chapter 3

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Neil started the car while avni gave him the direction

Neil: so u work at the orphanage

Avni:haan in fact I always wanted to run an orphanage... my friends help me too over there

Neil: that's nice

Avni:: yup so what do u do

Neil: I'm a police officer

Avni: oops I better be careful then

Neil laughed while avni smiled

Once they reached to the orphanage avni took Neil inside and made him sit while she went to give sunheri her coffee and told her what happened

Avni then went back to Neil and he gave her his shirt while he had a vest on

Avni: it won't take that long ..

Neil: it's ok dw

Avni: so? She said looking at him while smiling

Neil:your name

Avni: avni what about yours

Neil: Neil

For some reason they thought they heard those name before but ignored it thinking there are many people who have the same name

Avni: did u always want to be a police officer

Neil:yup despite my family having their own business I wanted to join the police force to help people... to get them justice and I'm happy my family didn't force me to join the family business. My dad and cousin brother  run the business

Avni: oh wow interesting.

Neil:I'm sure u must have heard of the khann ...but he couldn't continue as sunheri came

Sunheri: avni avni she said coming to where avni and Neil were talking

Avni: what happened sunheri

Sunheri: yaar avni Suraj and piyu r arguing again and only u can control them

Avni:ok u go im coming once sunheri left avni turned to Neil and spoke... Neil I'll be back in a bit otherwise these kids will bring the house down

Neil:no worries... Avni left from there going to the garden area. While Neil was busy looking at something on his phone

Avni reached to where the kids were and saw them arguing

Avni:what's going on here she said... the two kids stopped arguing and turned to see avni standing there with her arms crossed.

Piyu: jaan di Suraj is cheating like always

Suraj: no jaan di I wasn't in fact piyu lost but she thought I cheated and isn't ready to accept her defeat.

Piyu: no he is lying

Suraj: no she is... whenever we play musical chair she loses and blames if on others saying they r cheating

Sunheri: haan avni even I have seen piyu do that most of the times.... but I thought the kids r not saying anything since she is small and wants to give her a chance

Avni looked at piyu who looked down

Neil had no updates to check on his phone so thought of going around the orphanage when he saw avni in the garden with kids... he stood near the door listening to what was going

Avni: y did u do this piyu?

Piyu: because every time I lose...whenever i feel I will win something else happens... Avni smiled and lifted piyu face up

Avni: losing isn't a bad thing piyu in fact it should motive u more so that u can work harder to achieve your goal be it in game or other matter.

Neil smiled hearing that unknowingly

Piyu: but it hurts

Avni:I know it does but always make your mind and heart believe that one day u will win for sure and then it won't hurt when u lose because that belief of your to win will be much stronger.


Avni: muchi...Neil smile was widening automatically.

Avni: acha shall I tell u one thing... when I was small I played games with my brother sister and I would lose most of the u I would get upset but then my maa told me about not giving up and that's what I did

Piyu: so did u win ?

Avni: not all the time only sometimes because I always knew that one day I would win.

Neil was listening to avni talk while leaning on the door frame with his hands in his pocket

Piyu: promise jaan di I won't cheat again.... I will always remember what u said

Avni: good girl

Samrat: jaan di please play with us

Avni: no u guys play

Saisha:please jaan di... Avni was saying no but all kids kept on requesting her so she had no option

They started to play  musical chair while avni and sunheri joined in.. Avni was laughing when they had to find a chair to sit on before someone else does

Neil was lost looking at avni playing with the kids....her smile was just making him smile.

Suddenly avni saw Neil and realised she completely forgot about him

She excused herself somehow while the kids continued to play

Neil saw avni coming towards him. But he wasn't able to look away from her

Neil: I'm sorry I came here without asking

Avni: no no in fact i should be sorry I told u wait... and over  here I got busy playing with the kids completely forgetting about u

Neil: u love these kids don't u

Avni: haan they r my life now she said looking at the kids playing around
Both were silent looking at the kids yet that silence was comfortable

Neil shirt was bought by Tara who gave it to avni

Avni: here u go and once again sorry

Neil: don't be in fact i should be thankful because I got to see this lovely orphanage and kids and also u r an amazing person

Avni: that means a lot Neil

Neil:anyways it was nice meeting u avni..I'll have to leave now.

Avni: ok see u

Neil: r u sure we will meet... Avni was surprised

Avni: I don't know.... if we r meant to meet again then we will

Neil in his head: I hope we do

Avni: at least let me drop u to the car

Neil: as u wish he said and both walked out.. Neil got in the car and  waved at avni who waved hack

He started the car and looked at her one last time to.see her smiling at him and then turn to go inside... he looked at her retreating back and soon left from there.

It had been two hours Neil was in his room ... but for some reason his kept getting flashes of avni... the way she was explaining to the kids, her becoming like a kids while playing with them, that smile and laugh of hers.... he sat up

Neil: u r surely something avni, in a small amount of time my mind is just thinking about u...some.part of me really wants to see.u again he said unaware that he will be meeting avni soon

Avni had reached home early since her family had told her to she had decided to freshen up and change

Riya: avni come to the kitchen after... dadi wants us to prepare some desserts

Avni: ok u go I'll be down in 5 mins

Soon riya and avni got busy making few sweet dishes while the khanna family were prepared to leave to go to the metha Mansion

30 mins later the khanna family reached to the metha mansion and all welcomed them warmly.

Neela introduced aman to Ali Neil and vidyut while they gave him a friendly hug.

Shweta: god after so many years we came to the metha mansion and everything is still the same

Neela: haan except some bits as aman riya and Avni got some changes done

Hearing avni name Neil ears were fully open and images of avni came into his mind

Bebe: but where is riya and avni soon as she said that avni was riya were coming out of the kitchen.. Neil's eyes also looked around to see if this is the same avni or not

neela: here comes avni and riya  she said pointing towards the kitchen

Avni smiled while walking with riya however she was surprised when she saw Neil. And the same was for him

Neil: this is the same avni he mumbled to himself... vidyut who sat next to him heard him

Vidyut: same avni? ...Neil looked at vidyut

Neil :I'll tell u later... Avni and riya took blessing of shweta ,bebe ,ragini and prakash

Ragini: u both r so beautiful. What do u both do

Riya I'm a fashion designer 

Avni: I run an orphanage with my friends she said looking at Neil who smiled

Ashish: beta I don't know If u remember but  u use to be friends with Neil Vidyut and ali.

Avni:oh i know Ali for sure since I speak to him but about vidyut and neil i never interacted with them after they left...however I met Neil in the morning

Shweta: really?

Neil: haan actually the thing is ....he told how he and avni bumped into each other and him going with her to the orphanage

Dayawanti" that's actually great... at least u both met.

Ali: didn't u both know after knowing each others surname

Avni: we only gave intro of our first names that's y

Precrap:Neil: so ?

Avni: what so

Neil: did u know I was from the khanna family

Avni: not at all but when u told me your name I was thinking u might be from that family but thought there r many people with the same names

Neil: same here.he said looking at avni... both were sitting while he watched her hair waiving due to the slight wind

So my babies here is chap 3 hope u all love it will be waiting for all the comments and votes so keep them coming

Also my baby Shivanshimshra has made a new post on the writers awards so go and vote for the fav stories link is below

And if u haven't checked out my new story then please do check it out it's called falling for u

Also don't forget writers day will be celebrated on 14th Sep

Lots of love sonali

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