BABY in English

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Hello Everyone! I translated my other story. I wrote this almost a year ago. I hope that you like it. 

Read, vote, comment and say others about it :)
Enjoy! :*


JungKook POV

„Kambae! For amazing 5 years! " we shouted all together.

We are in our favorite club and celebrate our 5th debut anniversary. This five years were difficult but also amazing. We achieved a lot in this time, we became family and I legally become an adult. I'm going to be drunk with others!

We make toast by toast. The sound of bumping glasses can be heard. The quantity of empty bottles increase on the table, because the waiter can't keep up with cleaning them. We all already quite drunk.

It's my first party with the sea of alcohol. However I have weak head. I feel dizzy and I think I'll vomit. On the trembling legs, I go to bathroom.

Before few moments in the restroom, I feel better. I get rid of some weight in my stomach, wash my face and went back to guys.

From some distance, I can see that some of them are sleeping on the couch and the rest is drinking another beers. What the example they giving me, the youngest one. Alcoholics ones!

Walking next to bar I sow super girl. She has long, black and wavy hairs, bright skin and fucking long legs. She was wearing red dress, too much short and black heels. She looked fucking awesome! She hold glass in her hand. Her head are bobbing slightly. She must have few drinks already.

She finished one drink and next one, and next, and another one...

Wow, she is a heavy drinker.

Suddenly she get up from the chair. I did the same. With her first step, she stumble and almost fell. I catch her in the last moment. The girl rise her misted gaze on me. She has big, brown eyes. But why so sad. Even there is quite dark and she is wearing make-up, I can see that she cried. We are standing really close to each other. I feel her billowing breasts on my chest, her hand clutched on my forearm. My hands lay lightly on her shaped waist. Out of the blue she kissed me. It wasn't some delicate and naïve kiss. She kissed me with passion, rapacity and aggressiveness. I think on for minute, what I should do. Push her away or give back a kiss. I'm young but I'm still the men, so I choose the second option. I move one hand on her back and draw her even closer to me. My other hand I put into her soft hair. The girl moan quietly in my lips. I feel her knee between my legs. Aish! I'm going crazy! We did't brake the kiss. We deepened it. We suck in our thongs to maximum. She star wonder her hend after my shirt. She unbuttons a button on navel's height and put hand under the material. This touch is burning me!

Someone poke my arm with finger. I part with girl unwillingly and take a look at bartender, who without a word is giving a key to the room, on the next floor. I didn't ask about anything. I took the key and after the moment, we are into nice room, where we can what we want.

In the express rete we get rid of our clothes, on the way to the bed. When we fall on it while kissing, we are completely naked. The girl interlock her arms around my neck and legs around my hips. She is biting my ear lightly and I'm kissing her neck. I inhale her wonderful rosy scent.

We both ready to make the final move. She can't stay still and is moaning, begging for more. Without hesitation, I'm inside her. Before few thrusts and her hips moves with the same rhythm, we reached a climax and without any strength fell down on the pillows.

My another first time today is behind me.

I woke up after a while. I fell pleasant head's weight of sleeping girl on my arm. I look at her face. She is older than me, I'm sure. I brush away hair from her face. I regret that I have to leave her. She is so beautiful. I don't even know her name. I kiss her forehead lightly and get up from the bed. I muffled her with quilt and pick up my clothes from flor. When I'm fully dressed, I leave her short note. I'm not sure, would she remember something. It's better to her to know what happened.

I'm backing to other members, on the main hall. Everyone, expect Jin hyung are sleeping. He is barely conscious. I call for our manager. Someone have to take us home. He come quickly. I help him take the drunk buddies to the car.

"Why you only sober one?" he ask, when we put Suga hyung as last one to the car.

"It happen somewhat. I went to bathroom often and skipped glasses."

"Tomorrow they'll have huge hangover. Serves their rights. Thanks god, yod don't have any schedules. I don't know, what I could with all of you with that state."

I hoped to the van, manager turn on the engine and we go home.


