The Beginning

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The scene opens up with a Dodge Charger from the NYPD in Brownsville as it is patrolling the area.

NYPD Driver: Well, this is the place where the emergencies had occurred.

NYPD Officer: No kidding.

NYPD Driver: Hey, look at that guy. What the hell's he getting from that trunk of that car?

NYPD Officer: You wanna go out?

NYPD Driver: On Me Thomas.

Thomas: Got it, Jason. I'm gonna grab the shotgun.

The two NYPD officers were PO3 Jason Lockhart and Thomas Sparks. Then it shows them getting out of the car as they stopped.

Jason: NYPD! Hands away from the trunk!

Suspect: Don't mind me, officers! I'm just gonna grab my stuff inside.

Thomas: He just said hands away from the trunk!

Suspect: Well then. Looks like you caught me red-handed. Better luck next time, officers!

The Suspect fired an AK-47 at the two as Thomas was shot, and then Jason fired multiple shots from his Glock 17.

Jason: Tom!

Jason got to Thomas' body as he called for Paramedics and later on it shows him driving the Charger, only he was alone as the voices of Police Sergeant Tyler Josephson and Chief Christian Mitchell play in his head.

Sgt. Josephson: Chief Mitchell, he can handle himself greatly. Even when he gets into trouble, he's still gonna make it.

Chief Mitchell: Sergeant, he's been through worse, and he needs a new partner.

Jason: Chief.. Just let me alone for today until you can find a suitable partner for me.

Jason then saw a Chevrolet SS go into an Avenue in Brownsville as he pursued it, and then the SS stopped as it blocked the way.


Suspect: Hey, I think I recognize you.

Jason: You had injured my damn partner!

Suspect: Well, he's already dead, idiot.

Jason: He's still alive, asshole!

The suspect fired his AK-47 as another suspect fired a Glock 17 at him, and then it showed Enterprise looking at Jason as he took cover.

Jason: 1-Adam-31, requesting backup in 34 Lott Avenue, over?

Jason kept on firing his G17 until he got one to his lower abdomen.


Jason holds the wound as he tries to stop the bleeding as Enterprise had gone in, and she told this to Jason.

Enterprise: Are you okay?

Jason: You think? I'm shot!

Enterprise grabbed Jason's G17 as she dragged the officer to the back of the Patrol Vehicle, and she fired back as the Suspect went down. Then the Suspect fires his Glock 17, but the Backup arrived as two NYPD Officers arrested the suspect. As the Paramedics had taken Jason to the Hospital.

NYPD Officer (Male): What's your name, Ma'am?

Enterprise: USS Enterprise.

NYPD Officer (Male): Is that your name, miss?

Enterprise: It is my name. Who was that?

NYPD Officer (Female): He's Officer Jason Lockhart. He's from Ithaca.

Enterprise: I kinda wanted to join right now.

NYPD Officer: We'll take you to our station.

Enterprise was seen talking with Chief Mitchell and Sergeant Josephson as later on, it shows her training to become an NYPD Officer, and she passes. Then she was seen in the hospital, heading to Jason's room.

Enterprise: Jason?

Jason: Enterprise, right?

Enterprise: I'm your new partner.

Jason: You're my new partner?

Enterprise: Yep. I'm waiting for you to get out of the hospital.

Later on, it shows Jason already out of the hospital as Enterprise was driving the Charger, and then it shows Jason changing into his uniform as he puts on some body armor under his uniform.

Enterprise: All set?

Jason: Yep.

Later on, it shows them driving as Jason hears a speeding car, then it goes past by them, and it was a 2008 Dodge Charger. Then they got to work and pursued it.

Enterprise: 1-Adam-31, requesting backup, we are in pursuit of a vehicle.

Dispatch: What is the subject vehicle?

Enterprise: It's a Blue Dodge Charger, over?

Dispatch: Copy that 1-Adam-31.

Enterprise: Jason. He's going through Broadway!

The Charger was driving erratically as Jason was forced to drift through the intersection as he pursued the Suspect vehicle, and then backup arrived. Two Ford Crown Victoria Police Cars, alongside an Interceptor SUV and one Interceptor Sedan, are seen as their sirens were being heard as some civilians were taking videos as the news was seen airing the pursuit. Then it shows Jason driving the Charger into the right to cut off the suspect. Then he fails to cut him off, but he gets to the side, and then the suspect tries to run him off the road.

Jason: This guy's nuts!

When the Suspect tries to run him off the road for the third and final time, Jason hits the brakes and does a pit maneuver on the suspect vehicle and he crashes into a roll over and he landed on its wheels.

Jason: Driver! Get out of the vehicle with your hands in the air!

The suspect got out as he drops a SIG-SAUER P226 on the ground as Enterprise arrests him.

Jason: Good job Officer Enterprise, this is your first arrest.

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