I Have an Offer // Tony Stark

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The battle of New York. For some, this meant victory, and for some, great suffering and loss. You were among the latter group.

You see, you're a doctor. After a long shift, you had just about had it with the moaning and groaning of people whom you couldn't silence. Suddenly, there was a massive influx of injured and debris coated people in the emergency room. Yelling, screaming, and very loud crying surrounded you. You ran to the closest nurse.

"What's going on?!" you demanded. The nurse, who normally would recoil in fear, yelled back at you.

"Take a look outside Doctor Y/L/N!"

You ran to a window, and the sight before you stood a greater chance of making you faint than the bloody people around you. Debris was falling, buildings were crumbling, and... is that guy flying?

Your cell phone starts ringing in your pocket. The caller ID shows your roommates name.

"This isn't exactly a good time R/N," you warn.

"Yeah, I'm aware. I just thought you would like to know that our entire building just hit the ground. You may want to sleep in the on call room tonight," she replies exasperatedly. You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, overwhelmed by everything happening around you at the moment. An especially loud scream brought you back to your senses.

"We'll figure this out later, ok? I have to go," you groaned, hanging up.

You started tending to the flood of people before you, directing them into rooms and desperately trying to keep up with the bloody wounds and demands. After what feels like years, the flow of bodies stops and you're enveloped in the sounds of pain and groaning. You hear the emergency room door open once more.

"Are you kidding me?" you mumble under your breath before dragging yourself to the door. What you see wakes you up again. A group of people walks in, covered in ash and sweat. On the gurney is a man that's... covered in metal?

"He fell out of the sky," a tall, broad man in a dark blue suit says. The "falling out of the sky" part confuses you for a minute, but you maintain a straight face.

"Patient's name?" you ask curtly.

"Tony Stark," the man answers. Tony Stark? This will be a good story for the next family reunion.

"Alright, you guys stay in the waiting room, I'll send a nurse out to inform you of anything new," you state. "Prep trauma room 4!"
Once you have the man in the trauma room, you realize that you've hit a bit of a roadblock.

"Sir, I have to ask you to remove the suit," you ask.

"At least buy me dinner first," he smirks. You resist the urge to roll your eyes in pure annoyance. He presses a button and the suit begins to slowly deconstruct itself. Once you can actually see his body, you cut his shirt off his torso to survey the damage. There's bruising along his abdomen, and something you simply can't ignore.

"What is that exactly?" you inquire, pointing to the circular light in the man's chest.

"That would be an arc reactor, doctor," he says in return, almost with a smile.

"Why is it there?" you demand impatiently.

"I uh... I was in an accident. It's sort of keeping me from dying a slow and painful death," he states in a very matter-of-fact tone. At first you decide he's crazy, and you just ignore him. You continue to run tests and scans, and you conclude that he'll be fine with some bed rest and a few days in the hospital for observation. You and the nurses wheel him into his new room and get him situated.

"Alright, the call button is right there if you need anything, and please don't remove the needle from your arm. Any questions Mr. Stark?" you say in a practiced monotone.

"I do have a question, how are you not fazed by all this?" he inquires.

"By what exactly?" you counter.

"Hm, I don't know, the band of people walking in wearing superhero costumes, my reactor, the destruction outside, the creatures in the sky?" he lists.

"After the day you and your friends have given me, I don't even have the energy to comprehend that stuff," you admit.

"How are you still functioning?" he wonders in disbelief.

"You get used to it," you reply, giving a small smile (the first time all day). He considers this a moment, then speaks again.
"I have an offer for you."

"And what would that be?" you humor him.
"How would you like to join the Avengers Initiative?"
That was horrible, I know. Hopefully you didn't cringe too much.

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