Ch6 - Secrets

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Wow! It's been a while! I've had many people, even up to this day, asking me to continue. It's been a year, I know, but I never intended to abandon this story. 

I must admit that I am not much of an author, and that I kinda started this story on a whim, not sure of where I was going. I still don't really have a plan, which is what has kept me from updating all this time. My only plan is that, as I write, I will come up with one. That said, does anyone have any ideas for what could happen, or what they want to happen? I didn't think anyone would like this, but I've gotten so many nice comments that I figured some of you could help haha.

Anyway, on with the chapter!! (also, you might want to re-read the last chapter, it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger!)

(Also please read the authors note at the end of the chapter, thanks!)


Hiccup frowned, confusion spreading over his features. Where was Henry's scar? Why did he look so... familiar?

Henry, quickly realizing his mistake, decided to speak up.

"Ummmm, it's not what you think" He stuttered, at a loss for words.

"What do you think it looks like?" Hiccup asked, his confusion deepening. Henry furrowed his brows, why had he done that?? Why did he have to take it off? Of course, he couldn't have left it on to sleep, but he could have figured SOMETHING out. Now he had to come up with ANOTHER excuse.

"Uhhh... Umm.. yeah I don't know" Henry admitted, he had no excuse for his blatant lies. Hiccup sighed.

"Why, um, why'd you lie about the scar?"

"Oh, um, that's a good question"

"Does that question have an answer?"

"Ummm, no?" 

Henry couldn't help but to find the situation somewhat funny. He remembered his younger self as timid. Definitely sarcastic, but undeniably timid. It was odd to see him so overtly analytical and pushy, especially of someone so much older, like him.

 "Please, just tell me why" Hiccup pleaded, a sense of urgency in his voice. Henry groaned, as funny as this was, there was no clear way out. He may as well tell him the truth, the boy was smart, Henry knew that as a definite fact.

"You're not going to believe me"

"Hah, try me" Hiccup let out a small laugh, rolling his eyes.

"No seriously, you won't. It's crazy."

"Henry, I have a DRAGON as a pet, in a village that KILLS DRAGONS. I know all about crazy." 

Henry sighed, he had a point. But then again, this was time travel. It was a whole new WORLD of crazy, on many levels.

"Well, ummm, so, you see, umm.." He trailed off, unsure of where to start. Hiccup huffed, why couldn't Henry just tell him the truth? 

"Where are you from, really?" The boy started, eager to see if he was really telling the truth before. 

"Berk" Henry stated, his mind still reeling on how to explain what happened. 

"What? But you said you were from the Bog-Burglars tribe..." Hiccup asked, agitated at the complexity of the situation. Henry could see the cogs turning in the young boy's mind.

"Well, um, it's complicated" 

Hiccup let out a loud groan, but nodded his head nonetheless. 

"Fine, is Henry your real name?" 

"Ummm, no... but-"

"What is it then??"

"Hiccup... It's Hiccup.." Henry sighed. Hiccup's eyes widened, unsure now of what really was the truth.

"Are, umm, are you lying?" 

"No, I'm not, I promise" Henry affirmed. The familiar look of confusion crossed Hiccup's face once again.

"But, how are you from Berk? How have I never seen you before? How has NO ONE seen you before?" Hiccup asked, the questions flowing out of his mouth in desperation for answers.

"Uh, well, that's the confusing part" Henry admitted, almost looking somewhat guilty.

"Okay, well, ummm, can you try to explain?" Hiccup inquired. Henry nodded, gulping in anticipation to the boy's reaction.

"Well, I'm from Berk, just not the Berk you know. Like, yes this Berk, but also NOT this Berk, yeah?" Henry feebly tried to explain, failing miserably. Hiccup recoiled in confusion, what on earth was he talking about? Henry let out another long sigh.

"Well, I am from this Berk. Just this Berk in another time." 

Hiccup egged him to go on.