I'm feeling warm rays of the sun on my face. Ah, so nice! I stretched my body in the bed. I did't slept so good from long time. But when I opened my eyes I didn't where I am. I take a look around. That's not my room. Why am I naked? I look for my clothes with consternation. I spotted them on the armchair next to bed, neatly folded. I sit on the bed, cover myself with blanket and hide face in hands. What the hell happened yesterday night?! I don't remember anything. I fixed my heir with fingers. I get up from the bed and go for clothes with resignation. The small piece of paper is lying on them.

Thank You for yesterday's night. It was amazing. You were amazing an so beautiful. I would like to know your name, My Beautiful Stranger. I hope that for you it was pleasure too. Maybe good fate let us meet again. JK

What is this? Who's JK? What happened at night? If it was pleasure for me? Wait a minute... did we, me and him... did... THIS?! That impossible. I would remember that, right?

Quickly, with tears in eyes I put my clothes on and leave the room. Going downstairs I realized that I'm still in the club, which I came yesterday with my friend to forget about my break up. That's right – I had boyfriend. We were three years together, but he dumped me for some young bitch, who graduated from high school not that long ago. Asshole! I did so much for him and he break up with me.

I called for taxi. Waiting outside the club, I checked my phone. I had three messages and five missed calls, everything from my friend – HaNa.

The way to home takes about 20 minutes. Unfortunately I met few neighbors, who looked at me with disapproval. Let's be honest - I looked like whore. In red dress, with messed hairs and smudged make-up. They immediately can say what I've done last night.

I come in to my small apartment. I quickly took off clothes and went under worm stream of water. I want to wash away all memories of last day, because night wasn't remembered. Just thinking about it, make me angry at myself. How could I be so irresponsible? I'm not some stupid teenager. I'm 28 years old, for God sake! I let my emotions control me. I hope that the man although used protection.

20.07 2018

JungKook POV

"I have someone to introduce to you, guys." Said on manager "She is your new make-up artist." He point on someone behind him.

He step aside and we see a girl.

"Hello, my name is Nam SoRa. I'm 28 years old. I'll be yours make-up artist. Please, take good care of me." She said and bowed to us.

"Nice to meet you. We are Bangtan Boys." Said Rap Monster, approached her and give her hand. "I'm NamJoon or Rap Monter. Whichever you like, noona."

She looked at him shyly and shake hands with him. When I stand in front of her, I nave strange felling that I know her from somewhere.

"I'm JungKook, maknae of this group." We shake hands. I smiled to her. She was so nervous. "Don't worry noona. We are not as scary as we may look like. " I winked to her.

"Thank You" she said and smiled a little.

"All right! Let's get to work. You have show in two hours. I leave you in this two great women's hands." Said our manager.

We sat on high chairs in front of mirrors. We completely entrust ourselves to the hands of ours hairdresser and make-up artist. I was third in order with finished hairs, so SoRa noona come to me to put make-up on my face.

She has very skillful hands. She ably apply base and powder. When she lean over me to highlight my eyes with eyeliner, I felt her wonderful, rosy scent. I know this scent. But from?

After we wrap up our show, we went to home quickly. It was late and tomorrow we have thigh schedule starting from early morning. We went straight to bed. I didn't even know when I fell asleep.

I'm feeling passionate kiss on my lips and delicate hands on my body. I'm hearing muffled and so erogenous woman's moans. When I open my eyes, I saw My Beautiful Stranger above me. She is smiling to me. She is so amazing and strangely familiar. She come closer to me, for another kiss, and then I can smell her rosy scent.

"Noona" I whisper to her ear.

"Please take care of me."

I wake up all sweaty. What was that? Why I dreamt about SoRa noona and on such situation?

In the morning, I'm barely awaked. I couldn't sleep anymore last night.

I'm sitting on the same high chair, and HaNa noona make my hair. In the mirror, I can see that Sora noona is putting make-up on Suga hyung. I stare on her all the time. I'm trying find some similarities with strenger from the club. Noona isn't so sensual and sexy like THAT woman. She is innocent and shy. She is wearing casual, comfortable clothes. Her legs aren't so long. Her straight, black hairs are tied in a ponytail. But this rosy scent.

