Part 51

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Part - 51

"God! What a tiring day?" Madhu said after clambering into the rear seat of the car and resting her head on Rk's shoulder.

Today, they had a long day shooting in the outdoors.

"I can't wait to get home and fall flat on our bed." She mumbled sleepily.

"Hmm... I can't wait to see our baby and play with her"  Rk said feeling excited to meet his daughter.

"Play with her? You're not tired?" She asked in surprise.

"No, actually. I am used to this routine you know"

"Ah right! But I don't think Ruhi will be up now. She would have gone to bed couple of hours ago." She said.

"Hmm yeah but I will at least cuddle her for a while if she was asleep. She is my stress buster. My sleeping pill."

Madhu smiled hearing that. "That's sweet. Oh and would you mind if I lie on your lap?"

"No, baby"

The moment he gave her the green signal, she slide her head down to his lap and got comfortable on the seat.

"Wake me up when we have reached home..."

"Or would you mind me carrying in my arms to our bedroom?"

"I guess I wouldn't." She whispered and dozed off.

He watched her sleep till they had arrived to their residence and then he carried to their room without disturbing her sleep.

After settling her confortably on bed and covering her with the duvet, he went to Ruhi's room but she wasn't there.

He went to his mother Radha's room and knocked at the door.

"Is Ruhi with you?" He asked looking away from her. He wasn't still comfortable having his mother around him.

"Yes, Rishu. She is here, sleeping."

"I would appreciate if you put my daughter to sleep in her room or in mine and Madhu's."

"Woh Rishu... She isn't feeling well so I... I couldn't let her sleep alone in this condition so I..."

"What do you mean by she isn't feeling well? What's happened to her?" Pushing her aside, he rushed to Ruhi's side.

He gently placed his hand on her forehead to feel her.

"Fuck! She is burning" he cussed.

"Yes, she is still having fever though I have given her medicine. She was crying in discomfort for long and only half hour ago, she dozed off..."

"Why the hell you didn't borther to ring me and tell me about this?" He whisper yelled.

"I didn't want to worry you or Madhu when you were at work..."

"Fuck work! You should have called me!" He scolded her. "How could you let my daughter cry and not inform me anything?" He asked angrily. Radha bowed her head sadly.

"Useless!" He muttered under his breath and gently scooped his baby girl in his arms and headed out. Radha followed him. "Where are you taking her?"

"Where do you think?"

Since he wasn't heading to his room she assumed he was taking her to the hospital.

"I have called the doctor for home visit this evening and he check her thoroughly. He said there is nothing to worry as of now as it seemed to be an ordinary fever and he has prescribed some medicine. He said she will be fine by tomorrow morning so you don't have to worry, Rishu." Radha reassured him calmly.

"Don't have to worry? Ah hell!" He didn't know where to go and bang his head. This lady was pissing him off. "This is my daughter and she is bloody sick, dammit, so I do worry for her." He roared waking up Ruhi in the process.

"Ahhh... Mama..mmhh.." She cried.

"Oh baby, oh baby, papa is here. I have got you, darling. You will be fine. Stop crying now. I love you." He crooned as he rocked her on his shoulder.

"It's my mistake. I shouldn't have trusted you and let you take care of my precious daughter because you know nothing about nuturing a kid." Saying that he walked back to his room with Ruhi still crying inconsolably.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why is she crying?" Madhu asked. He hoped she would be fast asleep but she was up and changed into her night cloths.

"Mama... mama..." Ruhi stretched her little body reaching for her mother's warmth.

"Why are you crying, my love?" Madhu cooed as she took Ruhi from Rk's hands and cuddled her closer to her chest. "Is she having a fever?" She asked looking up at Rk.

He nodded and pushed Ruhi's hair off her face.

"Mama..." She cried.

"What, baby?"

"Stan... mmm... ahh..."

"Haan what, baby?"

"Stand, pleeeeese..." She cried louder. She wasn't comfortable on her mommy's lap. She wanted to be rocked on the shoulder just like her daddy was doing a moment ago.

"Can papa hold you, sweetheart?" He asked knowing how tired Madhu was.

"Nah, mama..." She sobbed hugging her momma's neck tightly.

"Alright! Alright, baby" Madhu kissed her head over and over again and stood up from the bed and walked around the room, holding Ruhi securely in her arms.

Rk watched them helplessly.

"Ruhi, do you wanna see your favorite cartoon?" Madhu asked to divert her from crying.


"Do you wanna play snake and ladder with papa?"


"Or do you have play the piano?" Rk suggested.


"Do you wanna eat chocolate cookie?"

"Nah, mama..." She so wanted to say 'shut up, mama'

"What you want, baby? What can I do to make you stop crying?" Madhu asked feeling bad her baby couldn't vocalize her problem. She gently pressed Ruhi's little legs to bring her some sort of relief and that helped her actually. 

"I think she is sleeping now" Rk said when her cry died down. "You can put her on the bed."

Madhu was about to carefully place Ruhi on bed but she woke up again.

"Mama... Mama..." She clung to her scared to let her go.