"Berk from, well, the future" Henry finally confessed, unsure of how Hiccup would take the news. The whole idea of, well, time travel was not something that ever crossed his mind until it unfortunately happened to him. Hiccup's face showed signs of clarity, to the man's suprise.

"So, like, you came back... in time?"

"I, uh, guess so"

"But how?"

"That's a good question" 

"Can you at least answer THAT?" Hiccup rolled his eyes once again.

"No, I was just sitting in my hut when suddenly BAM, I was hit on the head. And I woke up in the ring, just like that." Henry retold the events, still fresh in his mind. 

"So it wasn't on purpose?" Hiccup cocked his head in question.

"No, it most certainly was not" Henry signed for what felt like the one hundredth time that night.

"Wait, how far in the, uh, future?" 

"Umm," Henry wondered, he hadn't actually thought about that, "about.. five years I'd say"

Hiccup's eyes widened.

"So you know future me?"

Henry let out a nervous laugh, he couldn't believe the boy hadn't figured it out yet. Then again, apart from the most obvious features, they did not have a great deal of similarities.

"Wait, who are you? Now, I mean. Like, at this current time" Hiccup struggled to ask. Man, the whole concept of travelling through time was really playing with his head. Henry let out another rather nervous laugh.

"Aha, well, that's the most complicated part of ALL!"

"What could be more complicated than TIME TRAVEL?!"

"You see... I'm actually, like, future... you?" 

"You're... what??"

"Future you, yeah" Henry meekly smiled.

Hiccup's mind was whirling as everything started to fall into place. Henry's familiar features, occupation in the forge, not to mention his placid response to finding toothless.

"Wait, do you have Toothless in the future?" The words tumbled out of Hiccup's mouth.

"Uhh, ye- wait, I probably shouldn't tell you stuff like that, yeah?" Henry said, thoroughly confused at the perplexity of the situation.

"What do you mean?" Hiccup retorted.

"Well, if I tell you what happens in the future, wouldn't that, like, alter it in a way?"

"True... but I already now know I'm atleast ALIVE in the future, can't you tell me a little more?" Hiccup pleaded.

"I suppose so," Henry grumbled, "well, I do have Toothless in the future, if you must know so bad"

Hiccup grinned at that respond.

"So do the other villagers accept him too?" He asked eagerly.

"Hey, stop! I'm not answering anything else, who knows what could happen!"

It was Hiccup's turn to grumble.

"What abou-"

"Hiccup, no"

He grumbled yet again.

"Fine, ugh, I'm going to sleep"

"Same, it's been a loongg day"

"True that" Hiccup said, yawing, as he settled down to sleep.

"Goodnight Hiccup"

"Goodnight Henry"


Well! The cat is out of the bag! To Hiccup, at least.

To be honest, I wasn't particularly happy with this chapter. Probably why it took me so long (a year) to write and update it. Anyway, I rewrote it several times, with many separate outcomes, but I eventually settled with this one. I wasn't originally going to have Hiccup find out Henry's true identity, but I figured I'd held it off long enough.

AnYwAy, I have a few questions regarding the story (and other things) that I'd really appreciate if you'd all answer.

1. Should I continue calling older-Hiccup Henry now that Hiccup knows? I figure it makes it easiest, but I'm not sure.

2. Any requests of things you'd like to see happen? As I mentioned at the start, I don't really have a plan for the story (I'm a bad author, I know) so I could really use all of your opinions!!

3. Any other ideas for other stories/one shots? I'm feeling particularly motivated to write stuff, and if I get enough ideas I might even start a one-shot book and/or another story.

4. Got any feedback/requests/questions/comments/anything else? Please comment them here! I promise I'll respond to everyone's things (If anyone's even reading this!!)

Now, I know some of you might be wondering why Hiccup took the news so easily, but I promise some skepticism will come! I'm also sorry for the lack of description in this chapter. Writing conversations is definitely not my strong point.

Anyyywayy, hopefully I'll update soon. So see y'all then!

- Wolfygrace

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