Little do you know

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Ghost didn't realized he slept on the couch until he remember watching TV (Chicago PD) after taking Caesar to bed. Ghost glanced at his clock as it read 2:48am. "Great must've fell asleep." he said before he went into the kitchen to drink some milk.

He opened the fridge, grabed the milk, placed it on a counter, grabed a cup and poured it in the cup. Then before he could drink it, the phone ringed. 'What, again its almost 3 in the moring and people call me then?' he thought before he went to it and picked it up. "Hello?' he said hoping it was just a but dial or a wrong number. "Ghost, we have a problem." Ghost was confused. "Raph?" he said. "Yeah, its me dipstick." Ghost frowned. "What is it?" "Me and Swift were heading to the woods for some training and found a krang ship." Ghost's eye widen in shock. "A krang ship? I thought they were all extinct." "They were until now. We think they're after the family." ghost couldn't believe this. They haven't seen the krang 2 weeks after they all first met each other. And that was 3 years ago. Whatever that krang ship was doing, it can't be good. "Thanks for the call Raph. Is Swift ok?" "Yeah, he's in his room asleep." Ghost let out a sigh of relief. "One more thing." Raph replied. "Yeah," "Swift kinda twisted his ankle during practice so I'm gonna need some back up."

Ghost frowned again. "You need me don'tcha?" ".....yes." Raph finally said. "Why not Master Splinter?" "I don't wanna worry him. I mean we have Caesar, I can't let him know that we found a krang ship with a baby staying with you. Worse, the krang might find out about him." Ghost couldn't blame the turtle. Swift was recovering and didn't wanna worry Splinter. Ghost knew he really didn't have a chose. Besides, someone had to watch Raph's back. "*sigh*....When do we leave?"

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