My hairs are done. SoRa noona come to me. When our faces are on the same height, I take a look into her eyes. And in this moment my world has stopped. This big, brown and sad eyes are know to me very well. I couldn't mistake them. I remember, that other night I wanted take away her all sadness. Her eyes should be shine because happiness, no tears.

"JungKook? JungKook?" I can hear, that someone is calling me.

"Huh?" I'm looking on noona.

"Everything aright? I think that you stopped breathing? Are you ok? "

"Excuse me? Yeah. I'm ok." I sais slowly, take the breath. I didn't even noticed that I hold it.

"Let's go, guys!" I heard leader's voice.


It's been few years since I work in BigHit Ent., I only changed my position. I started as main hairdresser's assistant, next the make-up artist's. My duty were bringing things, cleaning and taking away. When I finished proper courses and get qualifications, I became main make-up artist. I worked with Lee Changmin and K.Will. And now I'm responsible for BTS.

To be honest, I was a little afraid. They are seven people to put make-up on, I short time. I have help, that fact, but anyway it's not the some as work with soloist. But kids, because they are much younger than me, are really nice. They cooperate, don't grumble and let me what I wont with their faces. I like JungKook the most. He is so cute and kind. The rest too, but maybe because they older than him, they have more mature view on life. JungKook is joyful and positive to life. Infects everyone around with his optimism.

He behaved strange today. When I was making his face ready, he didn't breath. I didn't know that people can do it for so long. And this his deep gaze into me eyes. Like he wont find something in them.

Members went to give their performance. Meanwhile I was packing my things. Suddenly I felt dizzy and I need to sat on the chair. Wow, what's happening? Maybe I'm hungry? I didn't have appetite, in the morning. When I felt better, I finished my packing and went for some food.



During next few days my symptoms only get worst. I don't have appetite, I felt sick only thinking about food. Today morning, when I made and smelled coffee, I needed run to bathroom, to vomit.

"Noona, are you ok? You are really pale." asked JiMin, when I was putting base on his face.

"Yeah, I'm aright. I have only indigestion"

"Noona, so you should take a day off. You shouldn't overworking yourself."

"I can do it. You need to look handsome and put audience on their knees. "

We did high five, and JiMin give me the most beautiful smile I ever saw. I smiled to him too and finished his make-up.

Next was JungKook. When I was putting eyeliner, I felt dizziness, my hand slid up and I thrust it into boy's eye.

"Augh!" he screamed "Noona, what happened?"

I tightly held the tabletop.

"What's happening?" I hear that the rest of BTS come closer. Some of them are looking at JungKook and the other are sitting me on the chair, gave me water and constantly asking me if I'm ok.

When I'm feeling better, I look at worried faces of BTS. Everyone are looking at me expectantly. JungKook is covering his eye.

"Oh my god! JungKook , are you ok?" I jumped from the chair and went to him "Let me see." I reached for hand on his eye.

"It's ok, noona. What's with you?"

He reveal his eye, it's really red.

"Ottoke?!" I start to wail.

"Don't worry." He put his arms on my shoulder, to console me.

"Noona, are you feeling beter?" asked NamJoon.

"Yes. Yes." I said automatically. I'm not important now. I need take care of JungKook's eye.

The gig went successfully somehow. We instill eye drops and it's helped.

Everyone asks 'what's with me'. I suspect what it can be, but I don't want that it'll be true. I took the day off and went to see the doctor.

After I describe my symptoms, the doctor asked:

"When was your last period?"

I wasn't surprised.

"About two months ago. But cycles are irregular. I'm still treating on this. "

"Understand. We did some test. You know about what test I'm talking?"

I nodded my head. The nurse gave me small package, which I took to the bathroom with me. After 15 minutes I was sitting in front of the doctor, again.

" You're pregnant, miss. It's seventh week. Congratulation. " he smiled to me.

