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Troye was too scared to sleep by himself, so me and him were sharing my bed. I wake up to a frail boy innocently clutching at the front of my tshirt. Troye snores softly and I smile. Running my fingers through his hair. He's so pretty. Then, his eyebrows scrunch together like something's bothering him in his sleep and a small whine comes from his mouth. I hush him quietly, combing his curls with my fingers and he relaxes soon after.

No one should have to go through what Troye did... And I have a sick feeling that this wasn't the first time something like this has happened to him. I watch as his nose twitches around and he sneezes like a small kitten. Needless to say, my heart melted. I place a lingering kiss on his forehead. Okay, maybe I do care for him more than a friend should.

I just watch him sleep for the next few minutes, admiring his young and innocent appearance, especially with his light blue knee socks and my white shirt on. It wasn't even that big on him, so it revealed a bit of his ass in some positions. Turns out, Troye loves wearing lace panties. They were black, which had a major contrast to the light clothes he was wearing. While I gazed down, his eyes fluttered open and he yawned into my shirt.

"Morning." I say stretching and Troye just groans out, "Noooo."

I smirk as I think of an idea. He hates when I joke around with him sexually. So that's exactly what I do.

"Babe, we need to get out of bed... Or I'll end up fucking you awake." Troye whines and I smirk, "... and it won't be hard considering your outfit makes me think of all the things I could do to you." I reach down and grope his ass. He just buries his face into the pillow and makes disgruntled noises while weakly swatting at my hands. I chuckle then say, "Then you gotta get up Babe." Finally, he shifts around, stretching then sits up. "I like how you just don't care that I grabbed your ass a few seconds ago."

He just shrugs. "Maybe I liked it." And then sends me a cheeky wink and I scoff. "And I thought you said that I didn't reach your standards."

I sigh, "Yeah, the only person I was kidding was myself. Sorry, again, about saying that..." I say sincerely while scratching the back of my neck.

Troye smiles, fumbling with his fingers, but his smile drops in a span of two seconds. "L-Listen, Connor. I need drugs again. Like now." Troye says, biting his nails. And I sigh and shake my head, "I can't see you waste your life away Troye. I care enough about you to never want to see you end up where most of my clients end up."

Troye's bottom lip quivers as he hears my words, "P-Please Connor. I'll do anything, but I need PCP now. Anything at all, just let me get my dose! At least for today, after today, the next time I ask for drugs, take me for treatment. But not today, especially considering what h-happened yesterday."

Troye pleads, tears gathering in his eyes and I give in. Taking some out of my closet, I give him a small bag. "That's all you're getting though. Two lines. That's it. And no mixing with alcohol." I chide him like he's a Baby girl (😏). "Promise me."

"O-okay. I promise. Two lines. No alcohol." He reaches out his pinky and I lock it in a pinky promise with mine.

"Good girl, I don't wanna see you breaking it." I'm about to walk out but before, I turn around, "I just realized I called you "good girl" sorr-"

"I like it." Troye says meekly and I nod, not entirely surprised.

"Ok then Baby Girl. Come out when you're sober, okay?" He nods and smiles at me thankfully.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

I'm cooking brunch for the both of us when Lilly comes home. I haven't seen her since yesterday when she chased after Matt.

"Hey. How'd it go yesterday? Did you catch that son of a bitch?" I ask, dicing some bell peppers.

She sighs and nods. "I got to him and roughed him up. But I thought I would end up killing him so I left after he couldn't stand up on his own."

I high five her and laugh. "Good. You know if I was there, I wouldn't have let him live. I'm being serious about that." I tell her, and she nods.

"You care about him, don't you?" I exhale sharply, "Unfortunately I do, unfortunately I do. It took me a long time to admit it to myself, but he's caught my eye, and a bit of my heart." Lilly smiles and 'awwwws', coming behind me and patting my back, "This is only the beginning Con..."

I hear my bedroom door open, and a sleepy Troye stumbles down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lilly nudges my ribs with her elbow like a middle schooler and smirks at me. I roll my eyes, but focus on Troye. "Sober yet Baby girl?" As Troye nods, I enjoy watching Lilly gape at my pet name for him.

"How long were you high until you knocked yourself out?" I ask, just trying to understand how addicted he was to angeldust.

"An hour, maybe two." Troye's still rubbing his eyes and I sigh, "You've built up such a strong tolerance to it Troye. Two lines should have lasted you at least 4 hours, if not more. I think the sooner you start rehab, the better."

I hear Troye whine but he hugs me from the back, resting his head on my upper back and wrapping his arms around my torso, "Uggghhhhh..." He just groans lazily and I shake my head. "Babe c'mon, stop being so childish."

He groans again, but louder this time and I spin around quickly, glaring at him. He jumps at my sudden movement and sort of hugs himself as an immediate instinct for self protection. But then Troye sees my slight irritation, he pouts his bottom lip out further and gives me the saddest puppy face on Earth. This sort of pulls me into a trance and I feel terrible about scaring him few seconds before and my mouth falls in awe. "Sorrrrrryyyy..." I open my arms and Troye falls into them, "I didn't mean to yell at you... Awww, you're so cute when you're scared." Troye whimpers and mutters something along the lines of, "You scared meeee..." and I melt. I look down at his messy curls and smile. He's so precious and adorable. Finally, I look up and realize Lilly's still there. She's just swinging her legs while sitting on the counter, taking pictures of us, and of course, ruining the moment by awwwwing.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

"Show me those pictures!" I yell after Troye leaves to go to his apartment. Lilly scoffs, but hands her phone to me. I look through the twenty something photos and stop on this one where I'm smiling down at him while he's leaning against my shirtless chest. Troye's standing on his toes slightly, so my shirt (that he's wearing) rides up from the back and reveals his black lace panties. The picture was absolutely perfect. It was so domesticated, yet Troye showed the same amount of sex appeal as fucking Marilyn Monroe.

"Awww... Connor you're blushing." Lilly says with sympathy and I sit next to her on the counter and put my head in her lap.


"Yeah babe?" Lilly asks in a singsong voice that she knows eases me.

"What do I do? I really like him... And I was such an asshole to him so many times. He'll never like me." I complain like a sixth grader.

Lilly chuckles, "Told you this attitude of yours was gonna come back to bite you. But anyway, pursue him as soon as possible. So you don't get in that weird position where you don't wanna ruin a great friendship so you don't try to date, you know what I mean?"

I sigh, nodding. I still am going through the same pictures of him on Lilly's phone and I send them all to me.

"By the way, can you ask him where he got those black panties? They were so cute!!!"


Believe it or not, I'm actually alive. But I had lots of midterms and finals last week and this week so... Sorry? But anyway hope y'all like it! Love youuuu

Twitter/Tumblr: @KingTronler
(I like crushing trump supporters on Twitter occasionally, ikr #goals)

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