"This is typical Ruhi who needs you whenever she falls sick" Rk commented.

"And when she is active and energetic she only needs her papa because only he can play with her all day but never get tired." She said softly chuckling.

"That's true"

"Did you ask your mother whether she had her dinner or not?"

"No, I didn't but she said she gave her medicine so I am assuming she would have fed her something too..."

"Hmm" she nodded. "Baby, do you wanna have some milk?" She asked just in case she hadn't had anything.

"Mama milk?" Ruhi asked softly leaning her head on Madhu's shoulder.

"No, mama milk" Madhu laughed. It had been so many months since she had stopped breast feeding her but still she hadn't forgotten about it. "Papa will get you warm milk in your favorite Mickey sipper"


Sighing Madhu sat on the bed next to Rk.

"Mama, stand" she cried again.

"Oh what is this? A punishment for me for leaving you at home and going out to work?" Madhu asked as she rubbed Ruhi's back.

"Ruhi baby, you wanna go to the beach with papa?" Rk offered. He knew she loved beach and that would be the right place to take her now to calm her.

"Yes" surprisingly she agreed to this one.

"No, Rk. She is sick and you can't take her out now. It's chill outside."

"Put her full sleeved hooded sweater on and she will be fine."

"No, Rk!"

"Mama" Ruhi protested for saying No to her daddy's suggestion.

"Baby, please, stay home. Stay with momma. Tomorrow evening, if your fever has come down, we will go to the beach for a walk. Promise."

"Nah. Now." Ruhi softly ordered. "You come."

"No, no, baby. Momma will stay at home. She is tired and she needs some rest too... only papa and baby are going..." Rk gently said.

"Nah!" Ruhi screamed. "I want mama!"

"Alright!" He held his hand up. "Momma, go, put something on and come quickly"

She was wearing only a white bralette and a pair of casual shorts and Rk was used to seeing her in lack of clothes now though it was difficult at initial stages.

"Hold her" Madhu passed Ruhi to Rk and this time Ruhi didn't kick or cry.

Madhu went into Ruhi's closet and picked a sweater for her. "Put this sweater on her"

"Mama, nah..."



"Good" she gave the sweater to Rk and walked into her walk in closet.

She threw on a loose T-shirt that matches the shorts she was already wearing.

By the time she walked back, dressed, Rk had readied Ruhi.

"Hold these" Madhu gave two blankets to Rk. "I will go get her a bottle of warm water and some cookies."

"We will wait for you in the living room. Come quick, mama" Rk said and took Ruhi out.

"What are you doing here?" Rk asked seeing Radha pacing in the living room.

"Woh Rishu ... I couldn't sleep. I am just... You going out with Ruhi?" She stammered as she felt so nervous to talk in front of her own son, worrying he would scold her again.

He nodded.

Ruhi didn't see her daddy nodding his head. She thought she didn't reply to her dadi's question so she answered herself. "Papa, mama and Ruhi... Going bye bye, dadi" she said in her sweet soft baby voice.

"It's... It's late and it's cold outside, darling"

Ruhi pouted.

"We know but she's getting cranky and agitated staying in the room. She needs some fresh air so Madhu and I are taking her to the beach. We won't be gone for long..." He thought for a second before asking "... Um, do you wanna go with us for a walk?"

"Um... No, no, thank you." She was surprised by his sudden invitation. "You kids go and have a good time. I will wait for you here..."

"You need not wait for us. You go sleep. I have a spare key and I will use it to let us in." He said in a boring tone.


"What?" He asked seeing her hesitance to leave the place.

"Rishu, I am sorry I didn't call you..."

"Madhu!" He yelled. He felt uncomfortable with Radha apologizing to him when he was the one who used harsh words.

"What are you doing in there for so long?"

"Coming!" She rushed to his side holding a small wicker basket in her hand.

"We are not going on a picnic!" He reminded her.

He understood why she gave the blankets him. It was cold out there. But why the basket?

By the way, what were all in it?

He took a peek at the basket and found some cookies, fruits, a packet of chips, a bottle of water and milk for Ruhi in her sipper. 

"I know but Ruhi might feel hungry and ask for something to eat."

"Mama... Nah..." Ruhi waved her hand indicating that she wouldn't need them.

"Okay, baby, you don't have to eat. Mama wil eat everything."

"Give some papa"

"Okay, I will give some to your papa too. Now shall we go?"

"Hmm" Ruhi nodded her head. "Bye, dadi" she waved her hand.

"You lock the doors and go to sleep" Rk ordered. Radha nodded.

"Take care" Madhu said with a smile. She smiled back.


Rk and Madhu held Ruhi's hand on either side and they walked in beach sand, barefoot.

"Mama, papa, let me go..." Ruhi yanked her hands so that they would be freed from her parents grasp.

Once they let her hands go, she squatted down and starting playing in sand.

Madhu spread one blanket on the sand and sat on it, with her legs out stretched and with other blanket she wrapped herself up.

Rk laid on the blanket next to her, keeping his arms behind his head as pillow and gazed at the dark sky and twinkling stars.