And I was shocked. I was afraid of this. I'm still thinking about that night. I'm pregnant now and don't even who's the father. I don't remember THAT night, at all.



Two weeks have passed since I know about my state. And I still don't know what to do. I'm alone. I haven't enough money. My apartment is rented. I can't lose my job. I haven't capabilities for the child. I don't want him!

I'm distracted all the time. I do a lot of mistakes in work. If it goes further, I'll be fired or I permanently hurt member of BTS.

When boys are ready, HaNa take me on the corridor, to talk.

"What's going with you? Today it's only to much base, not eyeliner in eye." She said.

I don't want say to her anything. I was ashamed. But I can't handle it alone anymore. I felt like crying. I sat on the windowsill and hide face in my palms.

"SoRa, don't scary me. What's happening?" my friend sat next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

I take few deep breathes, looked around if there no one on corridor and started to speak.

"Do you remember that night, when we went to the club for me to forget about MinHo?" she nodded "I drunk a lot that night and slept with some guy."

"Wow. You forgot about your ex really quickly." She said with crooked smile and eye wide open. "But it's good, anyway. So congratulation."

"You don't understand anything." I get up from the windowsill rapidly and I started to walking around. "I don't remember that night. What I did and with who."

"Don't worry about that. What's important, that was nice."

"You don't know the worst thing."

"What are you talking about?" HaNa get up too.

"I'm pre...pre...gnat." I stammer and begin to cry.

She said nothing, only hugged me.

"I don't know what to do." I was sobbing into her arm.

"Ciii. Calm down, everything will be ok. We overcome this in some way." She's stroking me on the head and back.

I wasn't believe her. Nothing will be ok now!

JungKook POV

I felt wall behind me and I slide down on the floor, because my legs couldn't keep me standing.

I went after SoRa noona on the corridor, because her mom was calling, and she left her phone in dressing-room. I want to give it to her. I saw like she's talking with HaNa noona. She was sad and about to cry. I come closer to them, but they still couldn't see me. SoRa's next wards deprive me of breath and any strength.

Pregnant? Noona is pregnant? This might be ... my baby?

Slowly everything start to make sense. Her dizziness, nausea, distraction and changes of the mood. That're common symptoms. Why I didn't think about it earlier? Thinking about THAT night now... we didn't use protection. We both were drunk and I completely forgot about it. How I can be so stupid?!

I'm hearing how HaNa noona console SoRa noona, saying that everything will be ok and they can cope with that.

"But I don't even know it's father. I don't remember that guy." SoRa noona is sobbing.

She doesn't remember me? Nothing, anything, whatsoever? That's explains why only I recognized her.

"We'll find him." Said HaNa noona.

"How? I don't know anything. How he look like. What's his name. Nothing! Completely nothing!" SoRa noona was despair more loudly.

I couldn't handle it. Her crying tears me apart inside. That's my fault! Noona was entirely drunk, and I take advantage of her. Like stupid, horny male!

"SoRa, calm down. Listen to me carefully." HaNa noona brush SoRa noona away, on the length of her arms. "You said that you don't remember, so you can't be sure that wasn't a rape."

Rape? She couldn't think that. Even if I didn't raped her physically, I did it psychically. I destroyed this woman's life!

"Aniyo, Unni. I'm sure it wasn't. I don't how I know it, but I'm sure that wasn't rape. No one rape so delicate." Said SoRa noona firmly.

"I don't get it."

"Unni, you don't even know how well rested I woke up after that night. And I was happy, despite all the shock. I wouldn't feel that way if someone did rape me."

I'm start crying. I damaged her life, turned her world upside down, but noona said that she was happy. What should I do now? I would like go to her and say that's me, that I remember THAT night thoroughly, that I'm sorry and I'll take care of everything and won't leave her alone. But I know that's not good idea. First of all, she won't believe me. For her I'm only famous kid!

"Did you thing about severing it?" asked HaNa noona.

SoRa noona said nothing. She lowered her head. So she was thinking. But abortion? Isn't it to drastic? Wouldn't she regret that later?

