Chapter 5: Frank hates Knights

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Frank POV.

In all honesty, the worse part of his life so far wasn't being trapped under the sleeping curse. It wasn't the creepy flying monkey army. It wasn't the swirling vortex of seizure inducing colors. It wasn't trying to protect a cursed ten old kid while fighting a human army.

No the worse part of Frank Zhang's life after the Giant War was the dream. If you could call nightmarish vision invading his mind mid fight, a dream.

It was complicated. He'd just woken up from a sleeping curse, but his savoir, his gorgeous girlfriend Hazel, had placed herself under also. The kiss, the true love kiss, was suppose to wake both of them up, but even as he startled into consciousness he could feel a magic stopping Hazel.

A piercing in his heart reminded him, he could feel that she was in trouble.

Then for some reason, in that magical, demigod, Everything-I-think-of-goes-horribly-wrong way, he threw himself into a portal to save the unconscious kid.

Frank didn't think he could ever look at flashing colors again. Everything was so bright it shown through his closed eyelids. He spun off in so many directions his stomach churned into butter. Whatever he last ate, which he couldn't remember, threatened to come back up.

He kept his hands flailing searching for the red hoodie of the kid. He needed to find him. Frank didn't know why but he had to. He didn't even know the name of the boy.

Wait Henry right? Isn't that what everyone yelled?

Frank felt his fingers connect with something and he yanked at the heavy object. Henry's body slammed into his, the young boys head snapping into Frank's jaw. Before Frank could even wince he hit something harder. Frank rolled taking the full impact for the collision.

Dirt and grass flung everywhere. Frank's body went rigid. His arms let go involuntarily as his head his a rock. His vision scattered, red blurs of pain flashing in his eyes. His mouth tasted like blood and dirt his body ached.

"Son of a Hydra..." Frank groaned. "Schist."

His head lolled to the side and it took everything he had not to scream as he gradually tried to pick himself up. He was internally grateful Hazel wasn't there because she would have had a heart attack with the profanities coming from his mouth.

His head swam but he could make out a ten foot long crater of upturned grass and dirt.

"Henry." Frank said to himself. "Where's is he? HENRY!"

Frank almost face palmed himself. The kid was in a coma. He wasn't going to answer. A lump of a body laid in its own mini dirt slide. Henry's shiny brown hair glistened in the sunlight. He looked oddly at peace, laying on the dirty mound. Like a tailored body waiting to be buried.

Frank had seen way too many children like him be buried. Demigods the gods waited too long to show the way to Camp, victims of war and accidents inside New Rome. Something as simple as a kid running under an older man carrying a box of supplies into a woodshop, turned into funeral services.

He made a silent vow, right then and there. He wouldn't let that happen to Henry. He probably had a family to go back too.

Frank picked him up in his arms despite the screaming in his muscles. He looked around. They'd landed in a meadow somewhere. Trees lined the far distance, two deer looked at him then pranced into the forest. Birds sung in the air, a musical harmony that many Frank want to curl up and sleep. On the other side a building of sorts stood tall, far in the distance.

That's good, buildings mean people. People mean help. Help means both of them survive. Frank readjusted his load, praying to the gods that there wouldn't be anything trying to kill him near the buildings.

Of Course he had no way to know that the gods, as annoying as they were, couldn't hear him from another world.



With Frank's superior luck, the first person he came across had a bow and arrow and was pointing it at him in a very threatening way. The man dressed in old timey garments wearing a metal chest plate and armor. A sword hung on his waist. He looked like he popped out of a Knights of the Round Table story.

"State your business!"

Frank looked at him tiredly and slightly annoyed.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"No passage beyond this point without identification!"

"Dude, I'm hot and tired. I'm carrying a kid you needs some serious help. Not to mention I just fell from the sky at fifty-some miles per hour."


Frank looked up at the sky as if to ask why me?

"Do you guys hate me or something?" He asked. "First with the fire wood, then with the whole save-the-world quest, then I get drugged with a sleeping curse. And now this? Seriously? What is this? A Medieval Fair?"

The knight, or whatever he was suppose to be, snarled. His grip on his bow tightened, his stance more firm as if daring Frank to attack. "I know not of who you are taking to! State your business, child, or I will shoot."

"Wonderful." Frank said with obvious sarcasm. "Well, since I'm at your mercy, oh magnificent bowman," Frank seriously poured the sarcasm into that one, he had a small doubt that he couldn't beat this guy, "I need some freaking Medical Help!"

"No passage beyond this point without identification."

Frank let out a string of profanities.

"I don't time for this!"

He shoved past the metal man, careful to watch his charges head. Frank could almost fell Henry growing colder. He didn't have time to waste fighting with a delusional fairy tale idiot. Besides what was he going to do? Shoot at him from point blank range?

He twisted instinctively.

A silver tipped arrow tore through the back of his shirt narrowly missing his back.

Frank was stunned. Not art the fact the guy had shot at him. No Frank had gotten use to people and creatures and just random things falling from the sky, and narrowly missing him. In fact, Frank didn't even care about the arrow itself.

"Dude! This was my favorite shirt!"

And that was how the whole bear came into the equation.

Needless to say, that weirdo had no clue way happened until he woke up a week later.

Frank stumbled changing back into his human form. He felt slightly light headed. His body ached. He disregarded the unconscious body, but he fingered the bow.

"Halt, Villain!"

