Faunus seems to have something on her mind. The emo one." She said walking away.

"Blake? This woman is dangerous. She has a lot of information, far more than I can gather." I said. I headed out to find Blake to see for myself.

"Oh hey! It's you from the pier." A familiar voice spoke. It was that monkey Faunus girl.

"Hi... Star was it?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sun's cute younger sister, how you holding up? I'm sure your fine since it's been a while." She said.

"I'm fine. Have you seen Blake?" I asked.

"She is outside. She wanted to talk about something." She said as her tail waved gently behind her.

"I see... How is your tail?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh you mean about the time at the pier. It's fine, no pain at all." She said holding her tail and petting it gently.

"Mind if I look at it, just to be sure?" I asked.

"How kind." She said as she thought for a moment, "I guess it wouldn't hurt, be gentle it's very sensitive." She said as it hovered in front of me. I grasp it gently but with a bit of force which made her blush a bit, "I said be gentle." She said.

"Sorry." I said but didn't really listen as I held it in my hands, "Pestilence is known for leaving some lingering energy on his victims, I'm just making sure you're okay." I said as I began to put a bit more force on her tail.

"C-can you... Do you have to be so rough?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied as I began to stroke her tail with my second hand. She started to fidget where she stood as her breathing became more heavy. I noticed she was putting some pressure on her breasts as she crossed her arms. Her tail shivered in my hands as I continued to feel the surprisingly soft fur in my hands. I subtly began to infuse her with my corruption without her knowing, she would be a useful woman to keep an eye of Blake.

"Hey what are you doing to Star?!" A girl yelled. I quickly let go of her tail and stood back avoiding a spear from hitting me.

"Yo." I said looking at the girl with blue hair.

"Aqua... It's fine. He was making sure I was okay." Star said.

"Are you sure? Seemed like he had some indecent thoughts." She said eyeing me. I mean she wasn't wrong, the entire stimulation part was just self satisfaction.

"Yes. He saved my life in the pier." Star said regaining her composure.

"So you're the one who kept my leader alive." She said.

"Yeah the one who went to the hospital." Star said.

"I see... Well I guess I'll let this slide. Just this once." She said.

"I have a lot to live up to." I said.

"What you mean?" She asked.

"Ever heard of Sera L/N?" I asked.

"Yes!" Star yelled.

"She's the reason we wanted to be huntresses. She raised her little brother by herself and had nothing but his safety on her mind." Aqua said.

"Yeah... She was awesome." I smiled.

"Ooo seems she has an admirer." Star teased.

"Why wouldn't I admire my sister?" I asked.

"Wait what?" They asked.

"Names F/N L/N. Sera's younger brother, her proud younger brother." I said holding my hand out towards them.

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