It doesn't look like its going to rain! Good!

"Mama, see what I found?" Ruhi opened her little fist and showed her a conch.

"Wow. It's beautiful. We will write your name on the shell with marker pen and put it in our fish tank, okay"

"Okie. Write your name too. Oh and papa name too." She slapped her head for getting her papa.

"Papa, see" she snatched the shell from her mama and showed it to her papa, as she crawled closer to him.

"Oh no! This is so small. How will we write 3 big big names - Rishab Kundra, Madhubala Rishab Kundra and Ruhi Rishab Kundra?"

"Madhubala Malik" she corrected him.

"For the world you're Mrs. Rishab Kundra"

She rolled her eyes and took out the fruit box from the basket.

"We can not write our names huh, papa?" Ruhi asked sadly as she placed her head on his chest.

"We will write our initials, darling"


"What's the first letter in papa's name?"

"Um... P?"

"No, it's R - Rishab"

"Ruhi also R" she clapped her hands for discovering that. "Same same" she excitedly threw her leg over his stomach and hugged him.

"Yeah, now tell me what's mama's?"

"Emmmmmm" she sang.

"Smart girl" he kissed her head. "Now tell me what's mama's full name?"

"Madhu...bala Rishab Kun...dra"

"Ahaan" he kissed Ruhi's cheek soundly and cuddled her.

"See, your daughter got it right" Rk said proudly. Madhu looked away, blushing.

Ruhi subtly slipped in her conch shell in her daddy's shirt pocket.

"You want some cookies, Rk?" Madhu asked after a minute.

"Sure" Rk got one from her and started eating it while Madhu ate the finely cut fruits.

Ruhi watched her parents eating without giving her or at least asking her whether she wanted to eat or not.

"Papa... Ahh..." Ruhi opened her mouth insisting him to put the remaining cookie in her mouth. "Mama... Ahh..." Madhu fed her fruits.

This was one way to feed Ruhi. Eat without offering to her and then she would automatically ask you to feed her.

"Water or milk, baby?"

"Water, please, mama"

Madhu gave her the bottle. "Shall we go back to home now, Ruhi?"

"Nah, nah!" She shook her head and nestled in Rk's arms.

Sighing, Madhu sprawled next to them and covered them with the huge blanket.

"You still have fever, Ruhi" Madhu said ruffling Ruhi's curls and soon Ruhi fell asleep.

"She will be fine when she wakes up in the morning. Don't worry, Madhu"

"I want to stay at home and take care of her, tomorrow." Madhu said.

"Alright, I will cancel both our schedules for the next couple of days."

"Good. I don't like you going to the shooting spot without me."

"Why, baby?" He asked teasingly.

"That Dipali... I don't like her"


"She is so rude to me"

"Not only to you, Madhu. She is rude to everyone when she gets into her director's mode."

"No, I don't feel so!" She refused to agree with him. "She is not rude to you. She is extremely nice and friendly... Correction, flirty with you."

"She can not be rude to me, darling, why, because I fucking created that word and I will show her what exactly 'rudeness' means if she tried something stupid!"

Madhu laughed and hoped he would behave rudely to her, one day and she would get to watch that.



"Why she spends too much time in our caravan that too when I am not in there?"

"She comes there to brief me the scenes, Madhu."



"Do you know she has a thing for you?"

"Oh really?" He feigned innocence.

"Don't play the innocent act! It doesn't suit you, Rishab Kundra!"

"Why does it bother you whether she has a thing for me or not?"

"Don't forgot you're my boyfriend and to the world you are my husband so stay in your limits!" She warned him in a funny way that made him laugh.

"I am talking seriously but you are laughing at me? How dare you?" she got mad and pinched his thigh sharply.

"Ahh, its paining"

"That's what I want!" She smirked.

"Rk, can I ask you something?"

"Ask me anything"

"Have you ever been in love with Dipali?"

"Nope!" He replied instantly. "She is not my kind of woman"

Thank goodness she is not your kind!

"Have you ever... fucked her?" She whispered the end part

"With all honesty, I have never fucked her..." Hearing that Madhu heaved a huge sigh of relief. "...I have never slept with any women I worked with, Madhu. But but but... you will be the only exception to that rule."

"Okay" she blushed.

"Dipali was in love with me and still she is... She told me that when we met in Paris."

"Oh" she leaned up to look into his eyes.

I thought she only wanted to fuck my man... But it seems she has deeper feelings for him! Hmm... This is not good, not at all good!

"Yeah, when I asked her why she didn't get married yet, she told me she was waiting for me to get divorced."

"What the? Why didn't you tell me all this before?"

"If I had told you before you wouldn't have agreed to work in her movie."


"I told her I love my wife and I will never ever divorce her. I also asked her to move on!"

"Good!" She gave him a quick peck on his lips.

"But she hasn't got the message it seems" Rk sighed. "But don't worry darling, I will put her in her place!" He promised. She smiled, happily.

... To be continued!

Hope you all liked my new year gift!





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