Frank actually froze. See, Zhang, this is why you shouldn't turn into bears when you get angry.

Another Knight in silver armor stood behind him his sword drawn, his knees were bent a ridiculous state, as if he was still a novice in the sword fighting department. Frank could see that, and he wasn't even good with a sword.

"Put the bow on the ground, criminal!" He said. "You will be hung for your crimes against Sir Ferdinand, the head Knight to King Phillip and Queen Aurora!"

"Oh gods not him too." Frank mumbled. His eyes darted to Henry. The young kid's face was ashen. "Hey, buddy, I don't know what your problems are, but I've got a kid here who needs serious medical attention. So if you could please stop playing imaginary knights and dragons and possibly help me, that would be terrific."

The guy looked stunned. Like no one had ever talked to him like that before. This was the twenty first century right? People talked like that all the time. This guy had to be one of those weird nerds who role-played in the middle of the woods, Frank heard mortals did really weird things sometimes.

"Where are you from, Child?" The knight demanded, which Frank found iterating, "No creature of this kingdom speaks with such outrageous diction."

"Outrageous diction?" the son of Mars muttered. "Dude I'm from Canada."

"Where is this Canada? Are you a spy? Sent from this mysterious kingdom of Cans?"

Frank made up his mind right then and there, that this guy was a lunatic. A lunatic, who never went to school, was totally obsessed with the medieval ages, and had a pointy sword he could accidentally kill himself with.

"I'm not a spy. Canada is north of America. You know, in North America? Can you please point the way to the nearest hospital?"

"I know not of this America. You can not enter the city until you present your travel scrolls. I fear since your companion is I such a dire state, I will have to take him in."

"No way, dude! Just let us by." The knight shook his head stubbornly.  Frank was in shock. He was stuck somewhere between angry beyond capability and laughing at the stupidity of his situation. "I give up. I'm walking it."

He picked up Henry, as laid the boy stood his shoulders, distributing the weight as evenly as he could. Everything protested against the movement. He almost wanted to hand Henry over to the delusional man and say Good riddance, but he kept his mouth closed, groaning through pain.

"What are you doing, Villain?" The knight asked.

"I am walking to the city, to find help for my friend. You can let us go or come with us, but if you get in my way, I may just turn into an elephant and trample you."

So can you guess how Frank ended up surrounded by twenty guards, with swords, trying to kill him? Apparently they were serious about no unidentified people in this city.


The city walls were humongous. Only the tallest peak of sliver castle could be seen. Alarms rang from inside the city. Something like mass panic could be heard. More armor knights appeared.

A shred of an idea panted in Frank's mind. What if this wasn't an act? What if he somehow got transported back in time? What had that creep witch, Zelena, said? A portal to who knows where?

But what had happened that made these people so terrified, so exclusive to outsiders?

Frank ducked narrowly under a sword blow, his momentum seeing him up to be slammed the face by a kick. Frank stumbled backwards, his nose tingling, a fountain of warmth spouting down his face. Henry fell off his shoulders, landing on the ground. Frank tripped over him only to be caught in the arms of two awaiting knights.

Oh Pluto, Frank thought, They're going to kill me.

Frank had gotten good at transformations. Sometimes, he didn't even need to think. Often that got him into trouble. Like when Nico shadow traveled next to him and he turned into an elephant...In the middle of a low ceiling department store.

This would be another one of those times. Terribly inconvenient. And unconventional for them knights, when the teenage kid that may have been a spy, or whatever, became a Dragon and barbecued a couple trees and a bird.

The knights surged away allowing Frank enough time to safely place Henry on his back. He glowed red, the sun glittered of his scales. Frank doubted he would be able to change again, but for most part, he'd realized it was a bad idea.

No duh, Zhang, what gave you that idea?

He spread his wings, covering the field in a shadow. Then the sky grew dark. In a matter off seconds. Like hurricane dark skies. Rumbling clouds. Green lightning sprinkled in the distance a defying boom electrified the area.

Then for Frank, everything blurred.



"Frank, I'm scared."


"I'm all alone."

Hazel's dark features appeared, her cheeks were lined with tear stains. Her eyes reflecting watery fears.

"Frank, don't leave me."

Her frizzy hair fell around her like a mane. Her hand stretched out towards him like an attempt to reach him. Frank struggled to move, reply, anything, but he couldn't.

"FRANK!" She screamed, her voice screeching suddenly like the last of her hope was shattered. "Avenge Me!"

It took Frank a second to realize he was falling from the sky. No more Dragon. No more animals. His face was still red with blood. His brain ran a scan, every body part. It took him a second to remember why he was falling. Henry. The boy spun limply the ground attached at a dizzying speed. Frank grabbed Henry's arm twisting the younger boy over and absorbed the full impact.

It tasted like someone had shoved a peppermint patty down his throat and up his nose.

His last feelings, last thoughts as everything clouded black with heavy figures.

Hazel hadn't been screaming Save Me. She hadn't been looking for help. Hazel was perfectly capable of defending herself. She was tough and hard core. She'd saved him move than he'd returned the favor. No she hadn't begged for his help on anything. She was speaking in a past tense, as if...

She'd yelled Avenge Me. Like she was already dead.


Trivia Time!

Winner gets a dedication next chapter!

What are the four things Zelena needed for her spell?

Please keep in mind I've only seen up to the third season so far.

So anyway, I own you this, even if it's terrible and cruddy. My bad guys.

Remember to:






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