Chapter 16

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It was around 8:30 at night. The weather was cloudy and dark.
Meher came out from the restaurant and was walking here and there as she was not able to balance.

She held her head and tried to stand straight that's when a boy who was standing nearby saw her and he looked at her from top to bottom scanning her but Meher did not notice this as she was trying to stand straight.

Then the guy looked around and finding her alone smirked. He went near her.

Boy: Hey sexy, i am sooraj

Meher looked at him as she held her head with her hands.

Meher: Hey

Meher said and then turned and was about to go when he held her wrist she turned to him shocked.

Sooraj: Sexy, how about we call this a night

Meher: What

Sooraj: Come on, i assure u, we will have a wild night together

Sooraj says pressing his thumb on her wrist. Meher tried to free herself but was not able to.

Meher: Leave me

Sooraj: Sure, but tomorrow morning

He tried to drag her when Sunheri and Avni came outside calling Meher, the boy got alert and then ran away.

Avni and Sunheri saw her standing there, she held her head tighlty and was scared.

Avni: Meher

Avni and Sunheri ran to her while Meher was not able to understand anything. She felt dizzy.

Avni: Meher why u came out suddenly

Meher: av........

Sunheri: Why u took so many shots

Sunheri tried to make Meher stand straight.

Meher: Sunheri..........

Before meher could continue she had thrown up and sunheri and avni looked at each other.

Sunheri: Today again u will make my car dirty

Avni: Like everytime (chuckled)

Avni and Sunheri walked up to Meher but she had thrown up again which made avni and sunheri to jump back.

Avni: Meher, ur ok

Sunheri: Meher (shouts)

Meher: What, what happen

Avni and Sunheri looked at each other with sad face then turned to meher.

Then suddenly thunderstorms were occurring and the weather got even more cloudy with fast blowing wind.  

Sunheri: Avni i think we should leave, its getting late

Avni: Ok

Sunheri and Avni hugged each other and then avni hugged meher who hugged her back but was shaking a lot as she was not able to stand straight.

Avni: Take lime water

Meher: Ok

Meher said saluting Avni and she chuckled. Sunheri put meher inside the car and then she drove away after hugging avni one more time.


Then Avni also got in her car and left the place.

But as Avni was driving the weather got more cloudy and thunderstorms occurred. While after sometime it started raining.

Avni looked outside through the window and then continued driving but suddenly her car stopped. She somehow parked her car in the roadside.

Avni: What happened

Avni tried to start the engine but it did not start she tried several times but it did not start.

Avni got out from the car and looked at the weather frustrated. She looked up it was raining and also fast wind was blowing.

Avni: It is raining, now how will i go

Avni took out her phone from her clutch but their was no signal.

Still she tried to call but as their was no signal it did not connect. She put back the phone frustrated.

Avni: Now what will i do, i don't even have umbrella

Avni looked around, and though her car broke down near the main road but as it was at night and it was raining and thunderstorms were occurring, not many vehicles were there and whichever were there, they were driving off in full speed.

Avni got wet due to the rain and was rubbing her palms. She looked around and saw no cabs were there, then there was an auto rickshaw coming but as she tried to stop it, it did not stop.

The street lights were on and the shops were closed and Avni just walked rubbing her palms and was now shivering.

Avni: What will i do, how will i contact them
............ it is so cold.......... no shops r open

Avni heard a car horn she turned and saw a cab coming she tried to stop it and it stopped. But as she went near she saw the driver's eyes were red as if he did not sleep for months.

Driver: Madam, where do u want to go

As he spoke Avni could clearly smell alcohol and was sure he was drunk.

Driver: Madam where u want to go, i will drop u

Avni: No. No.......... i will go.......... u leave

Driver: Madam, it is raining, come. I will drop u

Avni: No

Driver: Madam come on

As the driver tried to get out from the cab Avni got scared and she shouted.

Avni: I told u to leave (shouts)

The driver looked around and saw no one he came out and tried to walk near Avni when Avni again shouted.

Avni: I said leave (shouts)

And then the driver looked at her from top to bottom and left eyeing her. Avni just looked on and when he left she felt relieve. 

Avni rubbed her shoulders and was walking now scared. The rain occurred even more and wind also blew very fast. She looked around and then saw a car coming. She found it familiar, she tried to stop the car and it stopped a little far from where Avni stood.

Avni ran and as she bend her head a little to match the height of the car window, the glass lowered.

Avni finally smiled and sighed when she saw Aditya inside.

Avni opened the car door and got in, she lay her head against the car seat.

Aditya looked at her and then started the engine.

As they were driving none of them said anything but then Avni spoke.

Avni: Can u on the AC

Aditya: Avni, it is raining outside. U r completely drenched

Aditya said while Avni just looked at him then looked front.

Aditya: What r u doing here so late at night

Avni: I came here to dance on cham cham

Aditya: What

Avni: Aditya ji, my car broke down, i did not find any vehicle and...........

Avni stopped while Aditya looked at her then looked straight concentrating on the road.

Avni: My phone is also not working. I thought today i will not reach home. What is the time

Aditya: 9:30

Avni: What (shocked)

Aditya looked at her while she let out a sigh.

Avni: It is so late. They must be worried at home

Aditya: Didn't u say them

Avni: I did but........... i said i will be back by nine. I would have, if that car had not broken down (sad pout)

Aditya just kept driving while Avni looked at him.

Avni: Aditya ji

Aditya: What

Aditya said still looking front and focusing on the road.

Avni: Thanks

Aditya looked at Avni then turned to the road while she smiled.

Aditya: Why

Avni: Just.......

There was complete silence again but then Avni looked at him.

Avni: Aditya ji, why u did not agree to my offer

Aditya: Which offer

Avni: Aditya ji, i told u. If u will have dinner with us. Then i will never go to ur office again but........... u did not agree now looks like, i will have to continue visiting your office

Aditya looked at her then rolled his eyes while Avni chuckled.

Aditya: U better don't come to my office

Avni: I will go. Since u did not agree to my offer

Aditya: Aren't u doing too much. Visiting my office regularly, trying to stop me from drinking, pastry.......... 

Avni: Yes, n i will continue till i get my sorry

Aditya: What..........

Avni: Yes, once u will say sorry i will stop all this

Aditya: U r mad. Just for one sorry, u r getting on my nerves

Avni: Yes for the sorry but i also have one reason

Aditya: What reason

Aditya looked at Avni while she thought for sometime then continued.

Avni: I want to see a smile on ur face

Aditya looked at Avni then turned front after sometime.

Aditya: What

Avni: Yes. U know i got to know about your past from shewta maa

Aditya looked at Avni shocked while she just  sat there and he turned front.

Aditya: So u know

Avni: Yes, after ur birthday incident maa told me, but aditya ji, trust me the mistake is not yours u know............... whatever happened........... aditya ji, i know u feel hurt n betrayed when u recall all this n whatever u went through............ but aditya ji.......... u cannot leave living because of that..........

Aditya: I don't need your speech

Aditya said little angry while Avni looked at him.


This was sixteen chapter.

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