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DIANA STONE CAME FROM THE STONE FAMILY, A FAMILY WELL KNOWN AROUND LONDON. They were wealthy, yet not uptight. They held parties, though not ones to show off. They were a family that was so unlike any other wealthy family, that it was comforting to those who met them.

In the year 1921, there was not much fairness in the world, the egalitarian society some hoped to live in, was far off ever becoming a reality, and the Stone family knew that for sure. Diana was the only child of Juliet and Edwin Stone, a couple who even before the war believed in equality whether it be for gender, race, or equal pay to workers. And many people didn't like that they thought this, especially people who were of the same echelon status as them.

The family lived in a large home in the Yorkshire countryside, though the family were originally from London, but moved away for a more quiet life, rather than the busy streets where people roamed daily. The house they lived in was brought generations back in the Stone family, and Diana adored it. The corridors seemed to go on forever, with paintings hanging among them, almost watching Diana with every step that she took. Her closet was filled with handmade dresses, made with expensive material that the local shops had given to her and her life filled with glorious things.

But that wasn't all that Diana wanted. She wanted something new, something exciting and she knew she wasn't going to find it here at her home. The thing that excited Diana most in life now was the horses her family had. In the land that they owned, the Stone family owned many horses, not for racing, no, they were merely for pleasure and looking after. Daily, Diana would go out feeding and riding the horses to pass the time by, but even that over the past few years had become a daily thing that only made Diana wish for something new in her life.

The young blonde woman wished for adventure. She knew that because she came from a wealthy family, she was expected to wed into another wealthy family. Diana didn't want that if she were to marry it was going to be for love, no matter the man's social status or even how much money he had. Luckily, her parents didn't judge the way Diana thought, due to her father, Edwin marrying her mother, Juliet, who had once worked for the Stone family when Edwin was only a boy.

Edwin's family had been landowners from generations back, owning land all across Great Britain, whereas Juliet's family was born and bred in London, working for the higher class of society. Juliet had worked in the kitchens when she was only a teenager and met Edwin when he was a handsome young man and eventually they had fallen in love. The pair understood they could never be together as Edwin's father would never have allowed it, but his father died when he was only 18, making Edwin the now head of the Stone family, which meant he could make decisions and allowed himself to marry for love, not for money. And so Diana had always been brought up with the words 'if you find someone you love, hold onto them', but there was no one she had yet met that made Diana feel loved for who she was, only the money and status she had. But that was soon going to change Diana hoped.

Diana had a plan, she was now a grown 24-year-old woman who wanted a life outside of the Stone family. Although she loved her family dearly, she knew that if she stayed here forever, she was never going to find what she was looking for; love and adventure, and the only way to find that would be to travel.

When walking through the local village, Diana had overheard a group of girls chatter about the town of Small Heath in Birmingham, and that's what Diana set her heart on. Birmingham was far enough for Diana that she hopefully wouldn't be known, she wouldn't have to walk around knowing that people only knew her for her name. Now she could be a new face, and would hopefully meet people who were true, genuine and interested in who she was, rather than the facade she put on.

She had only told her mother of this plan, she didn't tell her father in fear that he wouldn't let her go as far as Birmingham, but Diana had her heart set on it, and if it meant not telling her father then so be it. Sitting on her bed, her mother sat across from her, Diana grabbed Juliet's hands.

"Mother, please, I have to do this. There's so much waiting out there for me and it can't get to me unless I go out there and find it." She told her mother, who placed a hand on her cheek.

"Is this what you truly want, darling?" She asked as Diana nodded her head, looking at her mother with pleading eyes. "Please mother," She told her as her mother patted her hands.

"That's settled then, in three days we will go to the train station for you to go to Birmingham." Her mother told her, as Diana smiled at her lovingly. "Thank you so much for this mother, but what about father?" She questioned,

Juliet just stood up, walking towards Diana before turning, "leave your father to me, he won't stop you from doing what you desire. All we want is for you to be happy, my darling." Juliet told her, before closing her door.

She was finally living her life, but nothing could have prepared her for what was to meet her in Birmingham.

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