Chapter 11

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(Percy's POV)

     Once the rainbow was made I reached into my hoodie pocket, and pulled out a small golden dracma then I flicked it into the rainbow. "Oh goddess of the rainbow,  please show us Jason Grace." I said, and a few moments later he appeared in the  mist. "Yo, Jason!" I said, happiness  filling me when I saw my partner in crime, and I  called out to grab his attention.
   "Percy?" Jason asked, turning away from whatever he was doing. "It is nice to see you. Why did you call?" He asked offering a grin as he glanced to Hide for a split second.
   "I'll tell you in a moment.  Can you  go get the others first? Hazel, Frank , and Piper?" I asked.
   Jason nodded slightly. "Of course.  I'll  be right back in a moment." He stated then left from the view of the mist screen.
   "So, that's  Jason?" Hide questioned  after  a moment as he kept his eyes trained on the mist.
   "Yep! He is at the Roman camp right now with the rest of thr seven, Piper, Hazel, and Frank." Leo said, a wide grin finding its way across his own lips.
   Hide nodded slightly as Hazels face came  into view along with Jason, Piper, and Frank.
   ''So whats going on?" Hazel asked, watching Hide  as her gaze moved to him and stayed  there.
   "We got some new big prophecy." I said with a slight  wince. "As well as some new campers." I added to try and add some light on thr dark news I had delivered.
   "Another... No. What the Hades?" Jason asked in a deep growl like voice,  showing  his clear irritation that wad evident in his voice. "We just put the  dirt queen to rest, who  else is there to go up against? "
   I grimaced  slightly  at Jason's  words then I spoke. "To rest, but only rest. Jason, monsters are never really killed. They go back to tartarus to heal up there then they always come back here. They dont die." I said watching Jason closely. He seemed more tired, and worn out now that I truly looked. Not that I blamed hin any. No one had ever truly got a good nights sleep after the last war.
    "So are you saying that, that  is the situation with Gaea? Percy, she is not just a monster, she is the earth itself, a goddess. She can't just come back thus quickly  after the war and her defeat. She should be fast asleep." Jason stated, running a hand through his short blonde hair.
   I let his words sink into my mind for a monent. What he had said did make plenty sense, but then again there was no other explanation  as to all the shit that has been going down. "Then who else could there be Jason?" I asked. "Who else is a threat?"
   Jason sighed softly then  placed his thumb in between his lips, clearly deep in thought. "Erase Gaea, and Kronos from the enemies  we need to worry about. Who else or what else is there?" He pondered. "What  enemies have showed  up at camp half-blood?" Jason asked, and Hide grinned as he spoke up.
   "A hydra so far, and ghouls from Japan." Hide answered then added, "sorry, name is Nagachika Hideyoshi but you can just call me Hide." Hide grinned as he spoke.
   Jason blinked, looking at Hide as though  he had forgotten he was there.  "Ghouls from Japan? Are they any different from the ones here in America? Also its a pleasure to meet you Hide." Jason said, adding in the last part.
   Hide nodded in response  to Jasons questions. "Yes, ghouls in Japan are diffrent the ghouls here. The ones  in Japan  are still alive and are human. They cannot eat human food, and just like the ghouls  here their diet is  mainly human meat but they can also digest coffee as well for some reason." Hide answered then added. "They are not  monsters, at least not all of them. They have emotions as well." Hide stated, his mind wondering  to all the ghouls that treated Kaneki as family and as well as to Kaneki himself.
   Jason studied Hide then looked back to me. "I believe this discussion would be wise to have face to face with everyone else around  to hear." Jason  declared as the IM call  started to fade out. "I will get to camp half-blood with the others as soon as i can." Jason said leaving no room for any argument as the call ended, leaving me staring straight  at where Jasons image had once been.
   After  a moment  of silence  Leo spoke up after being  silent throughout the call. "So what is it if queen dirt face isn't  coming  back?" Leo asked, knowing he wouldnt  get a answer at the time.
   I shrugged then turned towards  Leo, and Hide. "We will find out once Jason arrives." I stated with a offered grin. "Until then we should  probably  start setting up the defense around the camp. I doubt we would want anymore unwanted  guests to pop ib to say hello." I said  as footsteps came up behind Hide and Leo.
   "Defense would be a wise idea. The forest reeks something  fierce of ghouls. " Kaneki spoke up from behind Hide.
   At the sound of Kaneki's  voice Hide spun around immediately,  fast enough  to give himself  whip lash. "Kaneki, what the hell? Don't go off to fight and not comr back! You could have been killed and I would never have known!'' Hide hissed, his voice laced with hurt and worry.
  I blinked  as I watched the exchange  between the  ghoul and demi-god. Kaneki didn't seem  to be showing any sort of emotion while Hide seemed to be over  flowing with it. After watchibg the two i glanced over to Leo who seemed to be watching the two with amusement as well.
   Kaneki opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Hide suddenly yanked Kaneki in a tight hug.
  "Don't  apologize  idiot." Hide mumbled, his head hurried deep into Kaneki's neck. "Just dont go, and die on me."
   My eyes widened, and my hand went to riptide in my hoodie pocket. Kaneki gave off the feeling that he wasn't  to fond of any human contact. How was he going to react to Hide's touch? I gripped riptide, ready to protect Hide from any attack.
   After seconds ticked by that for some reason felt like hours Kaneki reacted to the hug. Instead of attacking  Hide  like I thought be would, his face flashed with hesitation  before he wrapped his  own pale arms around Hide,  his lips  twitching slightly to the start of a small grin.
   "Ok." Kaneki said finally, his voice softly spoken as he gave Hide a slight squeeze. "I'll  be careful."
  I released a breath i didn't even know  I was holding, and I let go of riptide. How could I have been so stupid? Of course Kaneki  would never hurt Hide.
  "Good." Hide responded then pulled away from Kaneki, his cheeks dusted the palest pink  that  was just barely  there.
  "Well now that everyone is back and happy, can we end this  amazing  get together  party? We all have places to be, things to do,and people to see!" Leo said ,the humor in his voice as he wiggled his eyebrows towards Hide and Kaneki when he said 'things to do.'
  I grinned, and nodded at Leo. "Yeah, we should  get to work  on defense, and prepare for Jason and the others to come." I stated, holding in a amuse laugh as i noticed that Kaneki's   pale skin had a pink tint to it from Leo's  word's.
  Hide nodded as wrll the grabbed Kaneki's  hand. "Kankei, and I will come, and help but I  need to go check Kaneki  for   any injuries." Hide stated and I nodded.
  "Of course. You do you ." I stated.
  "Hide I'm  fine-" Kaneki  started to speak  but was cut off as Hide  already started to drag him towards the Apollo cabin.
  I chuckled softly as I  watched them go then I turned to Leo. "I need to go talk to the Ares cabin about patrols around the camp. You gonna go start on  defense?" I asked, and Leo nodded.
  "Already on it." Leo said with a joking  grin and a half assed salute as he turned then sped off to his own cabin.
   I watched Leo go and I sighed. Were there any other enemies that I know of? I shook my head and with that final thought I turned to the cabins  direction and started to  walk. Who haven't  I thought of?

(Hey guys!  I worked  to get this out so sorry if it seems rushed and boring ^^;; I hope it's  somewhat enjoyable at least! Please comment any ideas  to have if you want! Thanks for reading this chapter ~♡))

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