"Hey Kookie, what are you doing here? We have performance soon." The angry Rap Mon come to me.

I stand up hurriedly, wiped my tears away and fixed my clothes.

"I'm coming. I'm sorry."

Leader shake his head with disapprobation and walked back to the dressing-room. I looked once again on the both women and followed him.


JungKook POV

"JungKook, you mistake the steps again! What the hell is going up with you?! " Rap Monster is yelling at me.

That's true. I can't anything properly since last week. I'm making mistakes on practices, can't focus on performances, missing rhythm. I'm not eating and sleeping. I'm still thinking about noona. I didn't say anything to the members, I don't even know with what wards say it. How should I say them, that I, the youngest one going to be father and I'm risking the further career all of us. How I could make such mistake?!

"Kookie, what's happening?" Jin hyung come closer to me "Do you have some problem? May I help you." Said calmly.

Beloved hyung. I always can lean on him. I hugged him without hesitation. I can't stand my own thoughts. Someone have to help me. And Jin hyung can be the best person for this.

"Hey, maknae, what's up? You worry me." I feel that hyung is embracing me.

It's not strange for us. We're like family, brothers. We often show feelings in such way.

"Hyung, I don't know what to do. I screwed up. " I'm sobbing in his arms.

"What happened?" asked Jin hyung, when we went to the buffet, while drinking hot choco.

"I did something terrible, silly. I made huge mistake. I destroyed someone's life. I'll can destroy Bangtans. I don't know what to do, hyung." I'm speaking without looking at him.

"Can you speak more clearly? I don't understand. How can you destroy someone's life? What did you do, that you can't fix it? " hyung was looking at me with questioning and confused gaze.

I took a sip of me beverage, although I didn't have appetite for this. But I have to provide some nutrients to my organism. Since I don't have appetite and only drink water, I'm weakened. I know that this can have bad ending. By drinking the choco I want gain more time. I took deep breath and start speaking.

"Do you remember our 5th anniversary party?"

"Not really. I drunk a way to much." He flinched. The next day he had really bud hangover and probably he doesn't even want to remember.

"That night I met women. She was older than me." I make a pause. Jin hyung has more and more frightened eyes. "We slept together."

His eyes and mouth widened.

"What?" he asked slowly.

"The worst thing hyung, is that this women is SoRa noona. And now she is pregnant." I said almost whispering.

Hyung fall on the chair without any strength. He was silent. What she could say?

"Wow" he sighted "Did noona know about it?" he drive closer to me again.

I shake my head.

"Noona doesn't remember anything from THAT night. She was drunk to unconsciousness. Hyung. I'm feeling that I used her. I destroy her life. What can she do now? What can I do for her?" I lowered my head and started to cry.

Our conversation took some time. He had a lot of questions to me, which I answered in details. We figured out, that I shouldn't say to noona anything for now, and only take care of her from afar. What the kid like me can do other than this to her? Noona, won't take me serious. This talk was staying between us two, under condition that I get myself together and work my best without mistakes. In other way, hyung going to say the members and CEO about everything.



"Noona, let me help you." I heard JungKook's voice behind me.

We finished preparations for their another gig, this time it's verity show. They have some free time yet. The rest of the members took sites on free chairs and sofa, and were sleeping or put theirs noses into phones. Only JungKook come to me and start picking cosmetics to the box. And next helped me tote this to the car.

I must admit that since few passed days, he is behaving strange. He is next to me all the time. He try make a conversation with me. He brings me food and drinks. Does this kid fall in love with me? It's mine, of course. Nobody cared about me so much from long time. And because of my state and so much work, I often hasn't time to eat. In such days, the sandwich from JungKook is really helpful.

However I'm pregnant, I'm not stop working hard. I don't want this child, and if the problem solve itself, I would glad. I can't bring myself on abortion, I couldn't forgive me this in the future. Everyday, I carry this heavy boxes with cosmetics, without asking anyone for help. Sometimes I'm feeling contractions, but I'm not going to see doctor. My first visit to gynecologist, month ago, was the last one.


JungKook POV

We have 10 minutes to going on the stage. Today is performance in Music Bank. I would like to help noona with cleaning, like I do from some time. I can't look how she carries this heavy things. She should care more about yourself now.

"Noona, leave this for now. I'll help you after the show."

"I can do it on my own. Don't worry." She said and carry two heavy boxes.

"It start in three minutes!" shouted some from the stuff.

"Noona, don't..." I'm turning to her, because she passed me already and went to the exit.

In next second, she dropped held boxes, which met floor with loud bang. She bent in half and fell on the knees. I run to her.

"Noona! Noona! What's happening?" I hold her in my arms.

"Stomach. It's hurt." Said through clenched teeth "Baby." Whisper and fall deeper in my embrace.

"Noona! Noona!"

She's not answering me. She flinch from pain and draw legs closer her body. On the floor, the red stain of the blood is growing bigger. Blood?! That's not good!

The members and our manger run to us. I lift noona from the floor.

"Hyung, we need take her to the hospital." I said to the manager and quickly went to the exit.

"Where are you thinking you're going? We're need to go on the scene" said angry Rap Mon.

"Give me her. I take care of her." Manager is reaching for her.

"No. I need to go with noona."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" guys and manager yell at me in unison.

"SoRa noona is pregnant. We don't have time." I spoke imploringly. Why you can't understand?

"That's not your business!" leader grabbed my arm.

"It's my child!" I throw through the teeth, pull out arm from his grab and went out from the dressing-room.

I leave the leader in the center of the room, with mouth open thoughtlessly and blank gaze. The rest of the member looks alike. Expect Jin hyung. He only worry about all this.

SoRa noona was taken to the emergency room straight away. Nurses aren't letting me go with her. I'm staying at the corridor and walking back and forward, like angry tiger in the cage. Manager is looking at me with furious gaze. I know what he is thinking. 'What I have do with you? I'm disappointed young man. '

Manager disappear somewhere for a while and leave me alone. When he's back, he put on me his gray hoodie and give water. I'm not saying anything, only bow lightly.

The doctor come out the emergency room. I calm down now, but I still worry about noona.

"Someone from Nam SoRa's family?" asked.

"Me! I'm the child's father." I said, before manager can stop me.

"The patient is all right now. She's stable and resting. But... I'm sorry. We couldn't save the baby."

I stagger back on the manger behind me. He support me.

"What happened?" I asked with a strangled voice "Why?"

"She has exhausted organism, really strong. Her electrolyte and nutriments are low. Also a strong anemia developed." He explain accurately.

"I understand."

"I'm really sorry. You can see her." Said and went away.

Like a lunatic I went inside the ER, where noona is laying. The nurse point me the right bed. When I went closer, I sow noona's pale face, and I start crying again. But I have to be strong. For her.

I sit on the chair next to her bed and hold her hend. Such innocent gesture is awkward for me, although we did THE BIGEST things. Noona turn head to me and look at me questioningly.

"JungKook, what are you doing here? You should be on the scene." Said with weak voice.

"Noona, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. That's my fault. " I touch her hand with my forhead and start crying. I'm so ashamed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Noona, because I... THAT night... baby..." I can't form proper sentence.

I'm rising my head and look her into eyes. I can't read them. Their totally enigma to me.

"JungKook, I don't understand anything. What are you talking about?" asked again.

"Noona, that child was mine. I destroyed your life. And he is gone."


From this what JungKook said, firstly I only understand that the baby is gone. I have miscarriage. My wish went true. The problem is solved. So why I'm feeling this strange pain in my chest? It took me a moment to understand that JungKook said he was the father. JungKook was THAT man? Impossible. He is baby to. He's only 21 years old! Is this what we did even legal? Why I didn't recognized him? This explains his behavior. He was so kind for me. He cared about me so much. He recognized me and doesn't say anything? Why? He knows about baby? How?

I looked at him. He has lowered head and was crying. He hold my hand tightly all this time. I pull out from his grab. He rise his gaze at me, shocked and hurt. I could read his emotion from his eyes. His pain, sorrow, despair, bitterness, guilt, shame. Everything!

"Why?" I asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Why you didn't say the true to me earlier? You recognized me. You know who I am from the beginning."

"I was scared and ashamed, noona. You wouldn't believe me. I'm only stupid kid for you. I destroy your life. I was afraid, noona. And frightened." He said with a muffled voice and another tears roll down on his cheeks.

He was right, I couldn't get him serious. He's like cute, younger brother to me. I can't even imagine, that he has his first time behind him. He's so innocent. Despite all the anger and grief I have for THAT man, I don't feel it to JungKook. He is young, I was drunk, and happened what happened. But problem is gone now. We can back to normal life.

"JungKook, don't blame yourself. We can't change what happened in the past. But it's all gone. The problem disappeared."

The boy straighten yourself. And looked at shocked.

"The problem disappeared? Noona, what are you talking about?"

"The baby. It's gone. I ever want him. But I couldn't do this drastic thing." I said coldly, don't mind heart's pain. I turn my gaze away from him. I couldn't stand his hurt eyes.

"Noona, you said it so lightly. Is this really doesn't bother you? It's was baby, alive being! Mine child!" he yelled, so nurse scolded him.

"JungKook, it was a PROBLEM. I couldn't rise him alone, and this thing could destroy further career. It's was a treat not only you, but all Bangtans. It's better that it's gone."

"This thing? Problem?" he repeat with disbelief "Noona, do you hear what are you saying? Why are you so cold and inert?"

"I'm happy, that my life finally can be normal. That's all."

He inhale air loudly and become pale. I know, that I'm hurting him. But I'm sincere. I'm content that all this mess is behind me.

"I'm sure, that you don't think this way, noona."

He said that, turn back and went out. I roll on me side, bent legs and drive them closer to the chest. I was sad. But I don't know the reason. Is this because JungKook's hurt gaze or because... the baby? No! Not because of it!


After the show's end, all members called two taxis and went to the hospital, which address gave them their manager.

Everyone, expect Jin, still don't know what's going on. NamJoon was really angry.

When they come to the hospital, they sow JungKook going out from ER. He look like, he was angry and hurt on the same time.

"Koo..." start J-Hope, when they closer.

But maknae passed though him and went out the hospital, without even looking at them. The members looked at each other, not getting the situation.

"What the hell?" swear leader.

They spotted manager and run to him, hoping that he explain something to them.

"Hyung, what's happening?" asked JiMin.

"Oh, you're here." Said blankly.

They go the hospital's buffet and take table on the furthest corner.

"SoRa noona miscarried." Said the oldest man.

Upset Jin lowered his head, the rest stay without any reaction. They still don't know the seriousness of this situation.

"I think, I need explain everything to you." Finally said Jin.

"Hyung, you know something about it?" asked Tae.

"Speak!" ordered Rap Mon.

Jin told them what he knows from maknae. They couldn't believe on this in the beginning, in next minute they got angry at JungKook, that he doesn't speak with them, and in the end they were sad and worried about Kookie.

"We need find him. No one know what stupid things he can do." Said JiMin and stand up. And the rest agreed with him.

They found him two street afar, on the bus stop. He was sitting on the bench, while leaning his head on the stop's wall. He was looking ahead. His head has covered with hoodie's hood. It's miracle that no one recognized him. Before them come closer to him, NamJoon called manager, who stayed in the car in front of the hospital and was waiting for their sign.

"JongKookie" Jin sat next to him.

"Hyung? He is...gone. Noona doesn't ... want... him. She's... happy now." Maknae start crying on hyung's sleeve.

"Ciii. Everything will be ok. Don't thing about it." They sway back and forth.

"It' much."

The van ride up. Jin and J-Hope helped maknae to get in and everyone went to the dorm.

After installing JungKook by hyungs, on the sofa and giving him some calming tea, the youngest tell them whole conversation with SoRa. They felt sorry for him. This situation was too much for such young man.

The next day manager come to take JungKook to the CEO, who already know everything.

JungKook POV

With the soul on my shoulder, I went into CEOs office. I was expecting the worst, that he throw me away from the BTS, or disband them. I reached the bottom, but I can't take them with me. I was inert for everything. I can't get over yesterday's behavior of noona.

"JungKook, sit down!" said CEo without greeting. I obediently did it. "You have a lot to explain to me."

"I don't know where to start." I whispered "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was irresponsible and I take all consequences. But won't disband us, please."

"Relax. Your absence and visit in the hospital yesterday were covered by sudden stomachache. No one know about this mess with that woman. And no one will know." CEO said firmly.

"I'm sorry and thank you."

"How are you doing with that?" he asked a lot nicer.

"I can't handle it at all. It's complete disaster." I said honestly.

"What would you say on short break? Some holidays. You'll go to some fun place. Abroad, to studying?"

Take a break? That's not a bad idea. I'm not feeling like living now. I couldn't focus on work. I need something to occupy my mind. I don't think that sweet vacation will be proper to this. I'll have to much free time to think. I need a drastic change. Something that tire me up at day, and I'll be sleep like stone at night.

"I want go to army." I said seriously.

Dear JungKook,

I don't even know how to start. I need apologize you for my behavior at the hospital. I was in shock. I have too much things to handle and I relive my anger on you.

When I learnt about my pregnancy – my world fell down. That time I was freshly after break up with my long-term boyfriend. I didn't remember THAT drunken night. And next I found out that I'm pregnant , not even know with who. I was scared. I did't want that child. I didn't take care of me I didn't rest. I wanted to get rid of that... problem.

That day, when you went out from ER, I understood how huge mistake I did and how much I hurt you. I understood, why you didn't tell me and take care of me from afar. I'm so grateful for this to you. From long time no one took such care about me. I could feel your positive emotions and feelings. That time I was happy.

JungKook, I'm so, so sorry. I should make proper conversation with you. But I don't have courage. And then you went to army, and I couldn't contact you.

I know that you don't want know me. I understand that. I make you great wound, which not heal so fast. But I wish that we meet soon. Everyone are waiting for your come back. Me... too.

Take care of yourself and come back to us with whole body and health.


Two years later...

"He's going out! He's going out!" the fans are screaming, in front of the military unit's gate.

Finally come the day when JungKook is discharged. I lot of people are come here to greet him: fans, BTS an even SoRa noona.

He right away spotted her on the crowd. She was standing near his members. Jin was protecting her from the fans.

When JungKook went to army was human's wreck. Only thinking about noona and all this situackion make him cry. But he need to be strong. His buddies would point him with their fingers because of this.

He was shocked, scared and happy in the same time, when he got noona's letter. She considered her behavior and regretted the baby losing, like he did. And she doesn't think that JungKook is still a kid. She admitted that he is very meanly guy.

Thanks to his army service, JungKook become stronger physically and psychically. His life's point of view has changed. He's not innocent kid anymore. He's sterling, responsible man. He learnt humbleness and endurance. He needed it. He cleared his mind and renew his soul.

JungKook stopped in front of the gate, smiled wildly and salute to everyone. The fans start to scream again and throw him flowers. Everybody ware excite to seeing him. They wait for him so long.

The members throw themselves on his neck. They hugged him, scream too and jumping around.

"1,2,3 Bang Tang! We're Bangtansonyondan." They greeted crowd officially.

"We're so happy that our maknae is back. The bend wasn't the same without him." Said the leader.

"Thank you for coming here for me and such worm greeting. During my service I got a lot of your love and support. This was giving me strength. I'm back again and I start to work hard. I want to show you the new me and my energy."

The crowd start to scream again and applaud. The media were taking photos and asking a lot of questions.

When the commotion ended, JungKook with the members went to the van. There he met SoRa noona.

"Good to see you again." She said and smiled.

And next she did something unexpected for everyone – she hugged JungKook.


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